Leeds Central and Headingley

Election of a Member of Parliament for the Leeds Central and Headingley constituency.

Thursday 4 July 2024


Party - Labour and Co-operative Party
Elected: Alex Sobel

Candidate Description Votes
FOREN Chris Green Party 7,431
FULTON Louie George Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 186
HOWLEY Chris Liberal Democrats 2,611
JACKSON Jennifer Jane The Conservative Party Candidate 2,237
RAJPUT Owais Workers Party 691
SOBEL Alex Labour and Co-operative Party 15,853
WALKER Rob Social Democratic Party 187
WRAY Reggie Harry Reform UK 2,399
Electorate: 70,554
Turnout: 45%
Spoilt ballots: 135

Statement of persons nominated and notice of poll

A poll will be held on Thursday 4 July 2024 between 7am and 10pm.

The following people have been or stand nominated for election as a member of the UK Parliament for the above constituency. Those who no longer stand nominated are listed, but will have a comment in the right hand column.

Candidate name *Address of candidate Description of candidate Names of subscribers to the nomination (Proposer(+), Seconder(++)) If no longer nominated, reason why
FOREN Chris 21 Hollin Drive, Leeds, LS16 5NE Green Party Love Fiona S +, Morris Susan ++, Harris Sophia N Z, Gardiner Harriet J, Charlton Robert S, Charlton Chandenjit K, Webb Sam C J, Walton Bill, Webb David C, Jeffries Lesley E  
FULTON Louie George 140 Parkwood Road, Leeds, LS11 5RA Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition Skinner Steven +, Kahuya Farone ++, Bracuti Anthony J, Carey Jones, Dawn E, Duncan Oisin C, Worrall Claire A, Bulloch Paul A, Hynam Florian, Tival John, McIntosh Gavin  
HOWLEY Chris (address in the Leeds North West Constituency) Liberal Democrats Webb Harold C +, Blair Maria E ++, Blair George E, Belcher Adam J, Shore Patricia A, Smith Barbara J, Turner-Chastney Benedict L, Read Christopher M, Collinson Catherine A, Webb Kristan C  
JACKSON Jennifer Jane (address in the Oxford West and Abingdon Constituency) The Conservative Party Candidate Basu Angelo +, Jessop David G ++, Raval Jagdish, Mistry Panna D, Mistry Dinesh, Vakharia Niranjan, Vakharia Sushila N, Chudasama Mansukhlal G, Chudasama Hansa M, Mistry Jyotindra  
RAJPUT Owais 36 Hill End, Bradford, BD7 4RR Workers Party Coates John S +, Qayyum Abdul ++, Ahmed Yacob, Mohammad Bashir, Fazal Mohammed Y, Yaqoob Mohammed, Aziz Asim, Hanif Mohammed H, Rafiq Yasir, Rafiq Shaheen  
SOBEL Alex (address in the Leeds Central and Headingley Constituency) Labour and Co-operative Party Heselwood Julie C +, Pryor Jonathan D ++, Venner Fiona E, Rontree Andrew C, Flint Emma, Gee Christine H, Sullivan Barbara A, Hussain Talib, Salinger David L, Van Der Wert Russell  
WALKER Rob (address in the Leeds Central and Headingley Constituency) Social Democratic Party Walker Mary F +, Walker Euan A ++, Walker Duncan R, Cuthbert Lynn, Stewart Michael C, Little Joshua L, Luke Adrian D, Fenton Harry J O, Lewis Janet E, Taylor Alexander R  
WRAY Reggie Harry (address in the Leeds West and Pudsey Constituency) Reform UK Edwards Anthony +, Hobson John M ++, Clark Lindsey, Ballard Christine S, Capitano Amanda K, Howson Philip, Lucey Elaine M, Lucey Michael J, Howson Jayne, Bagley Jennifer  

