Tenant satisfaction measures survey: questionnaire

A full copy of the complete tenant satisfaction measures questionnaire.

This relates to the tenant satisfaction measures survey 2023 to 2024.

You can also read a summary of our approach describing how we collect tenant satisfaction information.

Telephone introduction script

Hello is that (Respondent Name)?

My name is (Interviewer Name) and I'm calling on behalf of Leeds City Council from an independent research agency called Acuity. We are carrying out short satisfaction surveys with residents to find out how satisfied you are with your home and with the services that you receive from them. Would you be able to spare 10 minutes to go through the survey with me now? IF NO ASK: can I call back at another time?

IVR READ OUT: The survey will be used to calculate annual tenant satisfaction measures to be published by Leeds City Council and reported back to the Regulator of Social Housing.

If the customer would like to verify the validity of this survey they need to contact Leeds City Council by email – HousingEnquiries@leeds.gov.uk (bitmo.enquiries@belleisletmo.co.uk for Belle Isle Tenancy Management Organisation) or by phone – 0113 378 3330 (0113 378 2188 for Belle Isle Tenancy Management Organisation).

Data sharing if challenged - "Your landlord will, from time to time, share your personal data with third parties for "legitimate interests". This could be transferring it to repairs contractors to carry out repairs or for research purposes such as this, to ensure that they are giving the best service possible. When signing your application form or agreement, you are automatically included in this legitimate interest clause which can also be found in the data privacy statement on your landlords' website. You can however opt out of this by contacting your landlord. If you are not happy that your landlord has passed your details to us and would rather we did not contact you again, we can remove your details from our system and flag this back to your landlord. I would however urge you to contact them to request your details are not shared with other parties".

Before we start, I need to make you aware that we are bound by the Market Research Society Code of Conduct. All calls will be recorded for training and quality purposes. Any information that you give us will be treated in confidence and will be used to find ways of improving the service that Leeds City Council provides. Leeds City Council. We will report findings to Leeds City Council without identifying you, unless you give us permission to do so. Are you happy to continue?

If asked call recordings are stored for 90 days to allow for our company to verify and validate the quality of the interviews.


Online introduction text

Dear NAME,

Leeds City Council has asked us to carry out an independent survey to find out if you are happy with your home and the services they provide.

The survey should take no more than ten minutes to complete and will help Leeds City Council to improve the services you receive.

To complete the survey please click here >>

If you have any questions or would like any help completing the survey you can email me or call 01273 287114.

Finally, we wish to assure you that what you tell us will be confidential. We will not identify any individual customers, unless you give us permission to do so. We will not share your personal details with any other organisation.

