Verification requirements for cover systems

This guidance is intended to serve as an informative and helpful source of advice.

  1. Introduction
  2. The Process of Verification
  3. Key Points
  4. KP1: Source of Material
  5. KP2: Characterisation of Material
  6. KP3: Suitability of Material
  7. KP4: Stockpiling & Quarantining of Material
  8. KP5: Verification of Required Depth
  9. KP6: Reporting
  10. Appendix 1a – Sampling & Testing Matrix
  11. Appendix 1b – Questions to Ask Your Soil Supplier Relating to Soil Quality
  12. Appendix 2 – Checklist for Verification Reports
  13. Appendix 3 – Examples of Good Quality Photographs
Yorkshire and Lincolnshire Pollution Advisory Group (YALPAG) guidance, v4.1, June 2021.

YALPAG will review this guidance every three years, but readers must note that legislation, guidance and practical methods are inevitably subject to change and therefore should be aware of current UK policy and best practice.

This note should be read in conjunction with prevailing legislation and guidance, as amended, whether mentioned here or not. Where legislation and documents are summarised this is for general advice and convenience, and must not be relied upon as a comprehensive or authoritative interpretation. Ultimately it is the responsibility of the person/company involved in the development or assessment of land to apply up-to-date working practices to determine the contamination status of a site and the remediation and verification requirements.

Local Authorities who have adopted this guidance
  • Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
  • Blackburn and Darwen Council
  • Boston Borough Council
  • City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
  • Breckland Council
  • Broadland District Council
  • Calderdale Council
  • Craven District Council
  • Darlington Borough Council
  • Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council
  • Durham County Council
  • East Lindsey District Council
  • East Riding of Yorkshire Council
  • Gedling Borough Council
  • Great Yarmouth Borough Council
  • Greater Manchester Public Protection Partnership
  • Hambleton District Council
  • Harrogate Borough Council
  • Hartlepool Borough Council
  • Hull City Council
  • Borough council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk
  • Kirklees Council
  • Leeds City Council
  • City of Lincoln Council
  • Middlesbrough Council
  • Newcastle City Council
  • Newark and Sherwood District Council
  • North East Lincolnshire Council
  • North Kesteven District Council
  • North Lincolnshire Council
  • North Norfolk District Council
  • North Tyneside Council
  • Northumberland County Council
  • Norwich City Council
  • Oldham Council
  • Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council
  • Richmondshire District Council
  • Rossendale Borough Council
  • Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
  • Ryedale District Council
  • Salford City Council
  • Selby District Council
  • Sheffield City Council
  • South Kesteven District Council
  • South Norfolk Council
  • South Tyneside Council
  • St. Helens Council
  • Stockport Metropolitan District Council
  • Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council
  • Sunderland City Council
  • Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council
  • Wakefield Council
  • West Lindsey District Council
  • Borough of Scarborough
  • Wigan Council
  • City of York Council


This guidance has been produced to help developers ensure that they can demonstrate that material brought onto a development site for gardens or areas of soft landscaping are suitable for use and do not present harm to people, the environment and/or property. It is intended to improve the quality of reports submitted to Local Authorities on this matter and to give contractors/consultants a point of reference to obtain approval for such work from their client. This guidance does not cover the geotechnical suitability of soils or materials, chemical suitability that does not affect human health e.g. sulphates, or importing soils contaminated with invasive (or injurious) plants.

The verification of cover systems should be an integral part of the remediation project and agreed between developers and regulators at an early stage in the project.

UK guidelines for remediation verification are set out within Land Contamination Risk Management (LCRM - Land Contamination Risk Management, Environment Agency, Oct 2020) and the document on Verification of Remediation of Land Contamination Verification of Remediation of Land Contamination. Environment Agency, Feb 2010. This guidance note should be considered as supplementary advice in conjunction with these documents.

This guidance relates to the remediation of land contamination by using cover systems; however, the verification of the quality of imported material is equally important in other situations, such as raising levels for flood prevention or general landscaping works. This guidance could also be used in such instances.

The process of verification

Implementation plans for remedial works should always be site specific. Where a cover system and potentially, excavation, is the main remedial method or a component of an overall site remediation, specific goals will need to be set that are linked directly to the risk management strategy for the site in question.

For cover and containment systems, verification will normally depend upon the provision of defensible measurements, observations and records. Critical factors to be considered are:

  • What should be measured?
  • When should they be measured?
  • Where measurements need to be taken, what is the appropriate monitoring regime i.e. number and frequency of samples?
  • Statistical constraints on sampling.

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that “planning policies and decisions should ensure that after remediation, as a minimum, land should not be capable of being determined as contaminated land under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990”. The Verification Report is a key document to demonstrate compliance with NPPF, and the responsibility rests with the developer/applicant to submit the required Verification Report to complete the remediation and to discharge any planning conditions.

Key points

KP1: Source of material

Material can be sourced from site won material i.e. crushed brick/hardcore or site-won soils from existing open or landscaped areas. In the interest of sustainability, Local Authorities promote the use of such site-won material providing that they are suitable for the intended end use of the site.

Alternatively, material can be sourced from other developments and commercial companies. Dependent on the source of the material it can be classified as either from a ‘Greenfield/Manufactured’ or ‘Brownfield/Screened’ source.

Broadly speaking material can be classified as follows:

Greenfield – Where documentary evidence is provided confirming that the source site has not been developed and that no past contaminative uses have occurred. Should evidence not be provided or approved by the Local Authority, please note that the source would be expected to be assessed as though it were a brownfield source.

Manufactured – from a commercial company who manufacture material by mixing or blending mineral soils (subsoil or sand) with an organic amendment (compost). If other soil component sources are used, documentary evidence should be provided confirming that the source site has not been developed and that no past contaminative uses have occurred. Should documentary evidence not be provided or approved by the Local Authority, please note that the source would be expected to be assessed as though it were a brownfield source.

Brownfield – material from a donor site that has previously been developed

Screened – material from a company who deal with skip/demolition waste which is screened for unsuitable material i.e. bricks, wood, plastic etc.

KP2: Characterisation of material

It is essential that material is suitable for its intended use. Documentary evidence of the source of the material should be provided to the Local Authority. This may include desk study or site investigation reports. A defensible method is required to ensure the verification proposals are site specific and that the level of sampling reflects the need to ensure that imported material are suitable for their intended use.

Due to the diminishing supply of suitable Greenfield topsoil sources it has been found that the chemical quality of Greenfield sources is less reliable in certain areas. As a result the recommended analytical rate for the intended use of the development may vary between Local Authorities (see Appendix 1a).

When should this be done

Sampling of material should be undertaken as early as possible i.e. prior to placement (for site won material) and prior to importation (for imported material). This is to avoid the costly exercise of re-excavating unsuitable material and the possibility of cross contamination. Where the assessor has confidence that the material is of sufficient quality (i.e. tested by supplier, used previously) it is acceptable to test the material on site. Although, if it is deemed unsuitable it would have to be either removed off site or pre-treated at the cost and time of the developer. It is recommended that some verification samples are also taken once this material has been delivered to site to confirm suitability for use. Soils can become contaminated during transportation or when stockpiled on site.

What about certificates from commercial suppliers

Where the material is provided by a commercial company, certificates or other industry Quality Protocol compliance i.e. WRAP, DoWCoP, will normally be accepted. This is on the proviso that it: (i) relates to the actual material being imported to the site and the type and amount of analysis is in line with what is prescribed in Appendix 1a; and, (ii) the certificates are less than two months old.

It is recommended that some additional verification samples are taken once this material has been delivered to site. Soils can become contaminated during transportation or when stockpiled on site.

Extreme caution should be given to importing material that has been recycled from demolition or skip waste as they could easily be contaminated e.g. asbestos containing materials. Please refer to “questions you should be asking your supplier” in Appendix 1b and include the responses in your report.

