Please find further details below about the licences which we have adopted.
Open Government Licence
We are publishing increasing amounts of data and information using the Open Government Licence. With only a few restrictions, this enables you to re-use our data in any way you choose, including for commercial purposes.
Non-commercial Government Licence
In a small number of cases we have adopted the Government's Non-Commercial Government Licence where information may be used and re-used free of charge for non-commercial purposes only.
Attribution statement
If you choose to re-use council data, you will need to include our attribution statement. The statement should be composed as follows:
Insert title, (c) Leeds City Council, insert year of publication, insert hyperlink to document (where accessed). This information is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence.
Business Rates Data, (c) Leeds City Council, 2013, This information is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence.