Move up or down a school year

If your child is gifted and talented or has experienced problems like ill health, they might be able to move up or down a year at school. This is called an admission out of chronological age.

Moving years at your child's current school

If your child is already attending school, you should talk to the headteacher about your child moving between years.

Moving to a new school

If you're applying for your child to move schools and want them to start in another year group, you need to:

  1. Apply for a place based on their normal age group
  2. Email with a letter requesting that they start in a different year

The letter must include:

  • why you think your child should start out of their normal year group
  • the year group you wish your child to start in

Each school you apply for will make its own decision on whether your child can start in the year you request. Asking for your child to start in a different year will not affect whether they are offered a place.

Apply to move schools.