In-year coordinated admission scheme for schools in Leeds 2024 to 2025

In-year coordinated admission scheme for Leeds schools for academic year: September 2024 to July 2025.

Finalised 1 August 2024.


An in-year application is an application that is:

  • submitted on or after 1 September 2024 for a place in reception, year 7 or year 3 at junior schools
  • for a place in year 1 to year 6 at a primary school at any time
  • for a place in year 8 to year 11 at secondary school at any time

What this scheme does not apply to

  • normal round applications. This means applications made in advance for places in reception, year 7 or year 3 at junior school in September. A separate process and coordination scheme applies. 
  • Applications for places in a school nursery or school sixth form - families need to contact the school to apply for such places. 
  • Places at any special school (SILC) where children need an EHC Plan to name the school. 
  • In-year applications for schools located outside Leeds - families must contact the Local Authority the school is based in to find out how to apply. 
  • In-year applications for Leeds schools who are their own Admission Authority (this is the Governing Body for foundation and voluntary aided schools and is the Academy Trust for academies and free schools) and have opted-out of in-year coordination for the 2024/25 school year – you can see whether a school is included in the scheme at the end of this document.

Fair Access Protocol
- This coordination scheme does not change Leeds Fair Access Protocol which applies to all Leeds schools and is separate. All schools are bound by the Fair Access Protocol under paragraph 3.15 of the School Admissions Code 2021.

In-year applications for Leeds schools

A parent can apply for a place for their child at any school, at any time (paragraph 2.23 of the School Admissions Code 2021).

When to apply: We recommend parents make in-year applications no more than one half term before the child would start at the school, as in-year places are not held open for long periods of time. 

How to apply: The Local Authority (LA) provides a central online parent application portal for families to use to request places for all Leeds schools except UTC Leeds. Parents can express up to 5 school preferences on their in-year application. 

Families may need to provide additional verification evidence if they seek the child to be admitted under specific admission criteria, for example, if the child is looked after, meets faith admission criteria or there has been a recent change of address (if a parent provides information which is prohibited under the Admission Code, this will not be saved to the application or shared with schools).

Any Supplementary Information Form (SIF) to evidence faith must be sent directly to the school. All other additional evidence is submitted by email to Additional evidence should be submitted at the same time as the online portal application is made.

Schools with spaces

Schools with spaces in the required year group are likely to be able to offer an immediate start.

All LAs are required to provide information to families about the places available in all schools within our area. This is available on our website at Apply to move schools. We list all Leeds schools, except UTC Leeds, and whether there are spaces in any year groups. These lists are updated weekly during term time.

Vacancies are based on the data each Leeds school inputs into SAM (paragraph 2.27 of the School Admissions Code requires school to provide details of the number of places available at the school within 2 school days of the LA requesting this).

In-year admission information on school websites

By 31 August each year, all Leeds schools must include on their own website how parents can apply for a school place in-year.

We provide a template for admission websites that can be accessed from Leeds for Learning. It can be used from 1 August each year.

  • Opt-in schools: we recommend using our template as this ensures schools link to our website where families can find details of this scheme.
  • Opt-out schools: will need to have a suitable application form for parents to complete from September 2025. The school website should include any supplementary information forms and must set out when parents will be notified of the outcome of their application and details about the right to appeal.

For the 24/25 school year only, schools who opt-out can still receive applications through the Leeds online portal under the 2-year transition plan. However, no daily emails will be sent to advising applications are visible in SAM. From September 2025 onwards, Leeds online application portal will no longer be available for in-year applications when a school opt-out of in-year coordination. The school will need their own in-year accessible admission application form, method of managing a waiting list, calculating distances and making decisions on catchment area.

Decision making

The law does not give parents a right to ‘choose’ which school their child will attend.

