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Relating to Leeds Bradford International Airport
Leeds Bradford International Airport Limitedhereby makes the following Byelaws under Section 63 of andSchedule 3 to the Airports Act 1986
(i) In these Byelaws:-
1. "the Company" means Leeds Bradford lnternational Airport Limited;
"the Board" means the Board of Directors of Leeds Bradford lnternationalAirport Limited or predecessor Committee;
"the airport" means the area of land for the time being constituting LeedsBradford I nternational Airport;
"the Airport Managing Director" means the Managing Director of the Companyand includes any other person for the time being in charge of the Airport;
"constable2 includes a special constable;
"airport official" means a person authorised by the Company;
"road traffic enactments" means the enactments relating to road traffic(whether passed before or after these Byelaws) including the lighting andparking of vehicles, and any order or other instrument having effect by virtueof any such enactment;
"taxi" means any vehicle for the conveyance of passengers which plies forhire and is not a public service vehicle within the meaning of the PublicPassenger Vehicles Act 1981 or any statutory modification or re-enactmentthereof;
"vehicle" does not include an aircraft;
"immobilisation device" means any device or appliance designed or adaptedto be fixed to a vehicle for the purpose of preventing it from being driven orotherwise put in motion.
(ii) The Interpretation Act 1978 applies to the interpretation of these Byelaws as it applies to the interpretation of an Act of Parliament.
2. Within the airport in the absence of lawful authority or reasonable excuse, the following acts are prohibited:-
(1) intentionally obstructing or interfering with the proper use of the airport;
(2) intentionally obstructing any person acting in the execution of his dutyin relation to the airport;
(3) failing to comply with any notice prohibiting or restricting access to anybuilding, road or any part of the airport;
(4) allowing any vehicle, animal or thing to be on the airport after havingbeen required to remove it or after its presence on the airport has beenforbidden by a constable or an airport official;
(5) boarding or climbing upon or attempting to board or climb upon anyaircraft without the authority of the person in charge of it;
(6) intentionally operating any switch or lever of any escalator lift or doorupon or near which is displayed a notice that it is intended only to beoperated in an emergency;
(7) tampering with, interfering with or misusing any lift, escalator, conveyorbelt, power operated gangway or any mechanical or electronic equipment;
(8) tampering with, interfering with or misusing any apparatus provided fortransmitting and receiving messages with the exception of offencesunder the Telecommunications Act 1984;
(9) smoking in or otherwise bringing or lighting any naked light into or inany place where any such act is prohibited by notice;
(10) climbing any wall, fence, barrier, railing or post;
(11) on the Airport Apron throwing, leaving or dropping anything capable ofcausing injury to any person or property;
(12) intentionally giving a false fire, ambulance, bomb warning or otheremergency alarm by any means;
(13) failure to place an aircraft or any device, appliance or other thingincidental or,ancillary thereto in the place and position appointed forthat purpose by the Airport Managing Director or a person authorisedby him in that behalf;
(14) failure properly to moor or othenruise secure any station ary aircraftwhich is not in a hangar;
(15) on parts of the airport to which the road traffic enactments do not apply,driving or placing a vehicle carelessly or recklessly or without dueconsideration for persons using the airport;
(16) on parts of the airport to which the road traffic enactments do not apply,failure by the driver of a vehicle to stop when required by a constableor airport official to do so;
(17) on parts of the airport to which the road traffic enactments do not apply,failure by the driver of a vehicle which is involved in an accident to givehis name and address and the name and address of the owner of thevehicle to any person having reasonable grounds for requiring them;
(18) on parts of the airport to which the road traffic enactments do not apply,failure by the driver of a vehicle forthwith to stop after any accidentoccurs and report the accident to a constable or to the AirportManaging Director as soon as reasonably practicable and in any eventbefore leaving the airport;
(19) on parts of the airport to which the road traffic enactments do not apply,failure by the driver of a vehicle to comply with any direction for theregulation of traffic given by a constable or a traffic sign;
(20) on parts of the airport to which the road traffic enactments do not apply,parking a vehicle elsewhere than in a place provided for that purpose;
(21) on parts of the airport to which the road traffic enactments do not apply,failure by the person in charge of a vehicle to remove it from anyparking place when required to do so;
(22) on parts of the airport to which the road traffic enactments do not apply,leaving or parking a vehicle in excess of the permitted time in an areawhere the period of waiting is restricted by notice;
(23) (i) permitting a dog to enter or remain on any part of the airportwhere to do so is prohibited by notice;
(ii) permitting a dog to enter or remain on any other part of theairport unless the dog is held on a lead and is restrained frombehaviour giving reasonable grounds for annoyance;
Notice of the effect of Byelaw 23 (ii) shall be given by signs placed inconspicuous positions on the approaches to the parts of the airport towhich it refers.
(24) soliciting funds or contributions of any kind with the exception ofoffences under the Vagrancy Act 1824;
(25) failure to comply with any request by a constable or an airport official toleave the airport or any particular part thereof or to state name andaddress and the purpose of being on the airport provided that suchairport official shall provide written evidence of his authority if requiredto do so;
3. Within the airport the following acts are prohibited without the prior permission of the Managing Director or the Board or reasonable excuse:-
(1) knowingly entering or leaving the airport otherwise than through a gateor entrance for the time being provided for that purpose;
(2) knowingly entering any part of the airport to which members of thepublic are not for the time being admitted;
(3) grazing animals;
(4) selling or distributing anything, offering anything for sale or hire, ormaking any offer of services for reward;
(5) on parts of the airport to which the road traffic enactments do not apply,leaving a vehicle on the airport longer than is reasonably necessary forthe transaction of the business for the purposes of which it was broughtthere;
(6) on parts of the airport to which the road traffic enactments do not apply,driving a vehicle elsewhere than in a place provided for the passage oraccommodation of such a vehicle;
(7) taking a motor vehicle into a hangar used for the maintenance orstorage of aircraft;
(8) running an aircraft engine in a hangar;
(9) filling or discharging from any container (including any part of a vehicle)liquid fuel elsewhere than in a place approved for that purpose by theAirport Managing Director;
(10) by any act or omission causing a fire to occur elsewhere than in aplace provided for that purpose by the Company;
(11) cleaning, servicing or maintaining aircraft, vehicles or equipment orrunning aircraft engines in areas other than those designated for thepurpose;
(12) playing a musical instrument or erecting or using any apparatus fortransmission, receipt, recording, reproduction or amplification of sound,speech or images or any computer;
(13) driving or leaving on a road to which the road traffic enactments do notapply any vehicle failing to comply in any way with the lightingrequirements which apply to roads to which the road traffic enactmentsdo apply and in particular covering obligatory front and rear lamps,reversing lights, reflectors, lamps indicating overhanging or pro¡ectingloads, or additional lamps on long vehicles or trailers;
(14) intentionally operating or using in such a way as to prejudice theoperation of any communications, navigation or other systems at theairport any radio transmitter or other thing capable of radiating orgenerating electrical interference.
4. (1) No person shall without reasonable excuse, stand or park a taxi on theairport for the purpose of plying for hire unless he has been authorisedso to do by the Board;
(2) No person shall without reasonable excuse ply for hire with a taxiexcept on an authorised standing appointed for that purpose;
(3) The drivers of the first two taxis on an authorised standing shall be withtheir taxis available for hiring immediately;
(4) No person shall without reasonable excuse leave his taxi on anauthorised standing unless willing to be hired immediately;
(5) Drivers shall move up their taxis on an authorised standing to fillvacancies as they occur and vacancies shall not be filled in any othermanner;
(6) Disabled taxis shall not without reasonable excuse be left by theirdrivers on an authorised standing longer than is reasonably necessaryto effect removal unless such disablement is temporary and isremedied without delay;
(7) Taxi drivers shall not without reasonable excuse obstruct anycarriageway, footway or building or give reasonable cause forannoyance or disturbance to persons in the airport;
(8) No person shall on the airport without reasonable excuse wash downor clean out a taxi;
5. (1) On parts of the airport to which the road traffic enactments do not applyif it appears to a constable or an airport official that a vehicle has beenparked or left by any persons in contravention of Byelaws 2 (15),2(19),2 (20),2 (21) or 2 (22) then instead of causing that person to be prosecuted under Byelaw 6 he may fix an immobilisation device to thevehicle while it remains in the place in which he finds it, or he maycause that vehicle to be removed in such manner and to such place onthe Airport as he thinks fit.
(2) On any occasion when an immobilisation device is fixed to a vehicle inaccordance with this Byelaw the constable or airport official fixing thedevice shall also affix to the vehicle a notice:-
(a) indicating that such a device has been fixed to the vehicle andwarning that no attempt should be made to drive it or otherwiseput it in motion until it has been released from that device;
(b) specifying the steps to be taken in order to secure its release.
(3) A notice affixed to a vehicle under this Byelaw shall not be removed orinterfered with except by or under the authority of the person in chargeof the vehicle or the person by whom it was put in the place where itwas found by the constable or airport official.
(4) A vehicle to which an immobilisation device has been fixed inaccordance with this Byelaw may only be released from that device byor under the direction of a constable or airport official.
(5) Subject to Byelaw 5 (a) a vehicle to which an immobilisation device hasbeen fixed in accordance with this Byelaw shall be released from thatdevice on payment to the Company in any manner specified in thenotice affixed to the vehicle under Byelaw 5 (2) of such charge inrespect of the release as may from time to time be prescribed by theSecretary of State for this purpose in connection with roads subject tothe road traffic enactments.
(6) A vehicle which has been removed under Byelaw 5 (1) hereof shall bereleased only on payment to the Company of the appropriate feesreferred to in paragraphs 3 and 6 of the "Removal, Storage andDisposal of Vehicles (Charges) Regulations 1985" or any statutoryamendment or replacement thereof.
6. Without prejudice to Byelaw 5 hereof any person without reasonable excusecommitting an offence against any of the foregoing byelaws shall be liable forevery such offence on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding the amountat level 3 on the standard scale except that in respect of Byelaws 2 (8), 2 (9),2 (12), 2 (17), 2 (18), 3 (3), 3 (4), 3 (6) and 3 (14) the penalty shall not exceedthe amount at level 4 on the standard scale for every offence.
7. (a) These Byelaws may be cited as the Leeds Bradford lnternationalAirport Byelaws 1990.
(b) The Leeds and Bradford Airport Byelaws 1969 are hereby revoked.
Dated this 22nd day of February 1990
THE COMMON SEAL of Leeds Bradford International Airport Limited was hereto affixed in the presence of:-
(A.R. Sykes)
Solicitor to the Company Secretary
Pursuant to Section 63 (5) and Schedule 3, paragraph 6 of the Airports Act 1986, the foregoing byelaws are hereby confirmed by the Secretary of State for Transport.
Signed by authority of The Secretary of State For Transport
An Assistant Secretary In the Department of Transport
1st March 1991
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