Club Permits

Under the Gambling Act 2005, clubs providing gaming or gambling machines in their premises must have a permit.

Types of permits

If a club wants to provide gaming machines for use on their premises, they must have either of the following 2 permits:

Club gaming permit

This permit allows clubs to provide up to 3 gaming machines in total of categories B3A, B4, C and D, but by agreement, only one machines can be of category B3A.           

  • B3A: a maximum stake of £1 and prize of £500
  • B4: a maximum stake of £1 and a prize of £250
  • C: a maximum stake of 50p and prize of £35
  • D: a maximum stake of 10p and prize of £5 cash, or 30p stake and £8 prize in a non-money machine

In addition to gaming machines the club gaming permit allows the club to provide facilities for equal chance gaming, such as pokeer and bingo, and games of chance such as chemin de fer or pontoon.           

Club machine permit

This permit allows clubs to provide equal chance gaming such as poker and bingo and up to three gaming machines in total of categories B3A, B4, C or D, but by agreement, only one machine can be of category B3A (B3A machines are not permitted for commercial clubs).

If you have a club premises certificate

If you have a club premises certificate you may apply for either permit under the fast track procedure. This costs £100.

A permit issued to a club premises certificate holder lasts as long as the club premises certificate is in place and the annual fee is paid. The annual fee costs £50.

You can find out more about the legal process and regulations related to gambling on the Gambling Commission website.

Apply for a permit

To apply for a club permit, you will need to:

1. Request an application form by emailing Complete the application form and return it by either:


Post: Entertainment Licensing, Leeds City Council, Civic Hall, Leeds, LS1 1UR

2. Pay the annual fee. You can do this either online, by phone or by cheque. If you pay by cheque you will need to include it in your application form and make it payable to Leeds City Council.


Pay annual fee


0113 378 5029

How we use your personal data

Sharing information

Leeds City Council and the West Yorkshire police are Joint Data Controllers of the information you provide. The Council and the West Yorkshire Police have a statutory duty to process and maintain licences and permissions and conduct enforcement activities in accordance with the Gambling Act 2005 as part of a legal obligation to meet the statutory requirements for the licensing of gambling activities.    

We may share the following information with other third parties: details of the licensed premises, licence status, the names, addresses and company numbers of persons and companies named on a licence. This information may be shared with other services in the council. In addition we will share with external third party organisations including government departments, The Gambling Commission, HM Revenues and Customs, and West Yorkshire Police to make further enquiries regarding your application or where required by law for the detection and prevention of crime.  

The personal information you provide as part of your application for a premises licence will be held for a period of six years following the termination of the licence. Personal information held in relation to permits and small society lottery registrations will be held for a period of four years following the termination of the permission.  

Leeds City Council's corporate privacy notice, which includes details of the authority’s Data Protection Officer and your information rights.    

The West Yorkshire Police full privacy notice.    

Making a complaint

Should you have cause for complaint in relation to a gambling premises, we would always recommend that you write to the business first. If that does not work, please contact us and providing it is a matter covered by the legislation, we can investigate the complaint for you.   

Contact us



0113 378 5029


Entertainment Licensing
Leeds City Council
Civic Hall