New website
We are excited to announce the launch of the new website. Find out more information.
At the end of each financial year, all councils have to publish a Statement of Accounts.
The accounts show how we have used public money in the year and that we have been honest and responsible.
After being approved by the Responsible Financial Officer as a true and fair view, draft accounts are placed "on deposit" for 30 working days. This is so local electors can inspect them and ask questions about them or challenge them.
The council's public inspection period for 2023/24 ran from Monday 17 June to Friday 26 July 2024.
The Public Inspection notice below explains your inspection rights, and tells you how to contact the council's auditor if you wish to do so.
Grant Thornton UK LLP
No 1 Whitehall Riverside,
Over the summer our external auditors conduct a full and detailed examination of the draft accounts, after which they issue their accounts audit letter and, if all is well, they also issue an audit certificate to confirm that the accounts give a true and fair view. Once this is received, our Corporate Governance and Audit Committee approve the final audited accounts and the council publishes them.
Our most recent audited accounts are the 2023/24 accounts which were authorised on 25 February 2025. The 2023/24 audit will not be formally concluded until the council's Whole of Government Accounts return has been audited and two elector objections have been resolved.
Leeds voters are also entitled to ask for a copy of the accounts and the auditors report to be delivered to them. The council is allowed to make a reasonable charge to cover the cost of doing this.
Copies of the accounts, the annual governance statement and the external auditors' report are available.
Annual governance statement 2019
Copies of the final accounts from earlier years are also available on request.
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