The CIL is a planning charge for developers and landowners which is used to support development of local infrastructure. The CIL is charged per square metre on new developments, and applies to:
- new dwellings of any size
- any development where the internal area of a new building, extension or change of use exceeds 100 square metres
When to send your forms
Applications for planning permission
Permitted development work
If you are planning to carrying out work which is permitted development, send us a Notice of chargeable development form before work commences.
Forms to send if you don't have to pay
Before starting work on your development, you must send us:
Planning Services
Merrion House
110 Merrion Centre
Who is reponsible for paying
Withdraw or transfer liability
If your development is liable for the Community Infrastructure Levy, payment is mandatory. However, you can appeal to the Government’s Valuation Office Agency if you think a mistake has been made in our calculations.