Pool-in-Wharfedale Neighbourhood Plan

Pool-in-Wharfedale Parish Council has submitted the Pool-in-Wharfedale Neighbourhood Plan Proposal to Leeds City Council for independent examination. Under paragraph 16 of The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, the council undertook publicity of the submission draft plan and associated documents between 17 June and 4 August 2024. The Plan and supporting documents were submitted to the Examiner in August 2024.

The Examination started on the 15 September 2024 and the Examiner paused the Examination to undertake further specific consultation due to proposed changes.  

Consultation on Examiners proposed changes 

The proposed changes are set out in the documents below:

On behalf of the Examiner, the council invited comments between 13 January and 10 February 2025. 

Consultation - next steps

Representations made during the consultation period will be submitted to the examiner for consideration. The examiner will take these representations into account to finalise her report.

The Examination has now resumed, and updates will be made once the Examination has concluded.

Examination submission documents

The submitted documents are available below:

  1. Pool-in-Wharfedale Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan (PDF 8.7MB)
  2. Pool-in-Wharfedale Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement (PDF 9.6MB)
  3. Pool-in-Wharfedale Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Basic Conditions (PDF 1.6MB)
  4. Pool-in-Wharfedale Neighbourhood Plan SEA & HRA Screening Report 2024 (PDF 1.9MB)
  5. Pool-in-Wharfedale Parish Council Designated Neighbourhood Plan Area (PDF 4.2MB)

Information is also available on the Pool-in-Wharfedale Parish Council website.

Contact us


0113 378 7997

