New website
We are excited to announce the launch of the new website. Find out more information.
Let us know about changes so that your permit stays valid and up to date.
Failure to display a valid permit may result in a parking ticket.
If you have changed your vehicle, we will need to update your permit.
If you have transferred your number plates to your new vehicle you do not need to notify us.
You will need to apply for a new permit under the permit application tab.
Change vehicle details online.
You will need to upload a copy of your new vehicle log book (V5C) as proof of ownership so that we can send you an updated permit.
If you are unable to let us know about a change of vehicle online, write to us and include a copy of your new vehicle log book (V5C).
Parking Services
PO BOX 139
If a permit is no longer needed, return it to us.
Parking Services
PO Box 139
Replacement permits cost £10.
Contact us to request a replacement permit.
If you are able to provide a crime reference number, you will not be charged.
Contact us to request a replacement permit.
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