Schools must comply with any preference expressed by a parent or carer about which school they would prefer their child to be educated in, subject to certain exceptions. The law recognises that it might not be possible to offer the school place that is requested, for a number of reasons including:

  • because admitting the child would prejudice the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources or because the school’s statutory infant class size limit of 30 has been reached. This means the year group is full and the school cannot admit any more pupils
  • because the child has been permanently excluded from two or more schools and the most recent of the exclusions took place within the last two years

Leeds schools cannot refuse to admit a child solely because:

  1. they have applied later than other applicants;
  2. they are not of the faith of the school in the case of a school designated with a religious character;
  3. they have followed a different curriculum at their previous school; or
  4. information has not been received from their previous school.

The admission process is objective, and if a school has a place in the requested year group, a place should be offered to the applicant child. If there are more applications than places, the school must allocate places on the basis of the oversubscription criteria in their determined 2024/25 admission policy only (paragraph 2.28 of the School Admissions Code).

If the school has no places free, the application will be refused and the decision letter must set out the reason for refusal and information about the right to appeal (paragraph 2.30 of the School Admissions Code).

Decisions for Leeds schools included in this scheme

Applications are processed during term time. Applications (along with any required verification documents) must be submitted by midnight on a Sunday to be considered in any allocation taking place in the following week.

Leeds City Council will send a single decision letter that gives the following information:

  • whether a place can be offered or not, at all preferenced schools. If a place can be offered at more than one preference on the application list, a place will be offered at the school highest on the list
  • if no place can be offered at any of the preferences, no alternative school offer will be made - the family will be able to amend their application to add new preferences
  • if any preference is refused, the letter will include
  • whether the child has been added to the waiting list
  • the reasons why the child is not being offered a place at any preference school(s). This is usually because there are no spaces, and the school cannot admit extra pupils without suffering prejudice
  • information about the family’s statutory right of appeal against any decisions to refuse places at preference schools

Start date

Our decision letter will not include a start date. The family need to accept the offer directly with the school and the start date will be agreed between the school and family. 

If the family fail to accept the place, it may be withdrawn and offered to another child.

If the child is without a current school place or cannot access their current school place due to a significant house move, arrangements will be made for the child to start at the school as soon as possible. If there has been no house move and the child can still attend the previous school, the start date may be at the beginning of the next half term.

Decision for Leeds schools who opt out of this scheme

The school’s Admission Authority (this is the Governing Body for foundation and voluntary aided schools and the Academy Trust for academies and free schools) are responsible for sending their own decision letter to the family. It is a requirement of the Admission Code that they should aim to notify the parents of the outcome of their application in writing within 10 school days, and families must be notified in writing within 15 school days.

The school must also tell the LA of the application and decision within 2 school days (paragraph 2.30 of the School Admissions Code).

Verification evidence including supplementary information forms (SIF)

All preferences expressed on an in-year application form are valid school applications. 

As set out in the Admissions Code, there is some information and documentation that cannot be considered when making school admission decisions. The types of information that can be asked for are set out below:

Information that must be provided

  • Parent’s name and address.
  • Child’s name, address, and date of birth.
  • School preferences.

Information that can be requested but is not mandatory

  • Evidence that would allow a child to be placed higher on the oversubscription criteria: for example, documents that show a child meets the previously looked after child definition, or proof of address documentation.
  • A SIF if applying under faith oversubscription criteria.
  • Evidence of meeting the ‘challenging behaviour’ definition in 3.10 of the Code.

Information that must not be requested

  • Any personal details about parents and families, such as maiden names, criminal convictions, marital, or financial status (including marriage certificates).
  • The first language of parents or the child.
  • Details about parents’ or a child’s disabilities, special educational needs, or medical conditions.
  • Requiring parents to agree to support the ethos of the school in a practical way.
  • Requiring both parents to sign the form, or for the child to complete the form.
  • Once a place has been offered, schools may ask for proof of birth date, but must not ask for a ‘long’ birth certificate or other documents which would include information about the child’s parents.

