Reporting fraud, bribery and corruption

Information about how to report your concerns about fraud and corruption and what you can report to us.

You can contact us using the details below to report your concerns about:

  • fraud, corruption, bribery or blackmail at the council
  • legal or statutory duties that we aren't carrying out
  • a council officer or councillor who is using their position of authority at the council in the wrong way, for example to gain personal benefit

Please refer to the whistleblowing policy for full details about what information should be reported through this channel, how to report your concerns and how these will be handled.

For more information about the work the council does to address the risk of fraud and corruption, please see the counter fraud and corruption strategy and response plan. You can also find details of our participation with the National Fraud Initiative (NFI) which matches data between other public sector, private sector and government departments to identify instances of poor data quality, error or fraud.

How to report your concerns

You can report your concerns to us by:

  • calling the whistleblowing hotline on 0113 378 8008
  • writing to the Fraud and Corruption Team, Internal Audit, 3rd Floor West, Civic Hall, Leeds, LS1 1JF
  • emailing us at

All referrals will be treated in the strictest of confidence.

You can raise a concern anonymously if you prefer, however it may be more difficult for us to investigate your concerns if we can't contact you for further information or check the information you’ve already given us.

If your concern relates to a complaint, suspected benefit fraud, housing tenancy fraud, blue badge misuse or claiming council tax discounts not entitled to, please use the following contact details.

Complaints about standard of service or a member of staff

For complaints about the standard of service received or regarding a member of staff (including people who volunteer on our behalf), see the compliments and complaints policy

Email or call 0113 222 4405 (Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9am to 5pm) 

Benefit fraud (including housing benefit)

Report this to the DWP. 

Online - 

Telephone – 0800 854 440 

Textphone – 0800 328 0512 (Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm) 

Write – NBFH, PO Box 224, Preston, PR1 1GP 

Housing tenancy fraud

Call 0800 188 4000 or 0113 376 0410 


Further details can be found at housing fraud

Blue badge misuse

Call 0113 222 44 44 (Weekdays, 9am to 5pm, except Wednesdays when we're open from 10am) 


Further details can be found at report a lost stolen or misused badge

Council tax discounts

Call 0113 222 44 44 (Weekdays, 9am to 5pm, except Wednesdays when we're open from 10am)