House to house collection permits

You need a permit from us to carry out house to house collections for charitable purposes.

This applies to any collections that last from 28 days up to one calendar year in the Leeds area. If this will be for less than 28 days, you can apply for an exemption certificate from the West Yorkshire Police.

There is no charge for a house to house collection permit. Once a permit has been issued, you will need to order copies of the certificate of authority and badges from . These need to be provided for all your collectors.

There are no restrictions on the length of the collection if this is less than one calendar year. Many collections are carried out by regional or national charitable organisations. Due to larger campaigns, they may apply for a National Exemption Order instead of to large numbers of local licensing authorities.

More information on house to house collection can be found in the Government legislation.

​​Apply for a permit

Request a permit for house to house collections online

When your permit is issued a return form will be sent. 

This needs to be completed after the collection has finished and must be signed by an accountant detailing the amount collected and any expenses. 

This needs to be returned within one month of the end of the collection. 

You will also need to notify us about other property or items such as clothing that are sold or collected for sale.

Request a house to house collections return form online

We do not hold a public register of house to house collections online, but you can contact us with any questions.

How we use your personal data

Sharing information

The information you provide includes details of the collection, licence status, details of who the charity collection is on behalf of, names and addresses of persons named on the licence.   

We may share the above information with the following council services: Markets team, City Centre Management and with the following third parties: West Yorkshire Police, Charities Commission, and the Home Office.  

The personal information you provide will be held for a period of 2 years following the end of the year the collection took place in. A permanent entry of every transaction forms an entry on the licensing register.  

Leeds City Council's corporate privacy notice, which includes details of the authority’s Data Protection Officer and your information rights.   

The West Yorkshire Police full privacy notice.   

Making a complaint

Should you have cause for complaint in relation to a house to house collection, we would always recommend that you write to the business first. If that does not work, please contact us and providing it is a matter covered by the legislation, we can investigate the complaint for you.  

Contact us



0113 378 5029


Entertainment Licensing
Leeds City Council
Civic Hall