Dated Friday 7 June 2024

Tom Riordan
Acting Returning Officer

Printed and published by the Acting Returning Officer, c/o Electoral Services, 4th Floor West, Civic Hall, Leeds LS1 1UR

Polling station information

Polling station locations
Reference District(s) Polling Place
HH-1 HHA Cornerstone Baptist Church, (Desk A) (The Sanctuary), Kirkstall Lane, LS6 3LF
HH-2 HHA Cornerstone Baptist Church, (Desk B) (The Sanctuary), Kirkstall Lane, LS6 3LF
HH-3 HHB Headingley Parish Hall, (The Sugden Room), St Michaels Road, LS6 3AW
HH-4 HHC James Baillie Park, (The Common Room), The Conservatory, LS6 2ER
HH-5 HHD Brudenell Primary School, (Desk A), School View, LS6 1EN
HH-6 HHD Brudenell Primary School, (Desk B), School View, LS6 1EN
HH-7 HHE, HHM The Cardigan Centre, (The Burley Park Room), 145-149 Cardigan Road, LS6 1LJ
HH-8 HHF Headingley Parish Hall, (The Elam Room), St Michaels Road, LS6 3AW
HH-9 HHG St Urban`s Catholic Church, (Meeting Room), Grove Road, LS6 2AQ
HH-10 HHH Wrangthorn Church Hall, (Main Hall), 2A Hyde Park Terrace, LS6 1BJ
HH-11 HHI Brudenell Social Club, (Community Room), 33 Queens Road, LS6 1NY
HH-12 HHJ, HHL Holborn Church, 62 Holborn Approach, LS6 2PD
HH-13 HHK Woodhouse Community Centre, (Main Hall), 197 Woodhouse Street, LS6 2NY
KI-1 KIA St Mary`s C of E Church, 61 Hawkswood Crescent, LS5 3PT
KI-2 KIB St Andrew the Apostle Church, (Main Hall), 28 Old Oak Drive, LS16 5HB
KI-3 KIC St Stephen`s Parish Hall, (Main Hall), Norman Street, LS5 3JN
KI-4 KID Queenswood Social Club, (The Lounge), 77 Queenswood Drive, LS6 3HT
KI-5 KIE New Burley Club, (Concert Room), Burley Hill Drive, LS4 2SZ
KI-6 KIF St Matthias Church, (Desk A), St Matthias Street, LS4 2DZ
KI-7 KIF St Matthias Church, (Desk B), St Matthias Street, LS4 2DZ
KI-8 KIG Burley Greenhow Community Room, Haddon Road, LS4 2HN
KI-9 KIH West Park United Reformed Church, (Reception Area), Spen Lane, LS16 5BB
LW-1 LWA Gateway at St Mark`s Church, (Reunion Room), St Mark`s Road, LS2 9AF
LW-2 LWB All Souls Church, (Desk A), Blackman Lane, LS2 9EY
LW-3 LWB All Souls Church, (Desk B), Blackman Lane, LS2 9EY
LW-4 LWC New Little London Community Centre, Oatland Lane, LS7 1SP
LW-5 LWD Lovell Park Hub, (Cafe area), Wintoun Street, LS7 1DA
LW-6 LWE Civic Hall, (Ante Chamber), Entrance at rear of building opposite Rose Bowl, LS1 1UR
LW-7 LWF Mill Hill Chapel, (Priestley Hall), City Square, LS1 5EB
LW-8 LWG, LWH, LWI Swarthmore Education Centre, (Room 3 Ground Floor), 2-7 Woodhouse Square, LS3 1AD
LW-9 LWJ Hyde Park Methodist Church Hall, (Main Hall), Woodsley Road, LS6 1SN
LW-10 LWK Better Leeds Communities, (Community Room), 42/46 Burley Lodge Road, LS6 1QF
WE-1 WEA Holt Park Active, (The Dance Studio), (Desk B), LS16 7RX
WE-2 WEB St Paul`s Church, Raynel Drive, LS16 6BS
WE-3 WEC Tinshill Free Church, (Side Room), Tinshill Lane, LS16 6PL
WE-4 WED Holy Name Church Hall, (Main Hall), 52 Otley Old Road, LS16 6HW
WE-5 WEE YMCA - Lawnswood Branch, (Function Room), Otley Road, LS16 6HD
WE-6 WEF St Chad`s Parish Centre, (Meeting Hall) (Desk A), Otley Road, LS16 5JT
WE-7 WEF St Chad`s Parish Centre, (Meeting Hall) (Desk B), Otley Road, LS16 5JT
WE-8 WEG Meanwood Community Centre, (Main Hall), Stainbeck Avenue, LS7 2QU
Notice of situation of polling stations

