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Middleton Grove, LS10 4HX
Middleton Woods is located in south Leeds, between the M621 and Dewsbury Road.
Middleton Woods is the largest remaining ancient woodland site in West Yorkshire and is of special importance for nature conservation in Leeds. There are also many historical and archaeological features, including bell pits, from early coal mining and the former routes taken by trams.
Although oak dominates the woodland, a variety of other species including birch, hazel, elder, sycamore, beech and sweet chestnut can be found. However, it is not just living trees that are important - old, dying and dead trees, rotting, fallen timber and decomposing leaves all provide food and shelter for a wealth of invertebrates, particularly woodlice, spiders, millipedes and beetles. These in turn are eaten by mammals and birds including bats, mice and voles and woodpeckers and treecreepers.
Early spring is a wonderful time to enjoy the woodland, as wildflowers are at their most abundant and bluebells, wood anemone, wood sorrel and lesser celandine cover the ground. In addition, the woodland edge, open glades and path edges are also important for plants and butterflies, which can be seen flying in these sunny spots during the summer months.
Parks and Countryside - 0113 378 6002
(8am to 4pm, Monday to Thursday and 8am to 3:30pm Friday)
LeedsWatch – 0113 376 0331
(24 hour helpline)
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