Leeds West and Pudsey

Election of a Member of Parliament for the Leeds West and Pudsey constituency.

Thursday 4 July 2024


Party - Labour Party
Elected: Rachel Reeves

Candidate Description Votes
EL KHEIR Jamal Workers Party 633
FARMER Lee Anthony The Conservative Party Candidate 6,584
FORSAITH Ann Christine Green Party 3,794
LONGHORN Darren James Yorkshire Party 404
REEVES Rachel Labour Party 18,976
WALKER Dan Liberal Democrats 1,743
WATSON Sasha Social Democratic Party 79
WHITEHEAD Andrea Reform UK 6,281
Electorate: 70,069
Turnout: 55.15%
Spoilt ballots: 121

Statement of persons nominated

A poll will be held on Thursday 4 July 2024 between 7am and 10pm.

The following people have been or stand nominated for election as a member of the UK Parliament for the above constituency. Those who no longer stand nominated are listed, but will have a comment in the right hand column.

Candidate name *Address of candidate Description of candidate Names of subscribers to the nomination (Proposer(+), Seconder(++)) If no longer nominated, reason why
EL KHEIR Jamal (address in the Leeds West and Pudsey Constituency) Workers Party Qureshi Khalid S +, Alam Naheem ++, Younas Imran, Alam Hassan, Malik Faheem, Qureshi Yasser, Singh Harbajan, Mahmood Ahsan, Alam Aneeqa Z, El Kheir Karren  
FARMER Lee Anthony Flat 908, One Brewery Wharf, Waterloo Street, Leeds, LS10 1GZ The Conservative Party Candidate Carter Andrew +, Carter Jack S B ++, Rabbitt Michael F, Hayes Wendy P, Carter Amanda L, Cook Adam D, Barron Pauline, Young Jordan L, Hurst Mary, Hornshaw Sarah J P  
FORSAITH Ann Christine (address in Leeds) Green Party Ward Andrew J +, Ward Suzanne E ++, Meghani Shamira A, Meghani Dilshad A, Impiazzi Gael, Rollinson Mark T, Lord Clive R, Gosling Benda M, Whittaker Keith D, Lewis Elizabeth A  
LONGHORN Darren James (address in the Whitehaven and Workington Constituency) Yorkshire Party Longhorn Maureen +, Longhorn Callum M ++, Longhorn Kieran R, Copley Laura E, O'Neill Conor A, Ramsey Nicola J, O'Neill Susan, O'Neill Colm, Longhorn James D, Emmett Stacie  
REEVES Rachel (address in the Leeds West and Pudsey Constituency) Labour Party Fiddes Joanne +, Battle John D ++, Battle Mary G, Timmins Craig L, Crossley Michael, Carlill Peter J, Chambers Doris, Carlill Emily C, Honey Richard S, Ritchie Kevin M  
WALKER Dan (address in the Leeds West and Pudsey Constituency) Liberal Democrats Meadowcroft Michael J +, Carroll Dominic ++, Withers Linette J L, Bee Elizabeth A, Andrews Peter R, Morley Yates Kathy, Morley Peter V, Fossey Nathan D, Appleyard David N, Brown Quentin P  
WATSON Sasha (address in Leeds) Social Democratic Party Whetstone Paul A +, Warburton Linda M ++, Riley Kenneth J, Riley Annmarie, Wright Robert C, Whetstone Peter F, Whetstone Beverley A, Hesson Ian S, Richards Philip, Smart Anne  
WHITEHEAD Andrea (address in the Leeds South West and Morley Constituency) Reform UK Walters Suzan +, O'Sullivan John L ++, Ellerker Lorraine J, Bowers Ian, Wray Reggie H, Hurren David A, Young Alan J, Morris Patrica N, Morris Stephen W, O'Sullivan Jeanette  

Dated Friday 7 June 2024

Tom Riordan
Acting Returning Officer

Printed and published by the Acting Returning Officer, c/o Electoral Services, 4th Floor West, Civic Hall, Leeds LS1 1UR

Polling station information

Polling station locations
Reference District(s) Polling Place
AM-1 AMA The Common House, Lilac Grove, Victoria Park Avenue, LS5 3AG
AM-2 AMB, AMC Leeds Apostolic Church, (The Church At Amen Corner), 344 Armley Ridge Road, LS12 2RD
AM-3 AMD Armley Park Primary School, (Year 6 Classroom), Salisbury Terrace, LS12 2AY
AM-4 AME Holy Family Catholic Primary School, (Year 5 Classroom), Parliament Road, LS12 2LH
AM-5 AMF St Bartholomews Church, (The Nave), Wesley Road, LS12 1SR
AM-6 AMG Christ Church, Upper Armley, (Narthex) (Desk A), Armley Ridge Road, LS12 3LE
AM-7 AMH Christ Church, Upper Armley, (Narthex) (Desk B), Armley Ridge Road, LS12 3LE
AM-8 AMI, AMJ Venerable Bede Church, (No.1 Room), Greenhill Road, LS13 4AU
AM-9 AMK Bramley Working Mens Club, (The Lounge), 68 Elder Road, LS13 4BY
AM-10 AML Leeds Yorkshire Housing Association, Site Office, Spring Valley Court, LS13 4TT
AM-11 AMM New Wortley Community Centre, (Main Hall), Tong Road, LS12 1LZ
BS-1 BSA Bramley Baths, (Dance Studio), Broad Lane, LS13 3DF
BS-2 BSB Moorside Tara Community Centre, St Catherine`s Drive, LS13 2JY
BS-3 BSC, BSH Broadlea Community Centre, (Main Hall), 15/17 Broadlea Hill, LS13 2SN
BS-4 BSD, BSK, BSL St Peter`s Church, (St Margaret`s Room), Hough Lane, LS13 3JF
BS-5 BSE Fairfield Community Centre, Fairfield Terrace, LS13 3DQ
BS-6 BSF St John`s Methodist Church, (Chapel), 9 Bright Street, LS28 6NJ
BS-7 BSG, BSI Summerfield Primary School, Intake Lane, LS13 1DQ
BS-8 BSJ Bramley Lawn Day Centre, Next to Rossefield Manor, Off Rossefield Approach, LS13 3TG
CF-1 CFA Calverley Methodist Church, (School Room), Carr Road, LS28 5PS
CF-2 CFB The Owl Public House, (The Conservatory), 1 Rodley Lane, LS13 1LB
CF-3 CFC Calverley Golf Club, (Dancefloor Section), Woodhall Lane, LS28 5QY
CF-4 CFD Farsley Library, (Main Library), Old Road, LS28 5DH
CF-5 CFD Farsley Library, (Meeting Room), Old Road, LS28 5DH
CF-6 CFE Farsley Springbank Primary School, (Annexe Building), Wesley Street, LS28 5LE
CF-7 CFF St James the Great Parish Hall, Galloway Lane, LS28 8JR
CF-8 CFG, PSK Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School, (The Hub), Primrose Hill, LS28 6AB
CF-9 CFH The Church In Rodley, (Church Hall), Wesley Terrace, LS13 1JJ
PS-1 PSA Tyersal Residents Association Community Centre, (Function Room), Tyersal Road, BD4 8EZ
PS-2 PSB Pudsey Waterloo Primary School, Victoria Road, LS28 7SR
PS-3 PSC Pudsey Parish Church, (Small Hall), Church Lane, LS28 8BE
PS-4 PSD St Joseph`s Parish Centre, (Main Hall), Mount Pleasant Road, LS28 7AZ
PS-5 PSE Swinnow Community Centre, (The Lounge), Swinnow Lane, LS13 4RF
PS-6 PSF Littlemoor Sports & Social Club, The Bowling Green, Valley Green, LS28 9DA
PS-7 PSG Pudsey Community Project, (Main Hall), Fartown, LS28 8LP
PS-8 PSH St Andrews Methodist Church Hall, Robin Lane, LS28 7BR
PS-9 PSI Pudsey Congs Cricket Club, (Peter Marsh Suite), 24 Intake Road, LS28 9BZ
PS-10 PSJ Christ the Saviour Church, (Side Room), Swinnow Lane, LS13 4NQ
Notice of situation of polling stations

