Care Quality Team

NHS Leeds Integrated Care Board logo

Dementia resource library

A range of short resources for staff training or to support supervision and appraisal or as resources for providers developing their own training

Providing direct care

Resources and advice for staff providing direct care, including direct care during the Covid crisis

Infection control

IPC guidance for COVID-19, Influenza. NICE guidance on general IPC, IPC team contact details.

Dementia resources

Practical advice and guidance including a link to the dementia resources library

Support for Health and Social Care staff

Details of a wide range of legal, financial, and other support targeted at health and care staff but many of the services can be accessed by anyone in need of the support

NHS support to providers

Enhanced care at home offer comprising of quick response and emergency cover for carers
Rapid response to falls and home ward (an expansion of the virtual wards)
Remote health monitoring
Home comfort
NHS digital support