This protocol was last consulted on with schools in the Summer term 2023/24.
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This protocol was last consulted on with schools in the Summer term 2023/24.
There is a statutory requirement for all Local Authorities to have in place a Fair Access Protocol (FAP) which is agreed by the majority of schools in the authority, and all schools* must participate. Leeds FAP follows the provisions within the School Admissions Code and DfE FAP guidance.
* Throughout the remainder of this document the term 'school' is used to describe all Leeds community, voluntary controlled, voluntary aided, foundation schools (including Trust Schools), free schools and academies.
The protocol aim is to:
FAP does not replace the usual in-year admissions process. Parents can make an in-year application at any time and are entitled to have that preference met wherever possible, as well as the opportunity to appeal a decision when a place is not offered and be added to any waiting lists.
The successful operation of Leeds City Council's Fair Access Protocol is due to the willingness of all schools to work together with a genuine ethos of collaboration and co-operation to:
Our schools work together collaboratively, taking into account the needs of the child, the needs of the school, and also the wider Area Inclusion Partnership (AIP) and its commitment to inclusion for all. When securing a place for a child through the agreed Protocol, all schools and pupils are treated in a fair, equitable and consistent manner.
The School Admissions Code outlines that schools are subject to the Public Sector Equality Duty and therefore must have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation, advance equality of opportunity, and foster good relations in relation to people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
The protocol acts as a safety net for the most vulnerable who are unable to secure a school place in the normal way. Being eligible for consideration under the Fair Access Protocols is not a legitimate reason to refuse an in-year application. Section 3.24 of the Appeals Code outlines that if an application is refused, the admission authority must present their case for refusal, demonstrating how admission of the child would prejudice the provision of efficient education or efficient use of resources.
An application should not be referred to the Local Authority for Fair Access admission simply because Fair Access categories have been identified on the in-year application form as this may be considered discriminatory.
Leeds City Council has a responsibility to all children living in Leeds (defined by the authority that council tax is paid to) to ensure that they have a reasonable and accessible school place.
The Fair Access Protocol does not apply to admission of a looked after child, or a child with an Education, Health and Care Plan naming the school in question, as these children must be admitted.
An application must be supported by the Virtual School and a Supplementary Information Form (CLA SIF) should be completed by the Social Worker who holds parental responsibility for the child. However, in recognition of the potential impact on resources that schools may experience when admitting looked after pupils, these in-year admissions will be taken into account when considering fair sharing and will be weighted as 5 points.
The Protocol may require schools to admit pupils above their Published Admission Number (PAN) or in-year prejudice limit and ahead of pupils on their waiting list or those awaiting an appeal.
Section 2.15 of the School Admissions Code outlines that looked after children, previously looked after children, and those allocated a place at the school in accordance with Fair Access Protocols, must take precedence over those on a waiting list.
Where a child has applied for and been refused a place, the school's waiting list operates in the manner set down in the school’s admission policy, regardless of whether the child secures a place at another school through the fair access protocol. Should a place become available, all children remain entitled to the place if they are highest up the waiting list regardless of whether the application triggered FAP or not.
The appeals process is legally separate and independent from the FAP. Parents retain the right to appeal against the refusal of a school place as normal and the appeal panel is not bound by any FAP school place offer.
A school will be required to admit that child if an appeal is upheld. In all circumstances, the decision of an appeal panel is binding and must be complied with. The fact that an appeal has been lodged is not a reason to delay the FAP process.
The School Admissions Code (2021) states that all schools must admit every child who has applied for a place, without condition or the use of any oversubscription criteria, unless admitting the child would prejudice the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources. Admission authorities must not refuse to admit a child solely because:
There are therefore only two reasons why any in-year application for a school place may be refused:
Reason 1 is not subjective, meaning the circumstances of the applicant should not influence whether or not prejudice would be caused to the school by admitting another child.
If a child is refused admission and is vulnerable and eligible for admission under the Fair Access Protocol, the case for refusal will need to describe clearly the prejudice that would be caused to the school if the child were admitted, and why this outweighs the vulnerable child's need for a school place, should the applicant appeal the decision.
Reason 2 (3.10 of the Code) is subjective and relates to the circumstances of the child. Meeting one of the Fair Access Categories must not, in itself, be taken to imply that the child will display challenging behaviour. The School Admissions Code defines challenging behaviour as:
"where the behaviour would be unlikely to be responsive to the usual range of interventions to help prevent and address pupil misbehaviour or it is of such severity, frequency, or duration that it is beyond the normal range that schools can tolerate. We would expect this behaviour to significantly interfere with the pupil's/other pupils' education or jeopardise the right of staff and pupils to a safe and orderly environment."
