HMO licence
If you rent your HMO out to 5 or more people you'll also need an HMO licence. This is a separate process from getting planning permission. Find out more about applying for an HMO licence.
Check if you need planning permission before renting your property out as a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO).
A property is an HMO if:
If you rent your HMO out to 5 or more people you'll also need an HMO licence. This is a separate process from getting planning permission. Find out more about applying for an HMO licence.
Converting a property means that you rent it out as an HMO where it was not previously rented as one (even if you do not do any building work on it). This is known as a 'change of use'.
You'll need to apply for planning permission if you are going to (either):
We have removed permitted development rights for HMOs in the article 4 direction area (PDF 582KB). This means you will need planning permission within this area for HMOs where you might not need it in other areas.
Before granting planning permission we will make sure that:
Read more about how we make decisions on planning permission for HMOs.
If you would like advice about your property before submitting your application, we offer a pre-application advice service.
You'll need to pay a fee to apply for planning permission. Find out how much it costs on the planning portal fee calculator.
You can apply through the planning portal or a paper application. Find out more about the process of applying for planning permission.
You should select:
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