Unitary Development Plan

The Unitary Development Plan forms the statutory development plan for the whole of the Leeds district, and will gradually be replaced by the emerging Local Plan. It provides a framework for all new developments and is used as a basis for making decisions regarding land use and planning applications.

The plan takes regard for rural and urban development as part of integrated planning policy for the whole of the metropolitan district.

The statutory Development Plan for Leeds comprises:

Unitary Development Plan 2001

The original UDP was drawn up in the 1990s and approved in 2001.

Unitary Development Plan Review 2006

The 2001 plan has been reviewed following public consultation and a public inquiry.

The Review updates the 2001 plan in several respects but much of the original 2001 plan remains unchanged. The Review therefore forms an 'alteration' to the 2001 plan rather than a 'replacement'.

The Leeds UDP Review (2006) forms the Development Plan for Leeds until such time as it is gradually replaced by the emerging Local Plan. This is comprised of a number of documents, including an adopted Core Strategy and Area Action Plans which will be adopted on a rolling programme over the next few years.

You can view Volume 1 Written Statement and Volume 2 Appendices in the related documents section of this page.

The Policies Map for the Leeds District can be also be viewed on the Leeds Policies Map page.​​​​