The DfE FAP guidance states: The following reasons on their own should not be grounds for considering that a child may display challenging behaviour:
The Code also highlights that
"A child with challenging behaviour may also be disabled as defined in the Equality Act 2010. When considering refusing admission on these grounds, admission authorities must consider their duties under that Act. Admission authorities should also consider the effect of the decision of the Upper Tribunal in C & C v The Governing Body of a School, The Secretary of State for Education (First Interested Party) and The National Autistic Society (Second Interested Party) (SEN) [2018] UKUT 269 (AAC) about the implications of the Equality Act 2010 when a pupil exhibits a tendency to physical abuse of other persons as a consequence of a disability."
Schools will need to evidence why they believe the child may present challenging behaviour before refusing admission on these grounds and can ask the previous school for background information to support this. The Area Inclusion Partnership (AIP) team may be able to support with this. Any information gathered should be made available at the Fair Access Panel.
Please note: Challenging Behaviour (3.10 of the Code) is not a legitimate reason for refusing to admit any child who is seeking a place in Reception or Year 7 at any point during that year.
If a child has not secured a school place offer using the in-year process, the admission team will identify applications that meet one or more Fair Access categories - see below:
If any school governing body wish to refuse admission under reason 2 (challenging behaviour) a formal referral to the Local Authority for consideration under the Fair Access Protocol must be submitted. School governors need to use the Local Authority referral form found on the School Admission Resources on Leeds for Learning.
The Local Authority Fair Access Team will ensure:
Only 'unplaced' children are eligible for supported admission through the Fair Access Protocol. This means children who do not have an offer of a reasonable and accessible school place, including:
An unplaced child must also meet one of the Fair Access categories (listed below) to be considered for admission through the protocol.
This means any child who already has an accessible school place. These applications won’t be considered under the protocol. The family still has the right of appeal against the refusal to admit and the appeal process is separate, with the panel making a different legal decision (see appeals section below).
The School Admissions Code defines the categories when an application can trigger the Fair Access Protocol. The categories are mandatory across England and are set down in paragraph 3.17 of the School Admissions Code.
The applicant child must also be unplaced as defined above and have been unable to secure a place through the usual in-year admissions process.
Leeds FAP uses a weighting system when considering fair sharing, which is related to the Code category and is shown below. Children admitted to the school and added to the school roll are given a weighting based on the below categories. If an application triggers more than one category below, the single highest weighting category will apply for fair sharing purposes. Weightings are not added together.
3.17 | Category | Weighting for fair sharing – see 11.4 below |
a) | Children either subject to a Child- In-Need (CIN) Plan or a Child Protection (CP)Plan or who have had a CIN Plan or CP plan within 12 months at the point of being referred to FAP | 5 points |
b) | Children living in a refuge or other Relevant Accommodation at the point of being referred to the FAP | 5 points |
c) | Children from the criminal justice system | 5 points |
d) | Children in alternative provision who need to be reintegrated into mainstream education or who have been permanently excluded but are deemed suitable for mainstream education | 5 points |
e) | Children with special educational needs (but without an Education Health and Care Plan) disabilities or medical conditions | 5 points |
f) | Children who are carers | 5 points |
g) | Children who are homeless | 5 points |
h) | Children in formal kinship care arrangements | 5 points |
i) | Children of, or who are, Gypsies, Roma, Travellers, refugees and asylum seekers | 5 points |
j) | Children who have been refused a school place on the grounds of their challenging behaviour and referred to the FAP in accordance with paragraph 3.10 of the School Admissions Code | 5 points |
k) | Children for whom a place has not been sought due to exceptional circumstances | 5 points |
l) | Children who have been out of education for 4 or more weeks where it can be demonstrated that there are no places available at any school within a reasonable distance to their home. This does not include circumstances where a suitable place is offered to a child and which has not been accepted. | 1 point |
m) | Previously looked after children for whom the local authority has been unable to promptly secure a school place | 5 points |
It is important to recognise that not all children and young people whose application identifies with these categories will have difficulty securing a school place. Many will be admitted successfully through the usual in-year admission process.
Leeds City Council, in partnership with the Area Inclusion Partnerships (AIPs), will arrange Fair Access Panel meetings on a regular basis, accommodating school terms and school holidays. These will be planned at least one term in advance with dates shared with schools.
