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Leeds published ‘Everyone’s Included: the Leeds SEND (special educational needs and disability) and Inclusion Strategy’ in January 2023. It sets out our shared plans to improve experiences and outcomes for children and young people with SEND, and those with additional needs due to their circumstances, including children who are: looked after (by the local authority); in need (of support from a social worker); living with financial disadvantage; and who have experienced trauma. Our plans focus on improving outcomes for these children and reducing any inequalities they may face in relation to their learning, health and wellbeing.
It is the statutory duty of the Council under the Children and Families Act (2014) to co-produce this strategy with partners, including children and young people with SEND, their families, and partners across education, health, social care and the voluntary and community sector. It is also the statutory duty of the Council to set out arrangements for supporting young people with SEND to prepare for adulthood.
Our strategy also aligns with a national improvement plan for SEND, announced in March 2023. The national improvement plan responds to the national SEND review Right support, right place, right time, which reported in summer 2022. Our local strategy lines up with the with the findings of this review, for example, the need for consistent, high quality early support, as well as investment in more high-quality specialist and alternative learning places, and the need to make pathways to support more joined-up and less complicated for families.
As noted above, it is a statutory requirement for the local authority to co-produce this strategy with a range of partners, including children and families. The ‘Everyone’s Included’ name of the strategy was suggested by members of our SEND Youth Forum, who wanted to share the message that ‘everyone’s included’ in making our city a child-friendly and inclusive place.
The strategy was developed through a range of co-production activities, from the initial scoping in 2019 through to publication in 2022. These included:
The SEND and Inclusion Strategy contributes to the outcomes and ambitions of Leeds as set out in the Children and Young People’s Plan , the 3As plan (Attend, Attain, Achieve) and the Health and Wellbeing strategy. The SEND and Inclusion Strategy sets out the ‘3Is’ - broad outcomes for an inclusive, child-friendly Leeds:
The strategy identifies six shared priorities for action:
As well as six shared values and behaviours which underpin the work:
The Leeds area SEND Partnership Board includes partners across education, health, and social care services, as well as representatives for children and young people and their families. The Board will hold services to account for delivering the actions in this strategy, using a shared outcomes framework developed across education, health and care services, to help measure the difference it is making. It will set out ‘indicators’ of success for this strategy, covering improved health, wellbeing and participation outcomes for children and young people in Leeds.
The full strategy is available. If you have any questions please contact us via
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