We will put your best interests first and we care about your wellbeing and future.
- We care about you, your life, and want the best for you and to encourage you support you as we would our own children
- Act in your best interest
- Behave in a way which shows you matter
- Review your pathway plan with you, and the support you receive at least every six months
- Support you to access all the health services you may need and how to use these
- support you to access essential services, help and information that will help meet your individual needs
We will value your experience and wishes, involving you in decisions and plans for your future.
- Listen to you and understand what you want to achieve in life
- Recognise and value your experiences
- Involve you in decision about your life and plans for your future
- Explain honestly if we cannot support you and why
- Help you to access independent advocacy if you need it
- Offer opportunities for you to share your views on how the care leavers service works
- Be honest and clear with you even when the subject is difficult or serious
- Explain what to do if you cannot reach your PA if you need to speak to someone urgently
We expect the best for you and will help you move into adulthood successfully.
- Prepare you for independence and to take control of your adult life
- Support you to find good quality accommodation that meets your needs
- Strive to ensure that you are happy, safe and settled where you live and provide help and support if you do not feel safe
- Help you to learn to budget and support you to understand your financial entitlements
- Help you to access financial support and help if you need this
We hold high aspirations for your future and will help you to achieve your ambitions.
- Have high aspirations for you and your future and support you to succeed
- Support you to build on your ambitions and reach your goals
- Support you to develop your skills and interests
- Support you to access and engage in education, employment and training
- Support you if you enter further or higher education
We will treat you with respect, valuing and supporting your identity.
- Respect you as an individual, be polite and respectful successfully avoid language that makes you feel uncomfortable or different
- keep in touch with you and let you know how and when you can contact us
- keep appointments or call to let you know if we must change them
- understand, value and respect your cultural, beliefs, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and identity needs
- Help you to access support in relation to your identity if you need this
- Ensure you have access to interpreters if needed and support you to access immigration advice if you need it
- Help you to have opportunities to meet with other people with similar interests and backgrounds
- Help you to maintain good relationships and support you to develop new ones
- Help you to keep in touch with the people who are important to you
We will support you and expect the best for you as we would our own children.
- Aim high for you
- Be tenacious for you and support you to achieve your potential
- Keep in touch with you, visit you and get to know you believe in you and champion your aspirations
- Support you to be happy, safe and well and actively help you if you are not
- Celebrate your achievements and your successes
- Support you to enjoy social and leisure activities
- Help you to participate in activities and maintain interests that are important to you