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Constipation can affect people of all ages, though it is more common the older people get.
Constipation can be defined as having to strain, having to push, having pain when having a bowel movement (poo), or not being able to finish the bowel movement or having irregular bowel movements (more than normal).
Making sure you poo often is important for staying healthy. It plays a big role in how you feel (physically and emotionally) whilst also removing waste from your body.
Simple changes to diet and lifestyle can help treat and prevent constipation. These include:
Food that contains a lot of water like fresh fruits, vegetables and some dairy products, can be an important part of a persons fluid intake, as can drinking tea or coffee.
Encouraging people to eat the right kinds of food is important too. Foods like Weetabix and prunes can help people go to the toilet in different ways.
Prunes can help encourage poo to move around the bowels.
Medication can be prescribed by GPs or Doctors to help relieve constipation. But it is best to help prevent constipation rather than treating it (see below for eating the right food, drinking fluids and being active). If medication is prescribed remember to always follow the instructions of the GP/Doctor or pharmacist. If in doubt please talk to either a Senior Carer, Deputy or Manager
Not drinking enough water (being dehydrated) is one of the reasons why people may become constipated.
It's recommended that an adult should be drinking between six and eight glasses of water a day (this may increase in hot weather).
Remember to be active. Helping residents to move about as much as possible will help their digestion.
It’s important to remember that when a person needs to go to the toilet, then they probably need to go there and then. Don’t delay. Don't say "I will help you to the toilet in 10 minutes". This may be too late for the person.
For some people it may help to squat rather than sitting on the toilet. However there is a need to be careful doing this to avoid slips, trips and falls. Also people who have hip or back problems may not be able to squat. The best squatting position is knees above the hip line when sat on the toilet. A "squatty potty" can help people with this position.
If anything appears unusual or different (like blood in the poo, or a change in the poo) make sure to tell a senior member of staff.
It may help to record when a resident has a stool movement and the type of stool that they had. A teaching hospital in Bristol created a guide to record this. However this should only be done if it is in their care/support plan.
If a person is taking a prescribed medication to help with the constipation, make sure that the guidance is followed to help with this.
For more training and support around continence visit Leeds Continence, Urology & Colorectal Service.
The Continence, Urology & Colorectal Service have also published a Health Bowel leaflet.
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