UK Parliamentary General Election - Thursday 4 July 2024

Leeds Central and Headingley Constituency
Polling station address Polling station number Polling station electors range
Cornerstone Baptist Church, (Desk A) (The Sanctuary), Kirkstall Lane, Leeds, LS6 3LF HH-1 HHA-1 to HHA-1494
Cornerstone Baptist Church, (Desk B) (The Sanctuary), Kirkstall Lane, Leeds, LS6 3LF HH-2 HHA-1495 to HHA-2608
Headingley Parish Hall, (The Sugden Room), St Michaels Road, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 3AW HH-3 HHB-1 to HHB-2367/3
James Baillie Park, (The Common Room), The Conservatory, North Hill Road, Headingley, LS6 2ER HH-4 HHC-1 to HHC-1317/2
Brudenell Primary School, (Desk A), School View, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 1EN HH-5 HHD-1 to HHD-1945
Brudenell Primary School, (Desk B), School View, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 1EN HH-6 HHD-1946 to HHD-3869/2
The Cardigan Centre, (The Burley Park Room), 145-149 Cardigan Road, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 1LJ HH-7 HHE-2 to HHE-2172/1
The Cardigan Centre, (The Burley Park Room), 145-149 Cardigan Road, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 1LJ HH-7 HHM-1 to HHM-331/1
Headingley Parish Hall, (The Elam Room), St Michaels Road, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 3AW HH-8 HHF-1 to HHF-989
St Urban`s Catholic Church, (Meeting Room), Grove Road, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 2AQ HH-9 HHG-1 to HHG-731/3
Wrangthorn Church Hall, (Main Hall), 2A Hyde Park Terrace, Hyde Park, Leeds, LS6 1BJ HH-10 HHH-1 to HHH-1041
Brudenell Social Club, (Community Room), 33 Queens Road, Hyde Park, Leeds, LS6 1NY HH-11 HHI-1 to HHI-2489/8
Holborn Church, 62 Holborn Approach, Leeds, LS6 2PD HH-12 HHJ-1 to HHJ-660
Holborn Church, 62 Holborn Approach, Leeds, LS6 2PD HH-12 HHL-1 to HHL-660/2
Woodhouse Community Centre, (Main Hall), 197 Woodhouse Street, Leeds, LS6 2NY HH-13 HHK-1 to HHK-2290
St Mary`s C of E Church, 61 Hawkswood Crescent, Hawksworth, Leeds, LS5 3PT KI-1 KIA-1 to KIA-2699/4
St Andrew the Apostle Church, (Main Hall), 28 Old Oak Drive, Leeds, LS16 5HB KI-2 KIB-1 to KIB-1023
St Stephen`s Parish Hall, (Main Hall), Norman Street, Kirkstall, Leeds, LS5 3JN KI-3 KIC-1 to KIC-2230/2
Queenswood Social Club, (The Lounge), 77 Queenswood Drive, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 3HT KI-4 KID-2 to KID-1299
New Burley Club, (Concert Room), Burley Hill Drive, Leeds, LS4 2SZ KI-5 KIE-1 to KIE-2509