British Standard

Imported soils should be as specified in BS 3882:2015 for topsoil and BS8601:2013 for subsoil as ‘suitable for their intended purpose’. Both British Standards relate mostly to nutrient content of topsoil and phytotoxic contamination and they do not consider contaminants that pose a risk specifically to human health. Soils should be tested for contaminants that are considered to pose a risk to human health in addition to those specified in the relevant British Standards to ensure that they are suitable for their intended use.

Initial screening

A visual/olfactory inspection of the material should be carried out by a suitably qualified and competent person to ensure that:

  • It is a suitable growing medium
  • It is free from obvious contamination i.e. staining/free product etc.
  • It has not come from areas where Japanese Knotweed or other invasive or injurious plants, as specified by the Environment Agency, are suspected to have been growing;
  • It is not odorous (could be considered a statutory nuisance);
  • It is free from unsuitable material i.e. bricks, brick ties, timber and glass etc.); and,
  • There are no visible signs of asbestos containing material (ACMs).

Testing schedule and number of samples

Chemical testing will normally be required on any materials that are to be used as cover material, even where this includes first generation quarried material. This should be carried out by a suitably qualified and competent person.

Appendix 1a explains in detail the sampling and testing requirements for a typical residential development. These are only guidelines and it may be necessary to deviate away from them depending on local and site-specific factors. It is recommended that the developer discusses any deviation with the Local Authority.

The following criteria sets out the requirements for sampling and testing:

  • Virgin Quarried Material sampling needs to be 1 or 2 samples depending on the type of stone utilised, to confirm the inert nature of the material. Testing to include standard metals/metalloids (should include as a minimum As, Cd, Cr, CrVI, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Se, Zn).
  • Crushed Hardcore, Stone, Brick (excluding asphalt) a minimum of 1 sample per 500m3. Testing to include standard metals/metalloids (as above), PAH (16 USEPA speciation), asbestos, total TPH. Any additional analysis dependant on the history of the donor site (e.g. phenol, total cyanide, BTEX, MTBE).
  • Greenfield/ Manufactured Soils a minimum of 3 samples or, dependent on source and receptor, between 1 per 50m3 and 1 per 250m3. Testing to include standard metals/metalloids (as above), PAH (16 USEPA speciation), asbestos, pH and soil organic matter (SOM) (or calculated from total organic carbon (TOC)).
  • Brownfield/ Screened Soils a minimum of 6 samples or dependent on source and receptor, between 1 per 50m3 and 1 per 100m3. Standard metals/ metalloids (as above), PAH (16 USEPA speciation), TPH (CWG banded), asbestos, pH and SOM (or calculated from TOC). Any additional analysis dependant on the history of the donor site (e.g. phenol, total cyanide, BTEX, MTBE).

The assessment criteria need to be UK based, e.g. LQM S4ULs, Defra C4SLs or other similarly derived GACs.

KP3: Suitability of material

Based on the characterisation of material above, the material should be either deemed suitable or unsuitable. Obviously unsuitable material should not be used (unless it is treated to reduce levels of contaminants below agreed target levels i.e. bioremediation – this would have to be agreed and included within the Remediation Strategy) and an alternative source of material should be sought by the developer. If the material is considered suitable it can be imported (if not site won) and stockpiled in a suitably quarantined area (refer to KP4).

KP4: Stockpiling and quarantining of material

It is essential that the ‘suitable’ material is either placed in its intended area straight away i.e. soft/landscaped areas or stockpiled in a suitable quarantine area to prevent on-site contamination.

In the event that an assessor finds material has been stored in an unsuitable area, samples should be taken to confirm that no cross contamination has occurred (including a visual/olfactory check of the material). The material should then be suitably quarantined or placed at its intended location immediately.

KP5: Verification of required depth

In line with the agreed Remediation Strategy, it is important to establish that the required depth has been achieved and is consistent across the site. There are two main ways to achieve this:

Depth testing in situ – small trial pit excavated to allow measurement of its depth by standardised tape measure or measuring staff.

Topographical surveys – accurate survey of the base and final formation layer height to establish the depth of cover.

Specific Local Authority policy

Please check with the local Contaminated Land Officer to establish:

  • Which type of method for testing depth is accepted; and,
  • The number of verification areas per property, plot, landscaped area or garden area (some Local Authorities recommend at least 2 per plot for residential developments).

Important Note: Where demarcation, physical no-dig and capillary break layers exist they should be verified for their thickness and presence during the time of their installation. Details of the demarcation layer should be agreed with the Contaminated Land Officer prior to placement. This will include the design, type and strength of the geotextile separator or visual warning membrane. The verification of depth and confirmation of such layers should be carried out by a suitably qualified and competent person.

KP6: Reporting

The purpose of verification documentation is to provide transparent reasoning why the remediation was required, a methodology about how it was to be undertaken and proof that the specified works have been undertaken and to provide confirmation that the site is “suitable for its intended use”.

The document is utilised not only to satisfy conditions of planning permissions but also is to be kept on record by the Local Authority should queries be raised during the lifetime of the development and to confirm to future purchasers that the site is suitable for use.

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that “planning policies and decisions should ensure that after remediation, as a minimum, land should not be capable of being determined as contaminated land under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990”. The Verification Report is a key document to demonstrate compliance with NPPF, and the responsibility rests with the developer/applicant to submit the required Verification Report to complete the remediation and to discharge any planning conditions.

It is also essential that other supporting documentation is included within a report carried out by a suitably qualified and competent person e.g. laboratory analysis results, delivery tickets for material, certificates for imported material (or if unavailable, documented evidence of the source of the Greenfield material), trial pit logs etc. A checklist has been included in Appendix 2 to give an idea on what information should be recorded.

Additionally, any reporting should include details of any measures required to maintain the cover system integrity in the future e.g. successive construction phases (management plans) and longer term (restrictive covenants on title deeds).

Photographic evidence for validating the depth of cover

The Local Authority ideally would recommend the following programme of photographs to be taken of the placement of inert cover:

  • Photographs of any stockpiles and quarantine areas
  • Proof that the depth of inert cover has been installed
  • Proof of the quality of the material to be used as inert cover
  • Proof there is a geotextile separator and visual warning membranes if used between the underlying material and suitable for use soils
  • Proof of the method of placement and different layers if appropriate
  • Proof of the completed project
  • Inclusion of background features which will aid locating the photograph
  • Inclusion of site identification boards within the photos which show the date, position taken i.e. corner of plot 3 and the site name.
  • Inclusion of photographs of site stockpiles and quarantine areas.

The presence of good quality photographs is essential to prove beyond doubt that the remediation has been done as specified both by method and position, and that the images have been taken from the specific area stated.

Refer to Appendix 3 for examples of good photographic evidence.

Appendix 1a – Sampling and testing matrix
cover systems verification requirements
Type Number of samples Testing schedule Assessment criteria
Virgin Quarried Material 1 or 2 depending on the type of stone utilised, to confirm the inert nature of the material. Standard metals/metalloids (should include as a minimum As, Cd, Cr, CrVI, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Se, Zn) The assessment criteria need to be UK based, e.g. LQM S4ULs, Defra C4SLs or other similarly derived GACs.
Crushed Hardcore, Stone, Brick (excluding asphalt) Minimum 1 per 500m3 Standard metals/metalloids (as above), PAH (16 USEPA speciation), asbestos, total TPH. Any additional analysis dependant on the history of the donor site (e.g. phenol, total cyanide, BTEX, MTBE).
Greenfield/ Manufactured Soils Minimum 3, dependent on source and receptor, between 1 per 50m3 and 1 per 250m3 Standard metals/metalloids (as above), PAH (16 USEPA speciation), asbestos, pH and soil organic matter (SOM) (or calculated from total organic carbon (TOC)).
Brownfield/ Screened Soils Minimum 6, dependent on source and receptor, between 1 per 50m3 and 1 per 100m3 Standard metals/ metalloids (as above), PAH (16 USEPA speciation), TPH (CWG banded), asbestos, pH and SOM (or calculated from TOC). Any additional analysis dependant on the history of the donor site (e.g. phenol, total cyanide, BTEX, MTBE).