The purpose of the panel meeting is for a child focussed discussion and panel agreement on which school place will be allocated to each vulnerable child – the purpose of the meeting is not to focus on the reasons why each school cannot admit the child.
The information provided to schools in SAM is all the information parents have provided on their application, and if any school referring a pupil for consideration under fair access has provided further information to support their referral, we will then add this to SAM.
AIPs receive funding from the LA to support the Re-inclusion Officer role, and if schools require support with gathering background information to inform an admission decision, this needs to be agreed locally within the AIP.
All young people will be offered a reasonable and accessible school place. The School Admissions Code requires a place will be allocated for the child within 20 school days of being accepted under the FAP.
All schools are required to identify a representative to attend panels who:
The attendance of the Chair of the Fair Access Panel, a member of the Admissions Team and one Headteacher will make the meeting quorate.
Having considered the details of each case, and the discussion in the panel meeting, the panel will identify which school should admit the pupil. Consideration should be given as to whether a child has any particular needs and which school is best able to meet and support those needs.
The discussion and decision on allocation of a school place by panel will take into account the following principles and factors:
Parental preference will be included on the FAP log. Information collected by the AIP team and any reports or documents from previous settings or agencies may be shared with the panel. Professionals working with the child may attend FAP to provide information where appropriate.
Every effort will be made to place siblings together in the same school.
This means a safe walking distance measured by the nearest available route of:
When a child can travel independently to school (secondary school age) the availability of dedicated school transport and public bus services will also be considered.
Transport journeys should not require a child to make several changes on public transport resulting in an unreasonably long journey time. As a child friendly city, a pupil travelling independently would not usually be expected to travel for more than one hour and/or use more than two buses in one journey.
Where fair sharing is equal, if a child has been on roll at a Leeds school within the last 3 terms (a rolling school year), provided the previous school remains reasonable and accessible from the home address, the panel will consider an offer to return to the previous school. Reintegration support can be requested from the AIP team.
Panels will consider the number of children already admitted to each school under the Fair Access Protocol to ensure that no school is asked to admit a disproportionate number of children via the protocol.
Fair sharing will be considered based on pupils admitted to the school and placed on the school roll. Each pupil admitted to the school will be given a weighting as set out in section 9 above and those figures will be used for fair sharing numbers.
Children who have been made offers but do not start at the school will not be given any weightings.
Each school may have particular circumstances which need to be considered by the panel when reaching a decision on which school will admit the child.
The LA will provide a data dashboard at each panel. This will include standard data for each school. Data is collated from Synergy and will have been input based on the school’s census return or any update received by the Schools Imported Data (SID) feed. The school level data will be considered by the Panel in decision making alongside information shared by school representatives.
If a school appeal panel has not granted an appeal for the child based on the prejudice to the school being greater than the child’s need for a place, the FAP Panel will usually not choose the school for the child. However, where the child remains unplaced and requires the support of the fair access protocol to secure a place, the vulnerability of the child must be considered alongside all accessible schools.
Throughout the period of the permanent exclusion process, the pupil remains on the roll of the excluding school for up to 45 days should the process move through governors’ meetings, appeals and independent review process. From the 45th day (or before if the exclusion process ends after the governors’ meeting), the pupil will then have been removed from roll and the family will be supported to apply for a new school place at any school the parents choose.
Schools who receive an application must consider it in line with the School Admissions Code.
Where a permanently excluded child is presented to panel, the AIP team will ensure a reintegration plan and appropriate support is in place. There is an expectation that the excluding school will pay the financial adjustment (£4,500) to the receiving school to support reintegration.
The home Local Authority is responsible for providing 6th day provision following a permanent exclusion and travel to that provision. This responsibility is fulfilled by the Area Inclusion Partnership.
The family of a permanently excluded child can apply for a school place at any time. Where an application is made, that child will be presented to panel. The panel will decide whether the child is ready for mainstream. The AIP team will ensure that this advice is sought from appropriate professionals whenever an application for a school place is made following a permanent exclusion.
Where there is a professional view that a pupil is not ready for a mainstream school, the AIP will continue to ensure the pupil is receiving an age-appropriate education and will carry out safeguarding visits. The pupil will only be presented to the Fair Access panel when there has been a professional assessment and discussion at AIP Inclusion Sub-Group (ISG) alongside a report and documentary evidence that the student is ready to be re-integrated back into a mainstream provision.
If the Fair Access Panel, based on the information available to them, determine that the pupil is not ready for mainstream school, the AIP will continue to ensure the pupil is receiving an age-appropriate education in an alternative provision and will maintain safeguarding visits. The AIP will then work with partners (for example Educational Psychologist, Cluster, AP setting) to ensure that a professional assessment and report is available for further discussion at AIP ISG so that clear plans are in place for the interventions required, and as soon as the student is ready for re-integration to mainstream, the case is referred back to Fair Access Panel for allocation of a place.
The Area Inclusion Partnership (AIP) team may be able to offer support for the reintegration of vulnerable children into schools. Consideration will be given by the panel to the support available / requested.
In exceptional circumstances, it may be necessary to hold a multi-agency meeting before an offer of a school place can be agreed. Where a multi-agency meeting is required, this must be agreed by the Panel and must take place in time to ensure a school place is agreed within 20 school days. The AIP are responsible for ensuring the child is accessing an educational provision while a school place is confirmed/sought.
The purpose of any panel meeting is to identify the school place the vulnerable child will be offered, and all schools are required to attend the panel with this objective in mind. If the Panel are unable to agree an appropriate school place, the Local Authority will act as final decision maker and will notify a school that they are required to admit the vulnerable pupil, based on the principles outlined above.
If a school refuses to admit at this stage, the Local Authority will consider pursuing a formal direction in line with the School Admissions Code 2021.
Where a pupil living in Leeds has been refused entry to, or been permanently excluded from, every suitable school within a reasonable distance, the Local Authority will issue a direction to maintained schools or request Secretary of State direction for an Academy.
The home Area Inclusion Partnership holds responsibility to make arrangements for suitable education for the vulnerable pupil while a place is not agreed. If the direction is upheld the cost for this provision will be recharged to the receiving school by the AIP.
The full processes for Direction are outlined in the School Admissions Code. Maintained schools have the right to appeal against the direction to the Office of the School Adjudicator. Academies must follow the process as outlined by the Secretary of State.
The Local Authority will only direct (or request direction) at a school which is a reasonable distance from the pupil's home, and from which the child has not been permanently excluded.
There is a collective responsibility to ensure the safeguarding of all young people and we must work together to protect them and act in their best interests.
Once it has been agreed, either in advance of a Panel or at a Fair Access Panel, that a child should attend a named school, that school is accountable for the young person and is responsible for securing attendance as quickly as possible. Children should be on roll within 5 school days of a place being agreed.
Where a school determines that a child's whereabouts is unknown, all reasonable enquiries should be made by the school, as outlined in the Attendance and CME guidance.
When a school place has been allocated but parents have not taken up the offer within 10 school days, the school should provide the Panel/Local Authority with details of the reasonable enquiries made (including phone calls, emails, letters and home visits to the family) using the School Attendance Service referral form held on Leeds for Learning.
The Local Authority may pursue a School Attendance Order where necessary and the place at the agreed school remains available to the young person throughout this process.
The AIP keeps an accurate record of each Fair Access Panel meeting to include:
This record will be circulated to all members of the Panel within 3 working days of the panel. Any anomalies should be raised with the AIP as soon as possible.
The Local Authority (Admissions Team – Fair Access) holds and maintains:
These records will not be widely shared, however, will be available upon request by any school who requires the information to make a decision.
Where a child is offered a school place, it is the responsibility of the school making the offer to arrange contact with the family without delay. The school must meet with the parent/carer of the young person and agree a start date no later than 5 school days after the Fair Access Panel decision.
In all cases, the Local Authority will relay the outcome of the Fair Access discussion to the parent/carer of the young person as soon as possible, and within 5 calendar days of the decision.
Under the School Attendance (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2024 and the DfE statutory guidance, schools are required to notify the Local Authority within 5 days when a pupil's name is added to the admission register at a non-standard transition point. This process for notifying the Local Authority is via the 'pupil movement' e-form to the Admissions Team unless the school is connected to the Schools Imported Data (SID) feed.
View the School Admissions privacy notice from Leeds City Council.
If the majority of schools in Leeds can no longer support the principles and approach of this Fair Access Protocol, schools may initiate a review with the local authority, by contacting the Fair Access Manager in writing with details of the schools concerned and the specific elements which are unsupported.
The existing Fair Access protocol will remain binding on all schools until the point a new protocol is adopted in accordance with the School Admission Code.
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