New website
We are excited to announce the launch of the new website. Find out more information.
Wellbeing starts with people; our connections with family, friends and colleagues; the behaviour, care and compassion we show one another; the environment we create to live together.
We all have a part to play in Leeds being a healthy city with high quality services.
The Health and Wellbeing Board helps to achieve our ambition of Leeds being a healthy and caring city for all ages, where people who are the poorest, improve their health the fastest.
We are a group of senior representatives from organisations across Leeds, including Leeds City Council, the NHS, the community sector and Healthwatch, which represents views of the public.
We exist to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Leeds and to join up health and care services.
We meet about 8 times every year, with a mixture of public meetings and private workshops.
We get an understanding of the health and wellbeing needs and assets in Leeds by working on a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA), which gathers lots of information together about people and communities in our City.
Our Health and Wellbeing strategy is about how we put in place the best conditions in Leeds for people to live fulfilling lives – a healthy city with high quality services. Everyone in Leeds has a stake in creating a city which does the very best for its people. This strategy is our blueprint for how we will achieve that. It is led by the partners on the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Board and it belongs to everyone in the city.
Our annual review (PDF 3.5MB) serves as a roundup of activity commissioned or directed by the Health and Wellbeing Board. It is guided by the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
The review covers the period of January 2019 to January 2020 and is made up from:
The Health and Wellbeing Board often meets in public and everyone is welcome to attend. You may want to ask us a question at the start of the meeting or just listen to partners across the city having great conversations about improving health and wellbeing in Leeds. Find out when we're next meeting and what we'll be discussing.
Name | Role |
Cllr Fiona Venner (Chair) | Executive Member for Children, Families and Adult Social Care, Leeds City Council |
Cllr Salma Arif | Executive Member for Public Health, Leeds City Council |
Cllr Alice Smart | Elected Member, Leeds City Council |
Cllr Norma Harrington | Elected Member, Leeds City Council |
Cllr Stewart Golton | Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, Leeds City Council |
Supt Richard Close / Paul Money | Safer Leeds Representative |
Dr John Beal | Chair, Healthwatch Leeds |
Alison Lowe | Chief Executive, Black Health Initiative – Third Sector Representative |
Tim Ryley | Chief Executive, NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group |
Dr Jason Broch | Clinical Chair, NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group |
Dr Victoria Eaton | Director of Public Health, Leeds City Council |
Cath Roff | Director of Adults and Health, Leeds City Council |
Sal Tariq | Director of Children and Families, Leeds City Council |
Anthony Kealy | Locality Director - NHS England North (Yorkshire and the Humber) |
Dr Sara Munro | Chief Executive, Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust |
Julian Hartley | Chief Executive, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust |
Thea Stein | Chief Executive, Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust |
Jim Barwick | Leeds GP Confederation Representative |
Dr Alistair Walling | Chief Clinical Information Officer, Leeds City and Leeds CCG |
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