New website
We are excited to announce the launch of the new website. Find out more information.
We know that some of our communities have poorer outcomes than others and this affects them individually as well as the city as a whole. It is important for everyone to benefit from being part of a strong economy and our focus on a compassionate city approach will help us do this.
We are committed to making equality a reality for all the citizens of Leeds. Leeds will be a city where people are able to recognise, value and embrace diversity and difference. We will support people from different backgrounds and ages to feel comfortable living together.
We will work with organisations across Leeds to promote a clear and consistent message that prejudicial views or behaviour that could result in hate incidents or crimes are not tolerated or condoned.
We will work with communities to ensure people are treated with dignity and respect and the causes of unfairness are understood and addressed.
We value the contributions that all citizens in Leeds make to our city and we want everyone to recognise and appreciate these. We will ensure that we show kindness, and empathise with the difficult situations people find themselves in. We will do what we can to work with them to help them alleviate these.
In our aim to be a compassionate city, we want to live in an equal society which recognises different people's different needs, situations and goals and removes the barriers that limit what people can do and can be. We will consider all the protected characteristics covered in the Equality Act 2010, and we will also widen our considerations to others who are disadvantaged in other ways, for example, by poverty.
Our priorities do not include all our work across all the protected characteristics, but highlights those areas where there are significant differences in outcomes for people due to those characteristics. We believe that by addressing these areas we will make Leeds a better city for everyone.
We welcome all communities in Leeds and value the contributions that our citizens make to our city.
Leeds City Council's Equality Improvement Priorities and performance indicators/ measures for 2021 – 2025 are aligned to the eight 'Best City' priorities:
There are also three cross council Equality Improvement Priorities:
Equality Improvement Priority:
Leeds has an ambition to become the 'Best City to Grow Old in' and is taking a system wide approach working towards the World Health Organisation's Age Friendly Communities Programme. The Age Friendly Leeds Board has developed an Age Friendly Strategy and action plan which cuts across all the Best Council Plan priorities.
The aim of the strategy is to create a city where ageing is seen as a positive experience that brings new changes and opportunities, the views and opinions of older people are sought and valued, and older people have access to the services and resources they require to enable them to live healthy and fulfilling lives.
We will use our key performance indicators within the Age Friendly Strategy. Where possible additional analysis will be completed to explore each of these in relation to protected characteristics to enable us to see progress against this priority.
Other areas of interest are 50+ employment, social isolation and accessible transport.
In addition, a State of Ageing in Leeds report is being developed to understand what it is like to age in Leeds. Data and insight will be captured and will provide intelligence about demographics and protected characteristics within Leeds.
Review and respond to the impact of COVID-19 on communities and communities of interest with a focus on health inequalities.
There remains enduring inequality in the city. Some of us experience worse physical and/ or mental health and wellbeing because of where we live, how much we earn, the air we breathe or the pressures we face every day. As we have been acutely experiencing throughout 2020 so far, the cost is too great to our people, our economy and our city.
With so many factors contributing to health and wellbeing, our challenge is to develop a broad approach reflecting the importance of housing, employment, community and the environment whilst being specific about the areas we need to focus on to make the biggest difference.
Support the protected characteristics and demographics most affected by COVID-19 to become or remain physically active to decrease health inequalities.
There remains enduring inequality in the city. Some of us experience worse physical and/ or mental health and wellbeing because of where we live, how much we earn, the air we breathe or the pressures we face every day. As we have been acutely experiencing throughout 2020 so far, the cost is too great to our people, our economy and our city.
With so many factors contributing to health and wellbeing, our challenge is to develop a broad approach reflecting the importance of housing, employment, community and the environment whilst being specific about the areas we need to focus on to make the biggest difference.
We recognise that children from some backgrounds protected by equality law have poorer educational outcomes. The purpose of this priority is to address this inequality of outcome, reducing its impact and prevalence so that all of the youngest citizens of Leeds do well in learning and have skills for life.
The introduction of the 3As Strategy in 2019 (attendance, attainment and achievement) was driven by our ambition to support all children and young people to reach their full potential.
The strategy aims to close the gaps between more and less advantaged children and young people through collaborating with internal and external partners. Children and young people will be supported to engage positively with education and will be offered opportunities that lead to positive, lifelong pathways.
Through this, we will give all children and young people in Leeds, particularly those who are vulnerable and/or disadvantaged, an empowering start in life and enable them to thrive in a vibrant and compassionate city.
We recognise that children from some backgrounds protected by equality law are at risk of having a poorer start in life and are at more risk of being in state care or in custody.
The purpose of this priority is to address this inequality of outcome, reducing its impact and prevalence so that all of the youngest citizens of Leeds are protected, grow up having fun and are supported in their family wherever possible.
In all of our work, we will be mindful of race based inequalities.
We will explore and address:
Our child-friendly city aspiration is visible throughout this Best Council Plan in the work we are doing to make Leeds the best city in the UK for children and young people to grow up in; to improve the homes and places in which children live and play; and to increase their overall health and wellbeing.
We want to make a difference to the lives of children and young people who live in Leeds, to have a positive impact on improving outcomes for all children, while recognising the need for outcomes to improve faster for children from disadvantaged and vulnerable backgrounds.
Equality Improvement Priority
Through Leeds Culture Strategy, engage Leeds communities to create and enable new opportunities to promote increased engagement with culture by Leeds diverse communities through Leeds 2023 and the council's existing cultural and grants programmes.
Leeds backs culture in its widest sense. We believe it has a vital role to play in realising our Best City ambition, recognising the contribution it can make to individuals' physical and mental health, educational and employment options and quality of life.
We also recognise the contribution it can make to the city's confidence, profile and economy. Our culture both defines our rich differences, and brings us closer together – its purpose is the very opposite of social distancing. Sharing the diverse cultures of our city helps people to get to know and respect their neighbours and it can help build wider community cohesion.
Most of all, culture can be fun and life-affirming. Thousands of arts, cultural and community organisations, and everyone in the city, make Leeds culture what it is and their exceptional contributions will continue to be valued.
2021 - 2022 – Establish the measures/frameworks:
2022 - 2023 – Telling the Story:
2023 - 2024 – Year of Culture
2024 - 2025
To ensure that work to deliver the city's climate ambition of net zero provides opportunities for and is inclusive of all communities, including those characteristics protected by law under the Equality Act 2010.
Like other growing cities, Leeds faces a number of challenges, including adapting to climate change, linking people to services and employment, enabling people to better manage their wellbeing and increasing the number of people choosing active travel and public transport.
Sustainable and joined up infrastructure has a vital role to play in responding to these challenges. A resource-efficient and connected city will be a better, healthier place to live, more competitive and better placed to ride out future economic and climate shocks. The city's infrastructure is facing significant short- and medium term challenges, however, as social distancing requirements have become a national priority.
Our sustainable infrastructure priority reflects the council's 2019 declaration of a climate emergency and our ambition to work towards being a net zero carbon city by 2030. We carried out a Big Leeds Climate Conversation to raise awareness and explore what people thought about some bold ideas to cut emissions. The 8,000+ responses received and Leeds Climate Change Commission's and Citizens' Jury's recommendations are informing the council's strategy: practical steps we can take now and further work required.
The key performance indicator for success for the climate emergency is reduction in carbon emissions. The equality measures will include measurement by geography and where relevant by household against protected characteristics. This will include interventions, such as, retrofitting, tree planting, charge points etc.
Deliver well designed transport infrastructure, streets and public realm that is inclusive, people focused and accessible to all.
Like other growing cities, Leeds faces a number of challenges, including adapting to climate change, linking people to services and employment, enabling people to better manage their wellbeing and increasing the number of people choosing active travel and public transport. Sustainable and joined up infrastructure has a vital role to play in responding to these challenges.
A resource-efficient and connected city will be a better, healthier place to live, more competitive and better placed to ride out future economic and climate shocks. The city's infrastructure is facing significant short- and medium term challenges, however, as social distancing requirements have become a national priority.
Performance will be measured by level of scheme engagement on a case by case basis, feedback via identified user groups and National Transport Strategy survey in relation to indicators for Leeds on Accessibility, Safety and others (specifically including satisfaction with dropped kerb crossing points, maintenance of highway verges, trees and shrubs and overall satisfaction with the state of footways).
Ensuring equality is a key focus of supporting Inclusive Growth and economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and building economic resilience for Leeds and everyone living and working in the city.
Our ambition is for a strong economy within a compassionate city. We will deliver this through inclusive growth which seeks to ensure that the benefits of prosperity reach all our communities and citizens.
This means tackling inequalities across the city, raising skills levels, creating more high quality jobs, improving health and wellbeing, focusing on our communities, embracing the digital revolution, supporting innovators and entrepreneurs and harnessing the economic benefits of all sectors.
Looking at the economic aspect of our climate change ambitions, it is estimated that Leeds could save £277m a year if it exploited cost-effective opportunities for energy efficiency and low carbon development.
Inclusive Growth is an integral part of the Best Council Plan – supporting the city's economic recovery from COVID-19 and building longer-term economic resilience; supporting growth and investment, helping everyone benefit from the economy to their full potential; supporting businesses and residents to improve skills, helping people into work and into better jobs; targeting interventions to tackle poverty in priority neighbourhoods; and tackling low pay.
A part of ensuring we build resilience into our economy is how we measure the actions that are being taken. More than ever, we now need to understand how our interventions are addressing inequality and we need more real-time information about the economy to inform our interventions.
This will also assist us to be more agile in our response and able to pivot/change as evidence of impact and opportunity emerges. We will continue to work with our partners, such as the Open Data Institute (ODI), to try and obtain and use new and different types of data.
As a way to measure Inclusive Growth alongside traditional economic measure we are adopting the Social Progress Index (SPI), as well as measuring success through lived experience. Designed by the Social Progress Imperative, a global non-profit organisation based in Washington DC, the SPI first launched in 2014 and is now used across the world, including by the United Nations, as a comprehensive measure of real quality of life to complement rather than replace traditional economic measures.
The SPI is built on three themes: Basic Human Needs; Foundations of Wellbeing; and Opportunity. We have been working to populate the indicators with data for the city.
At the current time, we are working to collect data against a range of indicators and we are engaging with partners on this work, including in the health and third sectors, to capture feedback and act upon it. We are aiming to have a version available later this year. As part of this work, council officers will be trained in the methodology to run the SPI so we are able to take this forward in the coming years.
Focusing on disabled people, supporting businesses and residents to improve skills, helping people into work and into better jobs.
Our ambition is for a strong economy within a compassionate city. We will deliver this through inclusive growth which seeks to ensure that the benefits of prosperity reach all our communities and citizens.
This means tackling inequalities across the city, raising skills levels, creating more high quality jobs, improving health and wellbeing, focusing on our communities, embracing the digital revolution, supporting innovators and entrepreneurs and harnessing the economic benefits of all sectors.
Looking at the economic aspect of our climate change ambitions, it is estimated that Leeds could save £277m a year if it exploited cost-effective opportunities for energy efficiency and low carbon development.
Increase the number of people with improved skills or moving into work who have a disability or long term health condition, particularly focussing on those experiencing mental ill health.
Equality Improvement Priority
Ensure that consideration of equality and the characteristics protected by law is a key focus of our delivery of Housing services with a focus on:
One of the biggest challenges Leeds faces is to provide enough quality and accessible homes to meet the city's growing population, whilst protecting the quality of the environment and respecting community identity. The need for affordable housing and affordable warmth are key issues in meeting this challenge.
The council has committed to a significant council housing new build programme, including specialist extra care housing schemes, which are being built to the Leeds standard: better urban design, meeting space standards and using sustainable construction.
We work closely with health agencies to ensure that homes meet the health needs of residents, carrying out adaptations and rehousing support to enable disabled people to live independently and prevent admission to hospital or residential care.
Housing growth:
Energy performance and fuel poverty:
Homelessness prevention:
Equality Improvement Priority
Improve equality outcomes across Safer Stronger priorities and programmes of work. Being responsive to local needs, to create thriving, resilient communities, promoting respect and tackling the causes of poverty.
Safe, Strong Communities is one of the eight Best City Priorities in the Best Council Plan 2020-2025. The Best Council Plan states that Leeds is a growing and richly diverse city, with people of different ages, backgrounds, cultures and beliefs living and working alongside each other.
As a City of Sanctuary, we celebrate this diversity and want Leeds to be a welcoming city for all, where people get on with each other and feel part of their local neighbourhood.
To achieve this, we need strong local leadership, to increase community conversations to resolve problems locally, raise aspirations, create better links to social and economic opportunities, and improve resilience to extremist narratives. Increasing community engagement and participation will reduce dependency on public services, building thriving, more resilient communities that make the best use of their strengths and assets to overcome challenges.
Equality Improvement Priority
To ensure that in the determination of the annual revenue budget appropriate consideration is given to ensuring that it complies with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and that financial spend is increasingly aligned with the council's strategic aim of reducing inequalities.
The financial climate for Local Government presents significant risks to the council's priorities and ambitions. The council continues to make every effort possible to protect frontline service delivery, and whilst we have been able to balance the budget each year since 2010, have continued to deliver a broad range of services despite declining income, and have avoided large scale compulsory redundancies, it is clear that the position continues to be difficult to manage.
Resource implications will impact on all communities but those who have been identified at being at the greatest potential risk of negative impact include:
To mitigate this risk, the council has an agreed process in place to ensure that equality and diversity are given proper consideration when developing policies and making decisions, the majority of which will have a financial implication.
The council's 5-year rolling Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) considers the factors and influences that may impact on the council's financial resources in the coming years, providing the framework for its financial planning in line with the ambitions and priorities set out in the Best Council Plan (BCP). The Best Council Plan can only be delivered through a sound understanding of the organisation's longer-term financial sustainability, which enables decisions to be made that balance the resource implications of the council's policies against financial constraints.
This is the primary purpose of the MTFS Strategy which also provides the financial framework for the annual budget. The most recent MTFS for 2021 - 2022 to 2025 2026 was approved by the council's Executive Board in September 2020 and, as with the annual budget, draws on a range of data and insight, including the most recent socio-economic analysis (for example, population, labour market and the Index of Multiple Deprivation).
The council's annual budget continues to allocate resources in line with the BCP, aiming to tackle poverty and reduce inequalities. As such, despite the significant reductions in the revenue budget in recent years – and in particular for 2021 - 2022 - demand-led services that support the most vulnerable in the city remain protected while the council also remains committed to the Low Pay Charter, aiming to match (subject to affordability) the Living Wage Foundation's recommended minimum rate of pay across its workforce.
A strategic equality impact assessment (EIA) is carried out as part of the process of developing the council's annual budget.
Equality considerations were built in from the start of the council's Financial Challenge Programme established in 2020 to identify savings to contribute towards closing the significant budget gap of £119m estimated for 2021 - 2022. A cross-council group reviewed and supported the development of initial savings options; equality impact screenings were carried out on all service review savings proposals (these potentially impacting on the public and/or council staff) and included in the public reports considered by the council's Executive Board in September, October, November and December 2020; and as these have moved into formal decisions being taken, full equality impact assessments have also been carried out where the initial screening identified a need to do so, ensuring due regard has been considered and appropriate action taken or planned.
When a delegated decision to implement a budget saving is taken then the decision maker will need to take account of equality issues and carry out an EIA.
The capital programme sets out a plan of capital expenditure over future years and further spending decisions are taken in accordance with capital approval processes, as projects are developed. This is when more detailed information will be available as to where in the city capital spending will be incurred and the impact on services, buildings and people. Service Directorates will include equality considerations as part of the rationale in determining specific projects from capital budgets.
Alignment between the council's financial spend and our strategic aim to reduce inequalities.
Equality Improvement Priority
To ensure our contract processes have a positive impact on the council's equality and diversity aims and objectives through the money the council spends via its contracted arrangements.
We believe 'spending money wisely' is about more than efficiency, savings and managing risk. For example, the council spent in excess of £992 million (revenue and capital expenditure) during 2020-21 on the procurement of its goods, works and services. That level of spending each year can have a massive influence on the big issues that face the city, as outlined in the Best Council Plan and supporting city strategies (for example, Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Inclusive Growth Strategy).
The goods and services we choose to buy and commission, the suppliers we select and the influential relationships we aim to maintain with our suppliers by recording their approach to equality will improve the wellbeing of local people and the council as a whole. Detailed below is the status of the council's supplier profiling:
The above data will be tracked and monitored via the social value recorded evidence. This includes the council's internal management information system YORtender, the supplier vetting database and reports produced by FMS.
We will build on our strong foundations and seek to improve economic, social and environmental wellbeing from our contracts, over and above the delivery of the services required by exploring how those activities can deliver the council's wider strategic equality improvement priority outcomes at no extra cost. Such activities will include:
Social value involves looking beyond the price of each individual contract and looking at what the collective benefit to a community can be when a public body chooses to award a contract. There are a variety of measures that ensure public money is not spent on practices which lead to unfair discrimination, the following are areas we can report on:
Improve the overall value for money for the council in terms of the goods, works and services procured through its supplier base by ensuring the following:
The council will take into account in its tender evaluation and contracting processes a contractor's approach to equality in terms of its employment practices and service delivery.
Monitor and report on organisations whose contract has been terminated on grounds of failing to comply with equality and/or budget requirements.
Local spend with suppliers within Leeds.
Equality Improvement Priority
Our staff networks continue to play a positive and influential role across the council, in the past year more so than ever before. More than 1,000 colleagues continue to actively engage across the seven staff networks. They have played a key role in working with the organisation to address some of the challenges presented by COVID-19, in particular, the BAME Staff Network and the Disability and Wellbeing (DAWN) Staff Network played a key role in developing the Individual Risk Assessment process and briefings for staff. Members of the BAME Staff Network and the council's Corporate Leadership Team worked together to create a joint statement and action plan in response to the Black Lives Matter movement and the death of George Floyd.
We have worked with staff networks and a whole range of internal partners to engage staff in our wellbeing offer with the ultimate aim of making sure it meets the needs of all staff groups. One of our primary engagement tools has been our wellbeing pulse surveys which gave us a lot of information about how members of the workforce are feeling and what we can do to support them.
The BAME Staff Network have conducted a survey of BAME colleagues in the council. 800 employee responded. We will continue to seek out and use staff feedback to refine our understanding and response.
Leeds City Council also continues to engage with its partners, including the Anchor Institutions, the Health and Social Care Academy, NHS and other networks, to share its policy and practice, learn from others and augment its impact across the city and its communities.
We use the full range of quantitative measures listed in our key performance indicator list to track our progress, and recently this has enabled to identify and take specific, targeted action in relation to BAME colleagues, disabled staff and those who are carers.
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