For non-parished areas, you'll need to officially apply to designate your neighbourhood forum group. The forum must include a minimum of 21 people who live, work or carry out business in the neighbourhood area.
An application for designation must be submitted to the council, and must include:
- the name of the neighbourhood forum
- a copy of the written constitution for the forum (get in touch with us if you need help to write this)
- the name of the neighbourhood area and a map of the area
- the contact details of a member of the forum
The application should also include a statement to explain that the forum is being created for the purpose of improving the social, economic and environmental wellbeing of the area.
We also need to be confident that the forum is representative of the area. Your application could also include details of:
- how you have engaged with different sections of the community and included them in the forum where possible
- how you have engaged people across the whole of your neighbourhood area
- the groups you have engaged with (or made an effort to engage with)
- your intentions to engage people as the plan progresses and the people you intend to involve
We will publicise the application for a minimum of six weeks and invite comments from the public. We will do this by:
- publishing the application on our website
- displaying the application locally (such as in libraries or sports centres)
- putting up notices within the proposed neighbourhood area
If your neighbourhood area is wholly in Leeds, we will designate the neighbourhood forum within 13 weeks of the application being publicised. If it crosses into another local authority, we will designate the forum within 20 weeks.
The neighbourhood forum designation lasts for five years. During the five years no other organisation can prepare a neighbourhood plan for the area unless the designation is withdrawn.