Leeds Citizens Panel

The Leeds Citizens Panel is a large group of adults of different ages and backgrounds from across the city of Leeds. The panel help us to measure public opinion by taking part in different types of consultation and engagement activity, like surveys or focus groups. It is a way local people can get involved to help us understand their views, ideas and opinions.

What is the Leeds Citizens Panel?

The purpose of the panel is to:

  • help the council prioritise issues
  • evaluate how the council is doing
  • track the views of residents over time
  • identify opportunities for improving services in the future.

What it involves

You are invited to complete surveys and consultations on a number of topics, or take part in discussion groups both online and in person. Members of the panel are volunteers, and you can choose which surveys you want to take part in.

What happens to the feedback you give?

The results are shared with the team who asked for the survey to help inform the project or plan they are working on. Sometimes, plans/projects can take a long time and the survey can be one just part of a public consultation. Where possible we try to share the results and any agreed outcomes of the consultation with you via a newsletter sent to panel members.

What you will get out of joining the panel?

It will help us to understand more about what really matters to you, your friends, family, and neighbours. It means we are all working together to help to make Leeds a better place to live for everyone.

How to join

Our Citizens Panel welcomes new members! If you are over 18 and live in Leeds, complete our form below:

Apply to join the panel

Contact us