Where a school’s admission policy requires additional information to be able to rank the application, such as a SIF to evidence faith criteria, should a school chase any applicants for a SIF, they should contact all applicants and not just selected applicants.

Three Leeds secondary schools offer an aptitude priority which may be a priority for in-year applications. If families seek to apply for a place under this priority, they will need to follow the school’s own process for this.

An in-year application must be ranked based on the information held at the time. It should only be updated to meet higher criteria once any required extra information is received to verify it as correct.

Address documents and checks

Definition of home address 

Where a child lives can be an important factor in what admission policy criteria the application meets. We do address checks on behalf of schools to prevent fraudulent applications. 

Living in a school's catchment or priority area does not guarantee a child a place at that school, it simply places a child higher up the list of applicants.

We can only use one address for a school place application. Applications must be made using the child’s permanent address. This is the home address of a parent or carer who holds parental responsibility for the child. A child’s permanent address cannot be the address of a relative, friend or childminder. 

Shared care and parental disputes

If there is a shared care arrangement for a child, the family must apply using the address of the parent where the child lives at most of the time. If there is 50/50 shared care, the parents can agree which of their 2 addresses to use for the application, however, it won’t be possible to change the address to be that of the other parent later in the application process.

All persons holding parental responsibility should agree the school application before it is submitted. We cannot stop a sole parental responsibility holder from making an in-year application or accepting a place. Only a family court has the ability to limit parental rights to apply for a school place.

House moves

We cannot use future addresses that families do not yet have the legal right to live in, for example, where an offer has been accepted on a house purchase, where contracts have been exchanged or where a tenancy has been secured before a family arrives in the city.

We need to see documentary evidence of address change which includes a minimum of 2 documents, one from each list below.

To show the family has left the previous property we need one of the following:

  • a completion of sale document
  • a landlord notice to leave
  • an exit utility bill (gas, electricity, water, landline phone)

To show the family has moved into new property we need one of the following:

  • tenancy agreement for a rented property
  • house purchase completion (not exchange)

Families must tell us about any changes that take place before a child starts at the school as it could affect the school place offer for the child. Failure to tell us may mean the application is fraudulent or intentionally misleading or the place has been offered based on an error.

False addresses

It is fraudulent to use a false address on a school place application. Examples of a false address include: 

  • pretending to live with a relative or friend, whilst retaining another address
  • renting a property close to a popular school but continuing to live somewhere else
  • renting a property close to a popular school at the time of applying, but moving back home after school starts in September

We may ask families to provide proof of address at any time or to provide additional documents to those listed above. As part of our application checks, we may ask for proof:

  • a child lives permanently at the address they applied from and
  • any previous home address is permanently unavailable for that child to live in

If an application is found to be fraudulent or misleading, we will withdraw the offer of a place, and this can happen even if a child has started at a school.

School portal (SAM)

We provide a portal for schools to access in-year admission applications. This is called SAM and is part of the synergy access admission system.

For 2024, all Leeds schools who receive online portal applications can view and rank applications against their admission policy in SAM (from September 2025, SAM will be available only for schools who opt-in to Leeds in-year coordination).

SAM measures home to school distance based on the LLPG coordinates on each school and residential property. Straight line distance is measured between the two sets of coordinates using GIS mapping. SAM is populated with any catchment or “nearest priority school” area set out in a school’s admissions policy and matches addresses against those areas.

SAM supports schools to identify which priority of their admissions arrangements the application meets when ranking their applications in SAM. 

Allocation process

Allocations are made in term time and usually follow a weekly process (in exceptional circumstances, such as significant period when synergy/SAM is unavailable or official holidays falling outside school holidays, an in-year allocation will not be completed if the weekly actions cannot be completed).

Day of the week and actions


Applications are downloaded into SAM – both admission and school staff can view them as soon as downloaded.   


