New website
We are excited to announce the launch of the new website. Find out more information.
The Licensing Act and the Gambling Act requires the Licensing Authority to prepare a statement of principles that they propose to when making decisions around licences and enforcement of the legislation.
We published a revised Statement of Licensing Policy, in accordance with Section 5 of the Licensing Act in January 2023.
This policy must be reviewed every 5 years but may be reviewed sooner if necessary.
Under the Licensing Act 2003 we can publish an assessment of cumulative impact of licensed premises in our area. Such an assessment was undertaken in 2022, and the Cumulative Impact Assessment 2023 to 25 was approved by Licensing Committee in November 2022. Applicants for licences in the following areas should contact Entertainment Licensing to discuss their proposals in relation to cumulative impact:
The council is currently consulting upon a cumulative impact assessment for Beeston.
If you are interested in reading a copy of the draft assessment, you can request it from If you do not have regular access to the internet, we will be happy to send you a copy in the post. Please call Entertainment Licensing on 0113 378 5029 to request a copy.
The consultation period will run until 30 November 2024
You are invited to make comments on the revised document. This should be in writing and sent to Entertainment Licensing, Leeds City Council, Civic Hall, Leeds, LS1 1UR or by email to
Please note that any comments made will be included in the consultation report, unless a specific request is received not to do so. Your personal details will be held in confidence.
We published a revised Statement of Licensing Policy in accordance with Section 349 of the Gambling Act 2005 on 1 January 2025.
This policy must be reviewed every 3 years but may be reviewed sooner if necessary. The council has undertaken a review of the Statement of Licensing Policy, with partners, and made several changes:
The new policy will be published in January 2028 following approval by the council.
We published a licensing policy for Sex Establishment licensing. This provides information about sensitive locations and the number of sex establishments we consider appropriate for Leeds. There is no set period by which this this policy should be reviewed, although the council has committed to regular reviews.
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