UK Parliamentary General Election - Thursday 4 July 2024

Leeds West and Pudsey Constituency
Polling station address Polling station number Polling station electors range
The Common House, Lilac Grove, Victoria Park Avenue, Leeds, LS5 3AG AM-1 AMA-1 to AMA-1809
Leeds Apostolic Church, (The Church At Amen Corner), 344 Armley Ridge Road, Leeds, LS12 2RD AM-2 AMB-1 to AMB-1014
Leeds Apostolic Church, (The Church At Amen Corner), 344 Armley Ridge Road, Leeds, LS12 2RD AM-2 AMC-1 to AMC-1469
Armley Park Primary School, (Year 6 Classroom), Salisbury Terrace, Armley, Leeds, LS12 2AY AM-3 AMD-1 to AMD-1106/2
Holy Family Catholic Primary School, (Year 5 Classroom), Parliament Road, Leeds, LS12 2LH AM-4 AME-1 to AME-1669
St Bartholomews Church, (The Nave), Wesley Road, Armley, Leeds, LS12 1SR AM-5 AMF-1 to AMF-1168/1
Christ Church, Upper Armley, (Narthex) (Desk A), Armley Ridge Road, Armley, Leeds, LS12 3LE AM-6 AMG-1 to AMG-1591/2
Christ Church, Upper Armley, (Narthex) (Desk B), Armley Ridge Road, Armley, Leeds, LS12 3LE AM-7 AMH-3 to AMH-1962/1
Venerable Bede Church, (No.1 Room), Greenhill Road, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 4AU AM-8 AMI-1 to AMI-886
Venerable Bede Church, (No.1 Room), Greenhill Road, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 4AU AM-8 AMJ-1 to AMJ-1369/1
Bramley Working Mens Club, (The Lounge), 68 Elder Road, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 4BY AM-9 AMK-1 to AMK-831/3
Leeds Yorkshire Housing Association, Site Office, Spring Valley Court, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 4TT AM-10 AML-1 to AML-697/2
New Wortley Community Centre, (Main Hall), Tong Road, New Wortley, Leeds, LS12 1LZ AM-11 AMM-1 to AMM-1519
Bramley Baths, (Dance Studio), Broad Lane, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 3DF BS-1 BSA-1 to BSA-2905/1
Moorside Tara Community Centre, St Catherine`s Drive, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 2JY BS-2 BSB-1 to BSB-1655
Broadlea Community Centre, (Main Hall), 15/17 Broadlea Hill, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 2SN BS-3 BSC-1/2 to BSC-1187
Broadlea Community Centre, (Main Hall), 15/17 Broadlea Hill, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 2SN BS-3 BSH-1 to BSH-841/1
St Peter`s Church, (St Margaret`s Room) (Desk A), Hough Lane, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 3JF BS-4 BSD-1 to BSD-1380/1
St Peter`s Church, (St Margaret`s Room) (Desk A), Hough Lane, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 3JF BS-4 BSK-1 to BSK-684
Fairfield Community Centre, Fairfield Terrace, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 3DQ BS-5 BSE-1 to BSE-1941
St John`s Methodist Church, (Chapel), 9 Bright Street, Pudsey, LS28 6NJ BS-6 BSF-1 to BSF-1591
Summerfield Primary School, Intake Lane, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 1DQ BS-7 BSG-1 to BSG-1399
Summerfield Primary School, Intake Lane, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 1DQ BS-7 BSI-1 to BSI-1108/1
Bramley Lawn Day Centre, Next to Rossefield Manor, Off Rossefield Approach, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 3TG BS-8 BSJ-1 to BSJ-991
St Peter`s Church, (St Margaret`s Room) (Desk B), Hough Lane, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 3JF BS-9 BSL-3 to BSL-1284/2
Calverley Methodist Church, (School Room), Carr Road, Calverley, Pudsey, LS28 5PS CF-1 CFA-1 to CFA-3016/1
The Owl Public House, (The Conservatory), 1 Rodley Lane, Rodley, Leeds, LS13 1LB CF-2 CFB-1 to CFB-1156
Calverley Golf Club, (Dancefloor Section), Woodhall Lane, Pudsey, LS28 5QY CF-3 CFC-1 to CFC-1501
Farsley Library, (Main Library), Old Road, Farsley, Leeds, LS28 5DH CF-4 CFD-1 to CFD-2074
Farsley Library, (Meeting Room), Old Road, Farsley, Leeds, LS28 5DH CF-5 CFD-2075 to CFD-4030/4
Farsley Springbank Primary School, (Annexe Building), Wesley Street, Farsley, LS28 5LE CF-6 CFE-2 to CFE-3360/2
St James the Great Parish Hall, Galloway Lane, Pudsey, LS28 8JR CF-7 CFF-1 to CFF-3272/1
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School, (The Hub), Primrose Hill, Pudsey, LS28 6AB CF-8 CFG-1 to CFG-1099
Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School, (The Hub), Primrose Hill, Pudsey, LS28 6AB CF-8 PSK-1 to PSK-869
The Church In Rodley, (Church Hall), Wesley Terrace, Rodley, Leeds, LS13 1JJ CF-9 CFH-1 to CFH-900
Tyersal Residents Association Community Centre, (Function Room), Tyersal Road, Bradford, BD4 8EZ PS-1 PSA-1 to PSA-1618/1
Pudsey Waterloo Primary School, Victoria Road, Pudsey, LS28 7SR PS-2 PSB-1 to PSB-2851
Pudsey Parish Church, (Small Hall), Church Lane, Pudsey, LS28 8BE PS-3 PSC-1 to PSC-1909/1
St Joseph`s Parish Centre, (Main Hall), Mount Pleasant Road, Pudsey, Leeds, LS28 7AZ PS-4 PSD-2 to PSD-587
Swinnow Community Centre, (The Lounge), Swinnow Lane, Leeds, LS13 4RF PS-5 PSE-1 to PSE-1641/1
Littlemoor Sports & Social Club, The Bowling Green, Valley Green, Pudsey, Leeds, LS28 9DA PS-6 PSF-1 to PSF-2903/2
Pudsey Community Project, (Main Hall), Fartown, Pudsey, LS28 8LP PS-7 PSG-1 to PSG-2308/2
St Andrews Methodist Church Hall, Robin Lane, Pudsey, LS28 7BR PS-8 PSH-1/1 to PSH-1628/2
Pudsey Congs Cricket Club, (Peter Marsh Suite), 24 Intake Road, Pudsey, LS28 9BZ PS-9 PSI-1 to PSI-1817/1
Christ the Saviour Church, (Side Room), Swinnow Lane, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 4NQ PS-10 PSJ-1 to PSJ-953/1

Dated: Friday 7 June 2024     

Tom Riordan
Acting Returning Officer

Published by the Acting Returning Officer, c/o Electoral Services, 4th Floor West, Civic Hall, Leeds LS1 1UR