Admission team carry out verification processes, including:   

  • address checks
  • child looked after claims checks
  • Education Health and Care Plan checks
  • make decisions on exceptional social need requests for Leeds community and voluntary controlled schools
  • handling admissions requests for children to be admitted out of age in-year following published guidance from the DfE issued to local authorities and school admission authorities

As part of this process, families may be contacted and asked to provide further verification information to support their application.   

Applications will be considered against information held at the time and admission policy criteria can only be updated once acceptable verification evidence has been received.    


Schools must rank their applications against their policy by the end of Wednesday. This includes   

  • adding criteria to all applications and creating a ranked list within SAM for all schools who use criteria
  • or         

  • cross checking the claims auto added by SAM are correct for all schools who use rules (for example, sibling claims)

Admission Authorities always retain the duty for cross checking that all claims have been correctly ranked against their own admission policy.   

Schools must also update SAM with:         

  • any parent acceptance or refusals
  • on roll dates for any pupil who has started attending the school
  • changes to SAM attendance count – the number of pupils on-roll in each admission round

Weekly allocation takes place by admission team.   

At the end of the day, schools where new offers have been made will be sent an email notification. In year offers show in SAM in the 'View Final Offer' area.         


Decision letters, including offers, sent to families.   

Waiting lists

A waiting list for all schools who opt-in to the scheme will be maintained until July 2025.

Waiting lists must be held in line with the published oversubscription criteria and re-ranked whenever a child is added to the list. Places cannot be offered on a first come first served basis.

Looked after children, previously looked after children and those allocated a place at the school in accordance with a Fair Access Protocol must take precedence over those on a waiting list (paragraph 2.15 of the School Admissions Code).

Applications for 2025/26 school year

A new in-year application is always needed if the family seeks a school place in the next school year. 

New applications also have a new right of appeal should the application be refused.

Schools can contact families on their waiting list in July to remind them to apply for a place if they wish to do so. The Admissions team will not remind parents of the need to re-apply.

List of all Leeds schools and confirmation as to whether they are in included in this coordinated scheme

Contact details for Leeds schools can be found on our website.

