Policies Maps

The Leeds Local Plan includes a Policies Map which shows all the areas in the Leeds district where different policies apply.

The Policies Map will be revised and updated as each Development Plan Document is adopted. As at July 2019 the Policies Map comprises the:

  • Saved UDP 2001 and UDP Review 2006 policies
  • Natural Resources and Waste Local Plan (adopted January 2013 & revised September 2015)
  • Core Strategy (adopted November 2014)
  • Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan (adopted November 2017)
  • Site Allocations Plan (adopted July 2019 and subsequently amended by High Court decision on 7 August 2020)

The Policies Map will be updated, where applicable, to reflect the adoption of policies in:

  • Neighbourhood Plans

The Policies Map can be viewed and downloaded by clicking on grid squares in the two maps at the bottom of the page. There are too many policy designations to be shown on one single set of maps, so there are there two sets A and B and additional inset maps. The maps should be used in conjunction with the UDP volume one written statement (PDF 3.1MB), volume two Appendices (PDF 1MB) of the UDP Review 2006 (which incorporate saved policies of the UDP 2001), the Core Strategy, the Natural Resources and Waste Local Plan, the Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan and the Site Allocations Plan.

The following additional Inset Policies Maps are available:

We suggest you download and print out the two key guides for the maps:

Map A

click map
area1 area2 area3 area4 area5 area6 area7 area8 area9 area10 area11 area12 area13 area14 area15 area16 area17 area18 area19 area20 area21 area22 area23 area24 area25 area26 area27 area28 area29 area30 area31 area32 area33 area34 area35


You are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form.

Map B

click map
area1 area2 area3 area4 area5 area6 area7 area8 area9 area10 area11 area12 area13 area14 area15 area16 area17 area18 area19 area20 area21 area22 area23 area24 area25 area26 area27 area28 area29 area30 area31 area32 area33 area34 area35


You are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form.