Councillors and committees

The people of Leeds elect 99 councillors to run the authority. The authority’s area is divided into 33 wards, and there are three councillors for each ward. They are usually elected for a four year term of office.

The current political composition of the council is:

  • Labour - 60
  • Conservative - 14
  • Liberal Democrat - 6
  • Green Party - 6
  • Morley Borough Independents - 4
  • Garforth and Swillington Independent Group - 3
  • Social Democratic Party - 3
  • Local Independent Party - 3

To find your local representatives, visit our your councillors page.

Why councillors are important

Leeds councillors provide a voice to the people living in the ward that they represent. They are aware of the needs of their community and are in touch with the issues that local people face.

As well as influencing council decisions on funding and development, they work with other organisations, such as the police, local schools and health services to help bring about improvements to services and the environment for their local community.

What the role involves

Councillors usually represent a political party, but can also be independent.  All councillors act as:

  • representatives of individuals and groups within their ward
  • community leaders building relationships with key individuals or groups
  • policy makers attending meetings on issues such as housing, social services, schools, planning and the environment

How to stand for election as a councillor

Find information about standing as a candidate in local elections on the Electoral Commission website.

Council, committees and boards

These meetings involve debating and approving proposals, as well as decision-making. Councillors receive a basic allowance for their position, and may also receive special responsibility allowances in respect of any special roles they have within the council, such as the Chair of a Council Committee.

For more information, visit our council, committees and boards page.

Councillor allowances

All information regarding councillor allowances paid can be found on the Leeds Data Mill website.

Other elected representatives

There are also a number of MPs who represent the Leeds area in Parliament.