Providers Business Contingency

Business Continuity Management (BCM) is about identifying those parts of your organisation that you can’t afford to lose – such as information, stock, premises, staff – and planning how to maintain these, if an incident occurs. Any incident, large or small, whether it is natural, accidental or deliberate, can cause major disruption to your organisation. But if you plan now, rather than waiting for it to happen, you will be able to get back to business in the quickest possible time.

Support for care staff/individuals around cost of living

Business Continuity Planning

Business Continuity Managment Toolkit.pdf

Delays could mean you lose valuable business to your competitors, or that your customers lose confidence in you.

Leeds City Council Business continuity planning: guidance and template

Leeds City Council have drafted a guidance form for completing a business continuity plan alongside a draft template.

Care Provider Alliance Business continuity planning: guidance and templates

The Care Provider Alliance - Business continuity planning: guidance and templates

As a care provider, you should have a business continuity plan to help you manage situations that may not happen, but could have a major impact on your business and your ability to provide care if they did.

The CPA has developed guidance to help you to develop your plan, as well as a template plan that you can use to either create or update our existing plans.

Access updated information on escalation processes – including the DHSC letter issued to care providers on 21 December 2020. This sets out steps that care providers can take in the event of, for example, disruption to supplies or travel.

Power disruption planning

Care Provider Alliance - Power disruption

From major changes in legislation or an outbreak of flu, to financial or quality problems, there are many circumstances that can disrupt the adult social care sector.

CPA guidance and templates help care providers to plan for and manage change, ensuring continuity of care, and sustainability of their business.

Our resources can be used to plan for the end of the Transition Period following the UK's exit from the EU, as well as managing recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.

UK Power Networks - Priority Services Register

Find out the benefits of signing up to our Priority Services Register, who can sign up and how to become a referral partner