New website
We are excited to announce the launch of the new website. Find out more information.
The Link to the PDF slides can be found on the Managing Audits page
The link to the PDF slides can be found on the Recording standards for care page.
Resources for managers/deputies/clinical leads/accountable individuals for regulated services.
Skills for Care have produced a Guide to improvement which is a useful resource for those who want to improve the quality of care they provide.
TheCare Improvement Works website brings together in one place resources to assess and strengthen the quality of your service. It helps you to plan and prepare for CQC inspection, respond to internal audits and deliver good and outstanding care.
The financial queries team can help with queries relating to Leeds City Council payments to care homes. Please note that the financial queries team do not liaise directly with members of the public
Leeds City Council has been developing its payment system to enable payments to care homes to be made as soon as a care plan is approved, currently payment awaits the completion of a financial assessment. This will go live for all new care packages approved on or after 1st June 2020
What will the system do initially?
The system will automatically refer for a financial assessment.
What happens when the full financial assessment is completed?
What is required by the Care Homes?
And promote the Council’s web pages
Paying for social care services
The following will be
exclusions from the process above
S117 clients
Supported Living clients
LD clients who are CHC funded
The Council will continue with the current arrangements and pay net of the respite rate. There will be no P-CHISA.
There has to be a financial assessment in these cases to ascertain when funds fall below threshold, therefore payment cannot be made until start date is ascertained. We have started to advise all clients (and it is in our booklet for 20/21) to approach us 3 months prior to funds reducing to the upper threshold.
Members of the public can find information on Help paying for care homes in the Adult Social Care section of our website.
Voluntary action Leeds (VAL) is part of NCVO (National Council for Voluntary Organisations) Their website provides a range of very useful resources including a toolkit The toolkit contains a range of tools policies and procedures for care providers looking to use the support of volunteers. The information contains: checklists, template policies, advice and guidance for services wishing or needing to use volunteers
Volunteers are not employees and they cannot be regarded with the same expectations as employees the following page explains this and the potential issues that can arise. . Anyone interested in volunteering in Leeds should go to the Voluntary action Leeds web site as VAL is the co-ordinating
The registered manager networks are recognised as an excellent way to support managers. Good managers are committed to working with others and embedding best practice. The registered manager networks provides local, practical and peer support and is a great way to meet other registered managers.
There are two networks established in Leeds, one for care home and domiciliary providers and the other for learning disabilities. The network approach gives registered managers an opportunity to:
The registered manager networks meet on a quarterly basis and are organised and managed by registered managers with the support of;
Leeds City Council and Skills for Care
for more information.
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