Tenders and contracts

We seek value for money on all goods, works and services bought by the council.

We continuously improve the procurement process to obtain the best value from the contracts we enter into and to minimise the administration costs of buying. We offer guidance, advice and support on all aspects of procurement to all council departments and administer the council’s approved list of contractors.

The unit ensures that all procurements comply with the council’s rules and national and European Law. We control and monitor all major contracts for the procurement of goods, works and services and we promote buying from organisations which provide local employment.


Local authorities in the Yorkshire and Humber region have a combined external spend of some £4.5 billion per annum.

The region has a single procurement strategy, under the leadership of YORprocure, which ensures that we have best practice procurement across the region, delivering tangible benefits and are promoting collaborative working with colleagues and suppliers.

A key element of our strategy is YORtender, the procurement portal for the region.

YORtender provides:

  • a single procurement approach across the region
  • a means to share, co-ordinate and collaborate on procurement exercises
  • ability to work smarter and to reduce procurement leadtimes
  • a platform where suppliers can register their capabilities and interests in opportunities
  • a platform where suppliers receive email alerts of opportunities
  • immediate access to current opportunities


To register free to promote your business and to start receiving email alerts, visit the YORtender Portal.

The following short video guides explain how to register your business, set up tender alerts and how to express interest in an opportunity:

For direct assistance with YORtender, or to report any issues, please contact uksupport@eu-supply.com or call 0800 840 2050.

Faster payments

We have a voluntary Faster Payment Scheme under which we can pay your invoices 10 days from receipt in return for you agreeing to let us take a one percent discount.

If you choose to join the scheme you will:

  • benefit from a better cash flow
  • have a reduced need for borrowing
  • help the community by increasing funds for frontline services

Contact FasterPaymentService@leeds.gov.uk if you are interested in the scheme or for more information.

The Faster Payment Scheme does not apply to goods and services supplied to schools.

Future procurement

You can find a list of prospective commercial activities, such as the procurement of a contract or a framework, a call-off from a framework, a significant contract amendment or extension through our procurement pipeline. The pipeline covers activities that we expect to undertake over the next 24 months.

View or download the procurement pipeline on Data Mill North

The pipeline will include future potential activity, even if funding has not been secured.

Open data

We are committed to publishing increasing amounts of our data. This promotes openness and transparency and allows others to re-use the data. 

List of current contracts

A list of current contracts can be obtained in the Leeds Data Mill by selecting the Leeds City Council Contracts Register.

This list is updated monthly.

Register of contracts awarded

A live contract register is also available to view on YOrtender, the council’s e-procurement system.

Guide to searching the register

To view the register, click on the ‘Contract Register’ - the last option from the left-hand side menu bar.  

You can search for our contracts by clicking on 'Extended search' and typing in 'Leeds City Council' in the ‘Published by’ field, then 'Search contracts' button.   

To generate a searchable Excel file, click the ‘Export contract list’ button.   

If you need help, email cpu@leeds.gov.uk.   

View the register on the YORtender Portal.

Standard terms and conditions

Unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing, our standard terms and conditions apply to all orders placed by the council. This includes orders not covered by an existing written contract.

The Procurement Act 2023

In 2025 new procurement legislation is being implemented which will mean some changes to how goods, works and services are procured within the public sector. Find out more about the planned changes to the Procurement Act 2023.

A series of on-demand, knowledge drop videos are a useful introduction for suppliers.

Contact us
