Houses in Multiple Occupation, Purpose-Built Student Accommodation and Co-Living Amenity Standards SPD Consultation

The aim of this supplementary planning document (SPD) is to set out space, light, and ventilation (amenity) standards for proposals for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs), Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) and Co-Living developments.

Leeds Core Strategy Policy H9 makes a commitment that a new Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) will be prepared to establish space, light and ventilation (amenity) standards for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) and Purpose-Built Student Accommodation (PBSA).

Proposals for a new co-living model are beginning to emerge in Leeds and there is an opportunity for standards to be introduced for this form of living through the new SPD.

This SPD introduces minimum standards for space, light and ventilation for new proposals for HMOs, PBSA and Co-Living proposals. It will be used to help determine planning applications for these types of proposals.

The SPD will help to ensure that residents of new HMOs, PBSA and Co-Living schemes have an appropriate standard of amenity which will help to improve health and wellbeing within communities in line with Council priorities.

Consultation Documents

Initial consultation was carried out on the SPD between Monday 18 January and Monday 1 March 2021 in line with the council's Interim Statement of Community Involvement (SCI).

Next Steps

Comments made during the initial consultation period will be analysed and, where appropriate, changes will be made to the draft SPD.

Further, Pre-Adoption consultation will take place later in 2022. If you have made a representation to the initial consultation, we will notify you of further consultation.

If you would like to discuss the SPD over the phone, please email or phone 0113 37 87993.