
We are currently in the process of contacting all households in Leeds. We will do this by email, letter, phone or text message. This is to check if the details that we hold on the Register of Electors are correct.

The canvass is undertaken each year and provides us with information about who lives in your household. This information is for the Register of Electors which will be used at all elections and referendums to be held in 2025.

The contact you receive will explain what you need to do. Not all households need to respond.


If you are required to respond, or if you need to make changes to the information we hold, you can do this by visiting the household response website.

You will need to enter the security codes you have been provided with (please note, security codes can only be used once).

If you need to respond, this is a legal requirement. There is a maximum criminal penalty of £1,000 for failing to respond.

If you do not need to respond, and you have no changes to make to the information we hold for your property, you do not need to do anything further.


If you need to make any other changes to the details listed on the letter, you can make these changes online on the household response website. You will need the 2 part security codes.

You need to include the name and nationality of everyone aged 16 or over who is resident and eligible to vote. If there are no eligible residents, you should state why this is the case.

Each new person added will need to submit additional information by completing an application to register on GOV.UK. We will post a copy of the form if the online form is not completed.

Calls and visits from Leeds City Council

We may contact you if you need to respond but have not by the deadline specified. We will not ask for payment. 

If you receive calls asking about voter registration or anonymous calls requesting payments relating to registration or electoral services do not give out this information or engage with the caller, hang up the phone.

If you receive an email, this will either be from a ‘’ email address, or from

You may receive a phone call or a visit from a canvasser on behalf of Electoral Services. This is normal practice. If you receive a visit from a canvasser you can request to see proof of identification.

Information we’ll hold about you

We have a statutory obligation to retain certain information about you. To find out more detail about this please read our privacy notice.