Sex establishments

You will need a sex establishment licence if you would like to run a sex shop, sexual entertainment venue (lap dancing club), or a sex cinema.

Find information on the legislation relating to sex establishments can be found on GOV.UK.

Apply for a new licence, variations, renewals and new advertising material

Before making your application, read the sex establishment licensing policy.

​​If you would like to apply for a new sex establishment licence, variations to your licence, renew your licence or apply for new advertising material for your sex establishment, request sex establishment licence forms online

Send your completed applications forms by email to or post your application to:       

Leeds City Council
Entertainment Licensing
Civic Hall

A sex establishment licence lasts one year. Towards the end of the year you are able to apply for a renewal of the licence, which is subject to same application process as a new licence.

Fees and payment

Sex establishment fees
Sex shop
Sex shop licence Fee
New application £2,726
Variation £2,370
Renewal £845
Transfer £948
Change of details £130
Sex entertainment venue
Sex entertainment venue licence Fee
New application £2,726
Variation £2,370
Renewal £2,432
Transfer £2,535
Change of details £130
Sex cinema
Sex cinema licence Fee
New application £2,726
Variation £2,370
Renewal £845
Transfer £948
Change of details £130
Pay your annual fee online

Tell us about a change of personnel in your shop or club

If you have a change in personnel, email to request an information on individuals form for each new employee.

There is no charge for a change in personnel details.       

Objecting an application

Anyone wanting to object to an application for a sex establishment must write to us stating the grounds of the objection, within 28 days of the date of the application.

Making a complaint

Should you have cause for complaint in relation to a sex establishment, we would always recommend that you write to the business first. If that does not work, please contact us and providing it is a matter covered by the legislation, we can investigate the complaint for you.

Contact us



0113 378 5029


Entertainment Licensing
Leeds City Council
Civic Hall