Primary Schools

  Included in Leeds in year coordinated scheme for 2024/25 School Type
Aberford C of E VC Primary School Yes Voluntary Controlled School
Adel Primary School Yes Community School
Adel St John The Baptist C of E Primary School Yes Voluntary Aided School
All Saint’s Richmond Hill C of E Primary School Yes Voluntary Aided School
Allerton Bywater Primary School Yes Academy
Allerton C of E Primary School Yes Voluntary Controlled School
Alwoodley Primary School Yes Community School
Alder Tree Primary Academy Yes Academy
Armley Park Primary School Yes Academy
Ashfield Primary School Yes Academy
Asquith Primary School Yes Community School
Austhorpe Primary School Yes Academy
Bankside Primary School Yes Foundation School
Bardsey Primary School Yes Academy
Barwick-in-Elmet C of E Primary School Yes Voluntary Controlled School
Beechwood Primary School Yes Foundation School
Beecroft Primary School Yes Community School
Beeston Hill St. Luke’s C of E Primary School No Voluntary Aided School
Beeston Primary School Yes Foundation School
Birchfield Primary School Yes Community School
Blackgates Primary Academy Yes Academy
Blenheim Primary School Yes Foundation School
Bracken Edge Primary School Yes Community School
Bramham Primary School Yes Community School
Bramhope Primary School Yes Academy
Bramley Park Academy Yes Academy
Bramley St. Peters C of E Primary School Yes Voluntary Aided School
Broadgate Primary school Yes Community School
Brodetsky Primary School Yes Voluntary Aided School
Brudenell Primary School No Foundation School
Burley St Matthias C of E Primary School Yes Voluntary Controlled School
Calverley C of E Primary School Yes Voluntary Aided School
Calverley Parkside Primary School Yes Academy
Carlton Primary School Yes Community School
Carr Manor Community School – all through school Yes Foundation School
Castleton Primary School Yes Community School
Chapel Allerton Primary School Yes Community School
Christ Church Upper Armley C of E Primary School Yes Academy
Christ the King Catholic Primary School Yes Academy
Churwell Primary School Yes Community School
Clapgate Primary School Yes Foundation School
Co-Op Academy Beckfield Yes Academy
Co-Op Academy Brownhill Yes Academy
Co-Op Academy Nightingale Yes Academy
Co-Op Academy Oakwood Yes Academy
Co-Op Academy Woodlands Yes Academy
Cobden Primary School Yes Community School
Cockburn Haigh Road Academy, Rothwell No Academy
Collingham Lady Elizabeth Hastings’ C of E Primary School Yes Voluntary Aided School
Colton Primary School Yes Academy
Cookridge Holy Trinity C of E Primary School Yes Voluntary Aided School
Cookridge Primary School Yes Foundation School
Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School Yes Voluntary Aided School
Cottingley Primary Academy Yes Academy
Cross Gates Primary School Yes Foundation School
Crossley Street Primary School No Foundation School
Deighton Gates Primary School, Wetherby Yes Foundation School
Dixons Trinity Chapeltown – all through school Yes Free School
Drighlington Primary School Yes Community School
East Ardsley Primary Academy Yes Academy
East Garforth Primary Academy Yes Academy
Ebor Gardens Primary Academy Yes Academy
Elements Primary Free School Yes Free School
Farsley Farfield Primary School Yes Community School
Farsley Springbank Primary School Yes Community School
Farsley Westroyd Primary School Yes Community School
Fieldhead Carr Primary School Yes Community School
Five Lanes Primary School Yes Community School
Fountain Primary School Yes Community School
Gildersome Primary School Yes Community School
Gledhow Primary School Yes Community School
Grange Farm Primary School Yes Foundation School
Great Preston C of E VC Primary School Yes Voluntary Controlled School
Green Lane Primary Academy Yes Academy
Greenhill Primary School Yes Community School
Greenmount Primary School Yes Community School
Greenside Primary school Yes Community School
Grimes Dyke Primary School Yes Community School
Guiseley Primary School Yes Foundation School
Harehills Primary School Yes Community School
Harewood C of E Primary School Yes Voluntary Controlled School
Hawksworth C of E Primary School Yes Voluntary Aided School
Hawksworth Wood Primary School Yes Community School
Highfield Primary School Yes Community School
Hill Top Primary Academy Yes Academy
Hillcrest Academy Yes Academy
Hollybush Primary School Yes Community School
Holy Family Catholic Primary School, New Wortley Yes Voluntary Aided School
Holy Name Catholic Voluntary Academy Yes Academy
Holy Rosary & St. Anne’s Catholic Primary School Yes Academy
Holy Trinity C of E Academy, Rothwell Yes Academy
Horsforth Featherbank Primary School Yes Community School
Horsforth Newlaithes Primary School Yes Community School
Hovingham Primary School Yes Community School
Hugh Gaitskell Primary School Yes Foundation School
Hunslet Carr Primary School Yes Community School
Hunslet Moor Primary School Yes Community School
Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Primary School Yes Academy
Ingram Road Primary School Yes Community School
Ireland Wood Primary School Yes Foundation School
Iveson Primary School Yes Foundation School
Kerr Mackie Primary School Yes Community School
Kippax Ash Tree Primary School Yes Academy
Kippax Greenfield Primary School Yes Academy
Kippax North Primary School Yes Academy
Kirkstall St Stephen’s C of E Primary School No Voluntary Aided School
Kirkstall Valley Primary School Yes Community School
Lady E Hastings C of E Primary School, Ledston No Voluntary Aided School
Lady Elizabeth Hastings’ C of E Primary School, Thorp Arch No Voluntary Aided School
Lane End Primary School Yes Foundation School
Lawns Park Primary School Yes Community School
Little London Academy Yes Academy
Low Road Primary School Yes Community School
Lower Wortley Primary School Yes Community School
Lowtown Primary School, Pudsey Yes Community School
Manor Wood Primary School Yes Academy
Manston Primary School Yes Community School
Manston St James Primary Academy Yes Academy
Meadowfield Primary School Yes Academy
Meanwood C of E Primary School Yes Voluntary Aided School
Methley Primary School Yes Academy
Micklefield C of E Primary Academy Yes Academy
Middleton Primary School No Academy
Middleton St Marys C of E VC Primary School Yes Voluntary Controlled School
Moor Allerton Hall Primary School Yes Community School
Moortown Primary School Yes Community School
Morley Newlands Academy Yes Academy
Morley Victoria Primary School Yes Community School
New Bewerley Community School Yes Community School
Ninelands Primary School Yes Foundation School
Otley All Saints C of E Primary School Yes Voluntary Controlled School
Otley the Whartons Primary School Yes Community School
Oulton Primary School Yes Community School
Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Primary School Yes Voluntary Aided School
Park Spring Primary School Yes Community School
Park View Primary Academy Yes Academy
Parklands Primary School Yes Community School
Pool-In-Wharfedale C of E VC Primary School Yes Voluntary Controlled School
Primley Wood Primary School Yes Academy/Free School
Primrose Lane Primary School Yes Foundation School
Pudsey Bolton Royd Primary School Yes Community School
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School Yes Academy
Pudsey Waterloo Primary School Yes Academy
Quarry Mount Primary School Yes Foundation School
Queensway Primary School Yes Foundation School
Rawdon Littlemoor Primary School Yes Foundation School
Rawdon St. Peters C of E VC Primary School Yes Voluntary Controlled School
Raynville Primary School Yes Academy
Richmond Hill Academy Yes Academy
Robin Hood Primary School Yes Community School
Rosebank Primary School Yes Foundation School
Rothwell Primary School Yes Community School
Rothwell St Mary’s RC Primary School Yes
Voluntary Aided School
Roundhay School – all through school Yes Community School
Roundhay St Johns C of E Primary School Yes Voluntary Aided School
Rufford Park Primary School Yes Foundation School
Ryecroft Academy Yes Academy
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School Yes Academy
Scholes (Elmet) Primary School Yes Community School
Seacroft Grange Primary School Yes Foundation School
Seven Hills Primary School Yes Community School
Shadwell Primary School Yes Community School
Shakespeare Primary School Yes Community School
Sharp Lane Primary School Yes Community School
Shire Oak VC Primary School Yes Voluntary Controlled School
Southroyd Primary & Nursery School Yes Foundation School
Spring Bank Primary School Yes Academy
Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School, a Voluntary Academy Yes Academy
St. Anthony’s Catholic Primary School, Beeston No Voluntary Aided School
St. Augustine’s Catholic Primary School Yes Academy
St Bartholomew's C of E VC Primary School Yes Voluntary Controlled School
St Benedict's Catholic Primary School Yes Academy
St Chad's C of E Primary School Yes Academy
St Edward's Catholic Primary School, Boston Spa Yes Voluntary Aided School
St Francis Catholic Primary School, Morley Yes Voluntary Aided School
St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School, Beeston Yes Academy
St James' C of E VC Primary School, Wetherby Yes Voluntary Controlled School
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Hunslet Yes Voluntary Aided School
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Otley Yes Academy
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Pudsey Yes Academy
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Wetherby Yes Voluntary Aided School
St Margaret's C of E VC Primary School Yes Voluntary Controlled School
St Mary's C of E VC Primary School, Boston Spa Yes Voluntary Controlled School
St Mary's Catholic Primary School, Horsforth Yes Academy
St Marys C of E Primary Academy, Hunslet Yes Academy
St Matthew's C of E VA Primary School Yes Voluntary Aided School
St Nicholas Catholic Primary School Yes Voluntary Aided School
St Oswald's C of E Primary School Yes Voluntary Aided School
St Patrick Catholic Primary School Yes Voluntary Aided School
St Paul’s Catholic Primary School Yes Academy
St Peter's C of E Primary School, Leeds Yes Voluntary Aided School
St Philip's Catholic Primary School No Voluntary Aided School
St Theresa’s Catholic Primary School Yes Voluntary Aided School
St Urban's Catholic Primary School Yes Academy
Stanningley Primary School Yes Community School
Strawberry Fields Primary School No Foundation School
Summerfield Primary School Yes Community School
Swarcliffe Primary School Yes Community School
Swillington Primary Academy Yes Academy
Swinnow Primary School Yes Community School
Talbot Primary School Yes Community School
Temple Learning Academy- all through school Yes Free School
Templenewsam Halton Primary School Yes Academy
Thorner Church of England Primary School Yes Academy
Thorpe Primary School Yes Community School
Tranmere Park Primary School Yes Foundation School
Valley View Community Primary School Yes Community School
Victoria Junior School, Rothwell Yes Community School
Victoria Primary Academy Yes Academy
Weetwood Primary School Yes Community School
West End Primary School Yes Community School
Westbrook Lane Primary School Yes Community School
Westerton Primary Academy Yes Academy
Westgate Primary School, Otley Yes Community School
Westwood Primary School Yes Foundation School
Whingate Primary School Yes Community School
Whinmoor St Paul's C of E Primary School Yes Voluntary Aided School
White Laith Primary School Yes Foundation School
Whitecote Primary School Yes Community School
Whitkirk Primary School Yes Academy
Wigton Moor Primary School Yes Community School
Windmill Primary School Yes Community School
Woodlesford Primary School Yes Community School
Wykebeck Primary School Yes Community School
Yeadon Westfield Infant School Yes Foundation School
Yeadon Westfield Junior School Yes Foundation School