Please note that these guidelines apply to a typical residential development, and relaxation of the guidelines or more stringent requirements may apply dependent on local and site specific factors. Therefore, all parameters need to be agreed with the Local Authority.            


Appendix 1b – Questions to ask your soil supplier relating to soil quality
  • What is the source of the material (refer to KP1)? If the source is Greenfield, can they provide evidence of this?
  • Will all of the material be coming from the same source?
  • Are you satisfied that the material is a suitable growing medium for the proposed end use?
  • Has the supplier used an appropriate sampling protocol to ensure a representative sample is analysed? What volume of soil is represented by the analysis and does it comply with Appendix 1a?
  • Does the testing include analysis of contaminants identified in Appendix 1a?
  • Does the laboratory conducting the analysis have UKAS and MCERTS accreditation for the tests they are carrying out?
  • Does the material comply with relevant waste regulations?
  • Can I have a copy of the whole analysts report and does it include an interpretive section?
  • Will the provided certificate be dated within the last 2 months?
Appendix 2 – Checklist for verification reports

Example only. Not to be considered as typical minimum requirements. Additional information should be included for non-cover systems aspects of the remediation i.e. gas protection measures etc.            

Checklist for verification reports
Site Details  
Site Name / location  
Developer name  
Development use  
Plot No / description of landscaped area (inc plan of inspection areas)  
National Grid Reference  
Inspection visit date  
Supporting Evidence  
Description of remediation (as per agreed Remediation Method Statement including depths / thickness checks, topographical readings)  
Material tracking information (including way tickets etc.)  
Name of groundwork’s remediation contractor  
Name of supervising environmental consultant  
Site Specific chemical analysis results  
Verification Photographs (inc. remarks)  
If material fails, how will this be managed i.e. removed, treated  
Detail any further remedial works and/or inspection  
Signed off  
Failure to provide any of the above information may prevent planning conditions from being discharged.             
Appendix 3 – Examples of good quality photographs

© Coopers Consulting Engineers Photograph 1: Depth check of inert cover within area of public open space. Physical break layer and topsoil visible.            

© WSP Photograph 2: Depth check of inert cover with Site & Location Information Board.            

© Coopers Consulting Engineers Photograph 3: Depth check of inert cover within areas of front gardens.            

© Coopers Consulting Engineers Photograph 4: Depth check of inert cover within areas of front gardens.            

© Coopers Consulting Engineers Photograph 5: Depth check of inert cover within rear gardens. Taut string line spans across excavation.            

© Coopers Consulting Engineers Photograph 6: Depth check of inert cover within rear gardens. Taut string line spans across excavation.            

© Coopers Consulting Engineers Photograph 7: Shows the spatial location of the verification pit.            

© Coopers Consulting Engineers Photograph 8: Excavation within public open space and verification pit showing the presence of a remediation break layer at the base, a crushed sandstone inert fill overlain by topsoil.            

© Coopers Consulting Engineers Photograph 9: Inert crushed sandstone being delivered. The spatial area of the remediation can be observed from these photographs (old terrace housing).            

© Coopers Consulting Engineers Photograph 10: Inert crushed sandstone being delivered with visible remediation break layer. The spatial area of the remediation can be observed from these photographs (traffic lights).            

© Coopers Consulting Engineers Photograph 11: Shows the remediation of the rear garden, with a significant depth (1.0m) of inert cover. This photograph has been stitched to form a panoramic photograph and hence there is slight distortion.            

© Coopers Consulting Engineers Photograph 12: Shows the remediation of the rear garden, with a significant depth (1.0m) of inert cover. Remediation break layer visible at the base of the excavation.

This guidance is also available as a downloadable PDF including an overview flowchart: