A city that is compassionate and caring with a strong economy, which tackles poverty and reduces inequalities while working towards being a net zero carbon city by 2030.
We want Leeds to be a city that is distinctive, sustainable, ambitious, fun and creative for all, with a council that its residents can be proud of as the best council in the country.
Our long-term ‘Best City’ strategic focus on tackling poverty and inequalities through a combination of strengthening the economy and doing this in a way that is compassionate and caring, allowing us to support the people who need it most.
Leeds understands that tackling poverty and inequality drives economic and social growth.
We want to live in an equal society that recognises different people’s different needs, situations and goals, and removes barriers that limit what people can do and can be.
The council is legally required to have due regard to the need to:
- eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation
- advance equality of opportunity
- foster good relations within and between our communities with a view to building good community relations
The policy is in line with Leeds City Council’s duties and responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 and our vision for Leeds.
Our commitment
Our commitment is to create an environment for all citizens of Leeds:
- that promotes dignity and respect for all
- where people are able to recognise, value and respect diversity and difference
- where people are treated fairly and according to their needs
- where people from different backgrounds and ages feel comfortable living alongside one another in communities
- where no form of intimidation, bullying or harassment is tolerated
- which tackles the issue of poverty for those both in work and out of work
- where causes of unfairness are understood and addressed
We will treat everyone with the same attention, courtesy and respect regardless of:
- age
- disability
- race or racial group (including colour, nationality and ethnic origin or national origins)
- religion or belief
- sex
- marriage and civil partnership
- gender reassignment/ gender identity
- pregnancy and maternity
- sexual orientation
- care experienced
- caring responsibilities
- social class
- trade union activity
We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that we do not unlawfully discriminate or treat anybody less favourably against the characteristics listed above including those not covered by the Equality Act 2010.
We will also take all reasonable steps to ensure that we do not interfere unlawfully with anyone’s right to respect for their private and family life, home and correspondence under the Human Rights Act 1998.
This policy applies to
- all council Members
- all service users and those applying to access services
- all contractors and sub-contractors
- all employees, whether part-time, full-time or temporary, and all job applicants
- all volunteers
- all our partnership arrangements
Roles and responsibilities
We live in a democratic society, with a legal framework which respects individual liberty, rights and responsibilities. This means we all have a right to be treated fairly, with dignity and mutual respect, and understand and embrace difference. For this to happen we all need to take responsibility for our actions and behaviours.
We recognise that less favourable treatment may still take place. This is clearly not in line with the council's values and priorities and is something we should strive to challenge, directly or through customer or staff complaints.
In all our activities we will give due regard to equality, diversity and inclusion when reviewing existing and developing new strategies, policies, services and functions to ensure that we:
- provide excellent services
- secure flexible and fair working practices
- fairly award contracts, and commission services
We will also:
- engage and involve interested groups and individuals (both internal and external to the council) within our decision making processes
- deal with all complaints of discrimination, harassment or victimisation promptly and with sensitivity to all those involved
- take all opportunities to advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations within and between our communities
In delivering our services we will:
- assess the needs of our existing and potential service users and ensure fair access to our services. For example, making reasonable adjustments for disabled people and supporting women who choose to breastfeed, to use our services
- ensure the availability of appropriate support services
- provide access points for reporting hate crimes
- work with and between communities to help develop and strengthen relationships and resilience
In employment, learning and development we will:
- provide increased opportunities in areas of under-representation to create an inclusive workforce at all levels
- continue to progress equal pay
- promote and work towards a recognized living wage rate
- assess the needs of our existing and potential disabled employees and provide all reasonable adjustments
- take appropriate positive action in recruitment and selection
- provide access to equality related training
- ensure that every person who works for the Council has an appraisal and development plan
Support to implement and monitor the policy
The council has a range of policies and practices in place for all aspects of our work. They are all guided by this equality, diversity and inclusion policy and support respectful behaviours. All are supported by appropriate training or briefing sessions and guidance provided by appropriate services:
- general and bespoke equality, diversity and inclusion training is available through human resources
- advice and guidance is also available from the Safer and Stronger Communities team.
Key policies – such as those relating to employment, service delivery, community engagement, commissioning and procurement - are specifically designed to:
- promote equality of opportunity
- protect people against unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation
- foster positive relationships with and between communities
We collect and analyse data relating to these areas of policy, to identify trends and areas of inequality, and then take appropriate action.
The equality, diversity and inclusion policy is available on InSite and our external website. We will use all opportunities to promote the policy, for example at induction events for new staff, at equality, diversity and inclusion events, and within the procurement and commissioning process.
Responsibility for reviewing this policy
The Head of Community Relations and Cohesion will be responsible for the review and refresh of this policy. This will take place every three years.
This policy was adopted in July 2024.
This publication can also be made available in large print, Braille, on audio CD, BSL video and easy read.
If you do not speak English and need help in understanding this document, please phone 0113 378 5998 and state the name of your language. We will then put you on hold while we contact an interpreter.
For enquiries about this policy please contact the Safer and Stronger Communities team.
Safer and Stronger Communities team
Leeds City Council
Merrion House
20 Merrion Way