Secondary Schools

  Included in Leeds in year coordinated scheme for 2024/25 School Type
Abbey Grange Church of England Academy Yes Academy
Allerton Grange School Yes Community School
Allerton High School Yes Community School
Benton Park School Yes Community School
Bishop Young Church of England Academy Yes Academy
Boston Spa School Yes Academy
Brigshaw High School Yes Academy
Bruntcliffe Academy Yes Academy
Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School Yes Voluntary Aided School
Carr Manor Community School – all through school Yes Foundation school
Cockburn School No Academy
Cockburn John Charles Academy No Academy
Cockburn Laurence Calvert Academy No Free School/ Academy
Co-op Academy Leeds Yes Academy
Co-op Academy Priesthorpe Yes Academy
Corpus Christi Catholic College Yes Academy
Crawshaw Academy Yes Academy
Dixons Trinity Chapeltown – all through school Yes Free School / Academy
Dixons Unity Academy No Academy
Garforth Academy Yes Academy
Guiseley School No Foundation School
Horsforth School Yes Academy
John Smeaton Academy Yes Academy
Lawnswood School Yes Community School
Leeds City Academy Yes Academy
Leeds East Academy Yes Academy
Leeds Jewish Free School Yes Free School / Academy
Leeds West Academy Yes Academy
Mount St. Marys Catholic High School Yes Voluntary Aided School
Otley Prince Henry's Grammar School Yes Academy
Pudsey Grammar School Yes Foundation School
Ralph Thoresby High School Yes Foundation School
Roundhay School – all through school Yes Community School
Oulton Academy Yes Academy
St Marys Menston, a Catholic Voluntary Academy Yes Academy
Temple Moor High School Yes Academy
The Farnley Academy Yes Academy
The Morley Academy Yes Academy
The Rodillian Academy Yes Academy
The Ruth Gorse Academy Yes Free School / Academy
The Temple Learning Academy – all through school Yes Free School / Academy
Trinity Academy Leeds Yes Free School/ Academy
UTC Leeds No University Technical College
Wetherby High School No Foundation School
Woodkirk Academy Yes Academy