St Matthias Church, (Desk A), St Matthias Street, Burley, Leeds, LS4 2DZ KI-6 KIF-1 to KIF-1533
St Matthias Church, (Desk B), St Matthias Street, Burley, Leeds, LS4 2DZ KI-7 KIF-1534 to KIF-3031/2
Burley Greenhow Community Room, Haddon Road, Burley, Leeds, LS4 2HN KI-8 KIG-1 to KIG-1483
West Park United Reformed Church, (Reception Area), Spen Lane, Leeds, LS16 5BB KI-9 KIH-1 to KIH-1516/1
Gateway at St Mark`s Church, (Reunion Room), St Mark`s Road, Woodhouse, Leeds, LS2 9AF LW-1 LWA-1 to LWA-491
All Souls Church, (Desk A), Blackman Lane, Leeds, LS2 9EY LW-2 LWB-1 to LWB-1035/1
All Souls Church, (Desk B), Blackman Lane, Leeds, LS2 9EY LW-3 LWB-1036 to LWB-2041/2
New Little London Community Centre, Oatland Lane, Leeds, LS7 1SP LW-4 LWC-1 to LWC-1899
Lovell Park Hub, (Cafe area), Wintoun Street, Leeds, LS7 1DA LW-5 LWD-1 to LWD-2309/1
Civic Hall, (Ante Chamber), Entrance at rear of building opposite Rose Bowl, Leeds, LS1 1UR LW-6 LWE-1 to LWE-1371/1
Mill Hill Chapel, (Priestley Hall), City Square, Leeds, LS1 5EB LW-7 LWF-1 to LWF-809/1
Swarthmore Education Centre, (Room 3 Ground Floor), 2-7 Woodhouse Square, Leeds, LS3 1AD LW-8 LWG-1 to LWG-860/1
Swarthmore Education Centre, (Room 3 Ground Floor), 2-7 Woodhouse Square, Leeds, LS3 1AD LW-8 LWH-1 to LWH-767/2
Swarthmore Education Centre, (Room 3 Ground Floor), 2-7 Woodhouse Square, Leeds, LS3 1AD LW-8 LWI-1 to LWI-1286/5
Hyde Park Methodist Church Hall, (Main Hall), Woodsley Road, Hyde Park, Leeds, LS6 1SN LW-9 LWJ-2 to LWJ-2373/5
Better Leeds Communities, (Community Room), 42/46 Burley Lodge Road, Burley, Leeds, LS6 1QF LW-10 LWK-1 to LWK-1539/2
Holt Park Active, (The Dance Studio) (Desk B), Holtdale Approach, Leeds, LS16 7RX WE-1 WEA-1 to WEA-1606
St Paul`s Church, Raynel Drive, Leeds, LS16 6BS WE-2 WEB-1 to WEB-1154/1
Tinshill Free Church, (Side Room), Tinshill Lane, Leeds, LS16 6PL WE-3 WEC-1 to WEC-2574/2
Holy Name Church Hall, (Main Hall), 52 Otley Old Road, Leeds, LS16 6HW WE-4 WED-1 to WED-1685/1
YMCA - Lawnswood Branch, (Function Room), Otley Road, Leeds, LS16 6HD WE-5 WEE-1 to WEE-2995/3
St Chad`s Parish Centre, (Meeting Hall) (Desk A), Otley Road, Leeds, LS16 5JT WE-6 WEF-1 to WEF-1727
St Chad`s Parish Centre, (Meeting Hall) (Desk B), Otley Road, Leeds, LS16 5JT WE-7 WEF-1728 to WEF-3467
Meanwood Community Centre, (Main Hall), Stainbeck Avenue, Leeds, LS7 2QU WE-8 WEG-1 to WEG-2087/7

Dated: Friday 7 June 2024      

Tom Riordan
Acting Returning Officer

Published by the Acting Returning Officer, c/o Electoral Services, 4th Floor West, Civic Hall, Leeds LS1 1UR