Introduction and have your say

Find information about the local plan update and how you can have your say.

The consultation closed on 19 December 2022. View the Local Plan Update Publication Draft Responses (PDF, 301KB).
  1. What is the Local Plan
  2. Why focus on climate change
  3. What have we already done
  4. What is the current consultation about
  5. Timeline
  6. What can you influence
  7. How to make comments
  8. How you can take part
  9. Watch previous webinars
  10. What happens after the consultation

What is the Local Plan

The Leeds Local Plan is made up of a number of documents that contain planning policies that guide the amount and location of development in the Leeds district. It also includes more detailed topic-specific policies that will guide different types of development, and make sure that priorities such as design, green space, heritage, infrastructure, flood risk management are considered during decision making.

We are required to review our planning policies every 5 years, to check they are still working, relevant and fit for purpose, and to identify any policy gaps that may have arisen. Following a review of all our Local Plan policies in 2020, a number of policies requiring update were identified.

Why focus on climate change

In March 2019 Leeds City Council declared a climate emergency with an ambition to work towards carbon neutrality by 2030. Planning policies can help achieve this by:

  • supporting developments that shape places in ways that contribute to radical reductions in greenhouse gas emissions (for example - reducing the need to travel by car)
  • minimising vulnerability and improving resilience (for example - by avoiding places that flood and dealing with water)
  • encouraging more careful use of resources (for example - by making homes more efficient)
  • supporting the move towards renewable and low carbon energy (for example - wind or solar)

With this in mind it was decided that this first update of the Local Plan should focus on the role of updated planning policies in helping the council to deliver its climate emergency commitments.

What have we already done

In summer 2021 we undertook our first public consultation with some ideas for how planning policies could change in the future to take account of the climate emergency. This was an early stage of plan making (known as Regulation 18 – Scoping consultation) and we wanted people’s ideas, opinions, local experiences and evidence to help us shape the plan.This consultation took place whilst the country was still under COVID-19 restrictions so we were largely limited to online publicity and consultation activity.

Overall, 760 consultation responses were submitted. The vast majority of consultee representations made it clear that they supported the focus of the Plan on the climate emergency and were encouraged by the proposed direction the Plan will take.

What is the current consultation about

Using the comments and suggestions from the Regulation 18 consultation, as well as further research and evidence, the supporting text and updated policies for the Local Plan have been drafted. Before this can be submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination we need to undertake the next stage of plan-preparation, which is public consultation on the draft policies and text (known as Regulation 19 Publication Draft consultation).

As this is a planning document with specific policy recommendations for an area, the consultation process involves more formal and technical questions.


Here is a timeline of the Local Plan Update, showing the stage we are currently at:

Timeline of the local plan changes in full, provided as text below

Local Plan Update timeline

Previous stages

Evidence gathering and research
Issues and options/scoping consultation (Regulation 18)

Current stage

Consult on the Publication draft plan (Regulation 19)

Upcoming stages

Submit Plan to Secretary of State
Examination in Public
Modify Plan and reconsult if required
Adopt the Plan
Monitor and review the Plan

What can you influence

You cannot make new suggestions, but you can support what we are trying to achieve. If you object to any of the policies, you will need to provide reasons and/or evidence to support this.

In order for comments to be taken into account we need people to comment on whether they think our policies are ‘legally compliant’ and ‘sound’.

Local Plans are considered ‘sound’ if they are:

Positively prepared

The Plan should be prepared to meet our social, economic and environmental requirements


The Plan is based on reasonable and proportionate evidence


The Plan should be deliverable over the plan period, up to 2040

Consistent with National Policy

The plan seeks to deliver sustainable development and is consistent with national policy

Supporting documents

To view the proposals for the Local Plan Update consultation the following documents are available:

Helpful guidance

Due to the technical nature of this consultation we have provided extra guidance, as well as a summary version of the consultation material to help to make it easier for people to understand the document and make comments.

A short introductory video, explaining what the consultation is about, what you can comment on and how you can comment:

A short summary document:

The Leeds Local Plan Update Publication Draft Consultation Summary (PDF, 1.12MB)


The consultation ran for a period of 8 weeks starting on Monday 24 October and finishing on 19 December 2022.

The consultation closed on 19 December 2022.

All representations received within the consultation time period will be submitted to the Secretary of State and considered as part of a Public Examination by an independent Planning Inspector.

Further information can be found on our Statement of Representation (PDF, 162KB).

Public drop-in sessions

Public drop-in sessions were held at the following locations in November and December 2022:

Date Time Location
Wed 9 Nov 3pm to 7pm Horsforth Library, Town Street, LS18 5BL
Sat 12 Nov 9am to 12:30pm Burley Lodge Centre, 42-46 Burley Road, LS6 1QF
Sat 19 Nov 11am to 3pm White Rose Shopping Centre, Dewsbury Road, Leeds, LS11 8LU
Tue 22 Nov 2pm to 5pm Crossgates Library, Crossgates Shopping Centre, Station Road, LS15 8DT
Thu 24 Nov 5pm to 8pm Little London Community Centre, Oatland Lane, LS7 1HF
Thu 1 Dec 11am to 2pm Leeds Central Library, Calverley Street, LS1 3AB

Online public information events

We also undertook online public information events with a presentation by officers and a question and answer opportunity. 

You can watch any previous online events on YouTube.

What happens after the consultation

The updated draft Local Plan and all comments submitted during the consultation are sent to the Secretary of State for the Department of Levelling Up, Housing & Communities. They will then appoint an independent Planning Inspector to undertake a ‘public examination’ of the draft Local Plan, who is likely to make recommendations to further improve the plan before it is adopted.

The examination will include hearing sessions which are held in public so you will be asked when you submit your comments if you would like to attend one of these hearings.