Little Woodhouse Neighbourhood Plan

In accordance with Neighbourhood Planning Regulation 14, Little Woodhouse Neighbourhood Planning Forum undertook a public consultation on its Pre-Submission Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan.

The consultation ran from Monday 20 May to Friday 19 July 2024.

Proposed Little Woodhouse Neighbourhood Development Plan

Little Woodhouse Neighbourhood Planning Forum has produced a Neighbourhood Development Plan which covers the Little Woodhouse Neighbourhood Area. The plan contains a vision for Little Woodhouse along with a set of objectives, planning policies and proposals and community actions to achieve the vision. The range of policies cover 8 key themes:

  • housing
  • heritage and character
  • green infrastructure
  • community and employment
  • movement
  • health and wellbeing
  • sustainability
  • climate change

Following this consultation, the plan will be amended and then submitted to the council, as required, for a further Regulation 16 publicity and independent examination. The plan, if successful at examination, will then proceed to a local referendum. If the plan receives a majority vote then it will form part of the development plan for Leeds.

Availability of documents

View the plan, map, screening report, supporting documents and evidence base on the Little Woodhouse Neighbourhood Planning Forum’s website.

Further information

If you have any further queries about the Little Woodhouse Neighbourhood Development Plan, contact the forum by email: