Help paying for care and support at home

See how to get help to pay for care and support at home.

How it works

When you get care and support through the council, you might get help to pay for some or all of it.

Care and support can include care in your home, day centres, and personal assistants. Find out more about different types of care and support.

If your savings and investments are less than £23,250, you could qualify for help to pay. Check if you're likely to qualify.

How to qualify

To see if you qualify for help to pay, you will need a financial assessment.

The financial assessment will work out the maximum amount you can afford to pay for your care each week. If this amount is not enough, you may qualify for help to pay for your care. Some people get help to pay all of it.

You cannot get help to pay if you choose to arrange your care privately.

Who does not pay at all

Almost everyone is responsible for their own care and support costs.

You are not responsible for care costs if:

  • they are for reablement support services for a short period
  • you have Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)
  • your care has been arranged and provided under Section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983
  • you qualify for full NHS Continuing Health Care Funding

If something changes and you no longer qualify for NHS Continuing Health Care Funding, you will need to start paying for your care.

Contact us


0113 378 8251
Monday to Friday, 9am to 4:30pm



Adult Operational Services
Financial Assessment and Benefits
Adults and Health Directorate
5th Floor East
Merrion House
110 Merrion Centre