Tenant satisfaction measures survey questionnaire 2023 to 2024
Question number Question text Rating scale Online Only
1 Taking everything into account, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service provided by Leeds City Council`s Housing Service? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied No
2a Can you briefly tell us why you gave that score? N/A No
2b Overall, what could Leeds City Council`s Housing Service have done differently or better to improve your satisfaction with the service? N/A No
2 Have you had any repairs or maintenance carried out on your home by your landlord in the last 12 months? Yes, No No
3 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the overall repairs service from Leeds City Council`s Housing Service over the last 12 months? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied No
4 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the time taken to complete your most recent repair after you reported it? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied No
5 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Leeds City Council`s Housing Service provides a home that is well maintained? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied No
6 Thinking about the condition of the property or building you live in, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Leeds City Council`s Housing Service provides a home that is safe? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied, Not applicable / Don`t know No
7 Do you live in a building with communal areas, either inside or outside, that Leeds City Council`s Housing Service is responsible for maintaining? Yes, No, Don`t know No
8 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Leeds City Council`s Housing Service keeps these communal areas clean and well maintained? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied No
O_9 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that your rent provides value for money? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied Yes
O_10 How good or poor is your heating and insulation at keeping your home warm in the winter? Very good, Fairly good, Neither good nor poor, Fairly poor, Very poor Yes
O_11 How easy or difficult do you find it to afford your energy bills? Very easy, Fairly easy, Neither easy nor difficult, Fairly difficult, Very difficult Yes
12 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Leeds City Council`s Housing Service listens to your views and acts upon them? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied, Not applicable / Don`t know No
13 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Leeds City Council`s Housing Service keeps you informed about things that matter to you? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied, Not applicable / Don`t know No
14 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following `Leeds City Council`s Housing Service treats me fairly and with respect`? Strongly agree, Agree, Neither agree nor disagree, Disagree, Strongly disagree, Not applicable / Don`t know No
15 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Leeds City Council`s Housing Service is easy to deal with? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied No
O_16 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement? "Leeds City Council`s Housing Service has a good reputation in my area" Agree strongly, Agree, Neither, Disagree, Disagree strongly Yes
O_17 To what extent you do agree or disagree with the statement? "Leeds City Council`s Housing Service has friendly and approachable staff" Strongly agree, Agree, Neither agree nor disagree, Disagree, Strongly disagree Yes
O_18 To what extent you do agree or disagree with the statement? "Leeds City Council`s Housing Service is approachable if I need advice and support" Strongly agree, Agree, Neither agree nor disagree, Disagree, Strongly disagree Yes
19 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Leeds City Council`s Housing Service makes a positive contribution to your neighbourhood? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied, Not applicable / Don`t know No
20 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with Leeds City Council`s Housing Service's approach to handling anti-social behaviour? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied, Not applicable / Don`t know No
O_21 How safe do you feel in your neighbourhood? Very safe, Fairly safe, Neither safe nor unsafe, Fairly unsafe, Very unsafe Yes
O_22 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the overall appearance of your neighbourhood? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied Yes
23 Have you made a complaint to Leeds City Council`s Housing Service in the last 12 months? Yes, No No
24 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with Leeds City Council`s Housing Service's approach to complaints handling? Very satisfied, Fairly satisfied, Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, Fairly dissatisfied, Very dissatisfied No
O_25 Thinking about the services provided by Leeds City Council`s Housing Service, please tell us how important the following are for you? The repairs and maintenance service Very important, Fairly Important, Not so important Yes
O_26 Thinking about the services provided by Leeds City Council`s Housing Service, please tell us how important the following are for you? The quality of customer service provided Very important, Fairly Important, Not so important Yes
O_27 Thinking about the services provided by Leeds City Council`s Housing Service, please tell us how important the following are for you? Support and advice with your rent and claiming benefits Very important, Fairly Important, Not so important Yes
O_28 Thinking about the services provided by Leeds City Council`s Housing Service, please tell us how important the following are for you? Being kept informed about things that might affect you Very important, Fairly Important, Not so important Yes
O_29 Thinking about the services provided by Leeds City Council`s Housing Service, please tell us how important the following are for you? The online service available Very important, Fairly Important, Not so important Yes
O_30 Thinking about the services provided by Leeds City Council`s Housing Service, please tell us how important the following are for you? Your neighbourhood as a place to live Very important, Fairly Important, Not so important Yes
O_31 Thinking about the services provided by Leeds City Council`s Housing Service, please tell us how important the following are for you? Dealing with anti-social behaviour Very important, Fairly Important, Not so important Yes
O_32 Which of the following best describes your current financial position? Living comfortably, Doing alright, Just about getting by, Finding it fairly difficult, Finding it very difficult, Prefer not to say Yes
O_33 Do you have any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last 12 months or more? Yes, No, Prefer not to say Yes
P1 The results of this survey are confidential. However, would you be happy for us to give your responses to Leeds City Council`s Housing Service with your name attached so that they have better information to help them improve services? Yes, No No
P2 Would you be happy for Leeds City Council`s Housing Service to contact you to follow up any of the comments or issues you have raised? Yes, No No