Places are available for only £80 per person for the whole programme.
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If you work with the community, or in a health and wellbeing role, the Leeds health and wellbeing training programme is perfect for you.
The course covers the elements and theory of public health, enabling you to understand and deliver the challenging public health agenda.
On this course, you will gain:
The course runs over eight months, with a half-day session each month.
Each of the workshops has been assessed in relation to the level of public health competency most applicable, as taken from Public Health Skills and Knowledge Framework (2016), Public Health England. For more details on the course please read the content below.
The Leeds Health and Wellbeing Training Programme is a sector-wide opportunity to enhance existing health and wellbeing work through the learning and application of public health skills. The programme is open to all those whose work involves improving the health and wellbeing of people and communities, including health service staff, council employees, police and the voluntary, community and faith sector. The aim of the programme is to raise awareness and understanding of public health and to encourage reflection on how we can all contribute to health improvement, the reduction of health inequalities and increasing levels of wellbeing across Leeds.
The programme is based on the elements of public health and has been written to encompass seven workshops which are delivered monthly over a seven month period. Learners are expected to participate and contribute actively to each session. The course is delivered at an introductory level
A masterclass session makes up the eighth and final session and this provides participants with an opportunity to celebrate their learning. A piece of work will be prepared by each delegate in advance and presented to the whole group. The content of which covers an aspect of the course most interesting / relevant or which summarises how the learner intends to put their learning into action. We have had poems, films, displays and even activities at previous sessions
This course is accredited by the Royal Society of Public Health, and a certificate of attendance will be awarded (and presented in the masterclass), to all those who have attended the necessary number of sessions and delivered their presentation in the masterclass.
The aims of the programme are to:
The programme aims to attract a diverse group of participants from a range of sectors. This next cohort of the programme will be delivered in an interactive way online and have a maximum of 16 places and has been devised as a springboard to further studies in public health.
Each of the seven workshops has been assessed in relation to the level of public health competency most applicable, as taken from Public Health Skills and Knowledge Framework (2016), Public Health England. Please be aware that we do not 'test' knowledge learnt on this course in a formalised way, other than by asking delegates to present an aspect of their learning from the programme at the masterclass.
For participants to learn about the history, context and development of public health and to consider the influence of public health policy on the current health picture of the UK.
This workshop is intended to demystify public health and is intended to help practitioners consider health and its wider determinants, and further develop their understanding of public health and public health approaches. Participants will be provided with the opportunity to explore the origins and history of public health, and critically examine government policy with aims around improving health and wellbeing.
For participants to obtain an understanding of public health and public health practice, to determine how their roles can be developed and enhanced by working in partnership with others, and for them to identify inhibitors and enablers to changing and building on current practice.
The importance of working in partnership with others in order to enhance and develop their public health role will be introduced as well as the promotion of an understanding of equality and diversity and how they impact on communities.
For participants to have the knowledge, skills and ability to search for, understand, utilise and critically appraise health related data and information to support their public health role and to have increased confidence in doing so.
This workshop is intended to help participants consider the role of data in public health and how to source, identify and critically appraise health information. Participants will also learn about epidemiology and the value it plays in understanding patterns of ill health and disease. Common terms used in data analysis and epidemiology will also be explained.
For participants to increase their knowledge around what we mean by community and how being able to work with communities (or to build strong relationships with those who do), is a key public health skill and without which, can dramatically impact on the likelihood of success of a public health campaign or intervention. The value of Health Needs Assessments to community health issues will also be explored.
This workshop is intended to introduce the concepts of need and community and why public health has a strong history around community development and others. Participants will learn how to systematically look at the needs of a population by using a Health Needs Assessment framework. This session will provide invaluable experience of learning about a recent health protection outbreak, how it was handled and the shared learning from it.
To empower practitioners to be able to respond to identified health needs by developing their understanding of behavioural change and how to apply this to their work role.
This workshop is intended to give practitioners an overview of the latest behaviour change theories and models. Behavioural insights are important in public health as they enable us to understand more about why people behave or make choices the way they do and how we can influence this effectively. This workshop will examine some of the latest theories and share examples of interventions of where they have been successfully applied.
For participants to learn about and incorporate effective evaluation and reflection processes into their work role.
This workshop builds on and consolidates the skills developed in previous workshops and helps practitioners discover ways in which they can use evidence to change and prioritise their practice.
That you identify what you already do well with regard to Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People so that you can do more of it and identify some of the habits you would really like to focus and improve on (not necessarily all seven!).
You will be provided with an overview of Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. It is hoped that the short exercises relating to six of the seven habits will help you consider how you would like to apply any understanding and learning in your day to day life experiences.
To celebrate the learning of participants, and to share with others, the successes and challenges of integrating the learning from this course into personal practice.
This workshop celebrates the work of the participants by allowing them to share the public health practices which they have learned and incorporated into their work since the course began. Using one theme or a combination of topics, practitioners use a display-board format or other display method or a presentation to illustrate their practice, and provide a short talk to a small group of fellow participants, line managers and guests.
Places are available for only £80 per person for the whole programme.
The course will run for half a day, once a month, over an eight-month period and participants are expected to attend a minimum of six out of seven workshops, plus the Masterclass to receive a completion certificate.
This cohort of the programme will be held in person from 9:30am to 1.00pm at the Public Health Resource Centre.
We plan to hold the Session 8 Masterclass at Leeds Civic Hall.
The dates and topics for the next round of training are:
Dates | Session |
9 October 2024 |
Session 1: Public Health: Past, present and future |
13 November 2024 |
Session 2: Partnership working |
11 December 2024 |
Session 3: How to understand and interpret data |
15 January 2025 |
Session 4: Working with communities |
12 February 2025 |
Session 5: How to effect change |
19 March 2025 |
Session 6: Evaluation |
30 April 2025 |
Session 7: Increasing personal effectiveness |
21 May 2025 |
Session 8: Masterclass – A celebration of learning |
The programme is open to all those whose work involves improving the health and wellbeing of people and communities.
Email for an expression of interest form or for more information.
Please email your completed Expression of Interest form to by Friday 12 July 2024.
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