Discounts for disabled people

If someone living at your address is permanently disabled, you might be able to get a discount on your council tax.

One of the following must apply for a discount to be granted:

  • the disabled person uses a wheelchair indoors
  • the property has a second bathroom or kitchen for the use of the person with the disability
  • a room in the property is used for a special purpose, for example, dialysis

Things like stairlifts, handrails and other fixtures on their own do not qualify for the reduction.

We also have a discount and exemption for adults with mental impairments. Visit our Other council tax discounts and exemptions page for more details.

Apply for a discount

If a reduction is granted, the council tax for the property will be charged at the rate of the band below it.

Example: if the property is at band C then the council tax payable will be at a band B rate. A reduction is also available for band A properties. Find your council tax property band.

To apply for a discount, download and complete the claim form:

If you cannot use the form

If you cannot use the form, call 0113 222 4404 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm) or visit any of our community hubs.    

Hand completed forms in to a community hub or post them to us at:

Leeds City Council
P.O. Box 911