Passenger transport

We specialise in transporting people who would otherwise find it difficult to access vital services such as care centres, community activity groups and schools.

We also offer a minibus and driver hire service.

Bus Service Operator Grant (BSOG) 2023/24

Section A: Background and contacts

  • Q1. What is your local transport authority name? - Leeds City Council
  • Q2. Name of the reporting officer - Richard Jackson
  • Q3. Contact phone number of the reporting officer - 07891 273 346
  • Q4. Email address of the reporting officer -

Section B: Tendered Bus Network

  • Q5. What have you used the BSOG funds for? Please exclude any funding via Bus Recovery Grant (BRG) and any other funding provided through the local authority. If there has been no spend on a particular element, please enter 0.
  • A. Maintaining current tendered services £100,000
    B. Increasing level of tendered services £77,534
    C. Investing in alternative services (e.g. community transport, taxi buses) £0
    D. Investing in supporting bus infrastructure provision £0
    E. Other - Bus £0
    F. Non Bus £0
    Total £177,534


  • Q6. If you provided an amount for A, B or C in Q5, did you place specific requirements on operators as a condition of payment (for example, setting a minimum standard of emissions requirement which needed to be met)? - Yes.
  • If yes, please provide details - To deliver all elements of the specification including Euro 6.
  • Q8. Please provide details of which parts of your existing bus service you would not be able to deliver without the financial assistance from BSOG. If you did not spend any of your BSOG on maintaining current tendered services, please enter N/A. - A number of our bus runs for vulnerable adults and children.
  • Q9. If you have used BSOG to increase the level of tendered services, please indicate how this has been spent. - Increasing number of services on existing routes.
  • Q10. Please provide an estimate of the number of tendered routes supported by BSOG in your LA - 100.
  • Q11. In addition to BSOG did your transport authority spend other financial resources on supporting bus services? Please exclude any funding from BRG - Yes.
  • If yes, please provide details - £7,000,000.
  • Q12. If you answered yes to question 11, please explain how money over and above BSOG/BRG was spent. If there has been no spend on a particular element, please enter 0.
  • A. Maintaining current tendered services £2,000,000
    B. Increasing level of tendered services £0
    C. Investing in alternative services (e.g. community transport, taxi buses) £0
    D. Community transport run under a section 19 permit £5,000,000
    E. Network redesign/reconfiguration £0
    F. Bus stops/shelters £0
    G. Bus lanes £0
    H. Real time journey information £0
    I. Other £0
    Total £7,000,000

  • Q13. Did you spend all of your allocated BSOG 2023/24 grant? - Yes.

Transport for children and young people

We can provide help with transport from home to school, college, contact visits or respite arrangements. Contact us for an assessment of the help we can offer. We will work closely with you to find out your needs.

What we cannot provide transport for

We do not provide transport for:  

  • pupils who go home during lunch breaks
  • work experience
  • any induction or taster days
  • any detention
  • hospital appointments
  • any sickness when a child needs to be taken home during or at the end of the school day to reduce the risk of cross infection
  • parent or carers illness which prevents them from taking their child to school
  • other children at the same address
  • after school clubs or activities

Passenger assistants cannot give any medication to children. Any medication must be clearly labelled with the child's name and will be passed on to the school.  

Our customer charter

A customer charter is our commitment to our customers and how we will deliver our services. It also sets our where our customers can help us.

Our service standards

You can expect us to:

  • provide safe and problem free transport which is on time
  • have journey times to a Leeds school of no more than 1 hour and 15 minutes
  • provide vehicles that are clean and comfortable with the right seatbelts or restraints
  • employ polite and knowledgeable staff
  • have staff and contractors that will carry a private hire or hackney carriage identity badge or a Leeds City Council identity badge
  • have drivers drivers wearing the Leeds City Council corporate uniform
  • make sure all drivers and passenger assistants have had a satisfactory enhanced disclosure check for criminal convictions
  • make sure all passenger assistants have undertaken the Community Transport Association’s Passenger Assistants Training Scheme (PATS)
  • make sure our own drivers are trained appropriately and that training is reviewed regularly
  • make sure taxis and private hire companies who work for us deliver to our standards
  • make sure that all drivers and passenger assistants tell us about any accidents or incidents
  • make sure all our drivers and passenger assistants are issued with a handbook of guidelines to ensure consistency of service

We do not provide car seats. Parents or carers must provide these if they are needed.


We will:

  • consult with parents and carers periodically on service delivery and welcome your feedback
  • provide up to date information to drivers and passenger assistants about client’s individual needs
  • inform parents/carers of any changes to transport arrangements at the beginning of the academic year, giving two weeks notice wherever possible. Other changes will be notified as soon as practically possible
  • let you know by telephone or text message if we are not able to come because of bad weather and you will be responsible for your child's journey to and from school that day
  • arrange replacement transport if it breaks down on the way to or from school and let you or the school know your child will be late

We will let you know of any other changes as soon as can.

How you can help

Parent and carers

You can help us by:

  • let passenger assistants or escorts know each morning if there are any particular changes or issues that may affect behaviour or well being on the vehicle
  • watching for the arrival of the vehicle and ensuring that your child is ready on time and brought to the vehicle by a responsible adult each morning as we will only wait for 5 minutes
  • making sure that there is a responsible adult to meet your child from the vehicle in the afternoon
  • letting us know as soon as possible if your child cannot go to school for any reason by telephoning us on 0113 376 0100 to avoid any unnecessary delays to the rest of the routes
  • encouraging your child to behave well on school transport
  • letting us know of any changes to wheelchairs or any other equipment used in transportation, telephone us on 0113 376 0100
  • completing and returning the Transport Application Form with important information about your child's needs on transport

To safeguard your child, you will be asked to supply contact details and a password. Passenger Transport will ask for your password should you ring requiring any information or changes to be made to your child's transport.

If transport is late

Please telephone us on 0113 376 0100 if transport has not arrived on time. We will ask for:

  • your password or other ID security check
  • the passenger name
  • name of the school or establishment the child attends
  • the normal pick time
  • the name of the contractor, if you know it
  • a contact number so we can call you back

Dropping a child home

We always expect that a responsible adult will be at the address where we drop a child. We will never leave a child unattended if no-one is home. The driver or assistant will try to contact you by telephone. If they're not able to contact you, they will:

  • alert the school the child may need to be returned to to staff there
  • contact us to make us aware to find an emergency drop off address from the Transport Application Form
  • leave a note through your door to drop other children off and return once again to the address afterwards
  • take the child to school or a social services office if al contact fails

A note will be left for you with contact details and it is your responsibility to to arrange to collect your child. These arrangements are in place to cover emergency situations and we reserve the right to pass on any additional costs involved to he customer.

Passenger luggage and equipment

We cannot carry suitcases or large items of luggage or equipment on our transport. Parents must make sure that only one soft bag or holdall is provided which can be kept under the seat. Separate arrangements should be made for any additional luggage or equipment.

Equipment that we do not allow on transport includes:

  • knives and other weapons
  • cigarette lighters
  • matches
  • fireworks

The safety of our staff and children is very important and we will not allow pupils to use our service if they do not follow the rules. We will report this to the school, parents and sometimes the police.

Parents or carers must accept responsibility for making sure that the child does not carry any harmful items on transport and agree to comply with this policy.


Pupils can help us by:

  • wearing the seat belt provided (or any other prescribed restraint or harness) at all times whilst in the vehicle
  • remaining in their seats at all times when the vehicle is moving
  • not eating or drinking in the vehicle
  • behaving well whilst in the vehicle
  • co-operating fully with the passenger assistant or driver

If your child's behaviour is causing a concern to others on the transport

We will work with you and the school to try and improve your child's behaviour. Dangerous or inappropriate behaviour may result in your child being taken off transport on a temporary or permanent basis. In these circumstances you will be responsible for transporting your child to and from school at your own expense.   

In not transporting your child, we would not be implying that travel arrangements were not necessary and should not be provided, but that the child's behaviour is such that they cannot take advantage of the provision on health and safety grounds.

Our transport providers' contact details

Company name Phone number
24x7 Travel 01924 792 895
Easy Travel (Leeds) Ltd 0113 255 3555
Eurocabs 0113 277 2299
Just Bus 0113 217 2560
My Local Minibus 0800 019 649
Nova Rides t/a Arrow Private Hire 0113 258 5888
Redwood Travel 07861 777 707
Rollinson Safeway Ltd 0113 228 2221
SJK Private Hire Ltd 0113 250 5222
South East Cars 0113 226 0563
Veezu 0113 202 2466
Club Cars 0113 205 6267
First Lady & Homelinks 0113 255 7068
Leeds Taxi Owners 0113 244 3322
Hayaa Travel Limited 03333 278 205
AK Cars Yorkshire 07718 682 915
City Cabs 0113 246 9999 
Sher Dil Mirza 07919 660 009

Giving feedback for the service

We welcome any feedback on our service and you can let us now how we are doing by emailing

How to make a complaint

Some problems, like transport being late, may be out of our control because of unexpected incidents. When they do happen, we will let you know who the transport provider is so you can contact them directly to find out more.

We can help if you find that your transport is always late or have any other safety issues. If you are still not happy, you can make a formal complaint.

Contact us


0113 376 0100
Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 5pm

Textphone: 07891 272 618



Passenger Transport
Westland Road Depot
Westland Road
LS11 5SB