New website
We are excited to announce the launch of the new website. Find out more information.
Find information on NHS clinical and digital initiatives/support and programmes for registered care services
The Enhanced Care at Home partnership brings together health and care providers from across the city to deliver fast and effective care outside of a hospital setting for adults in Leeds. This will help people who may not need to go into hospital stay at home, including care homes, where they are most comfortable and support others to return home more quickly after receiving care in hospital. You may have previously heard it referred to as Enhanced Community Response.
Currently, Enhanced Care at Home includes six main health and social care offers which we call:
For more information on Enchanced Care at Home download the leaflet
The Home Ward (Frailty) HW(F) provides rapid assessment and wrap-around care to people in their usual place of residence, including in care homes and other residential settings, who become suddenly unwell and could normally be admitted to hospital.
The HW(F) provides rapid access to diagnostics (e.g. pathology/ radiology) and treatments that can be safely delivered at home (e.g. intravenous medicines). However because it is a multiagency team including social care colleagues people also get rapid access to increased care packages and therapy services where required. People can be supported at home with multiple visits through the day and care overnight if needed.
Medical responsibility – whilst the patient is under the care of the HW(F), the Consultant Geriatrician will have medical responsibility. There is a daily virtual MDT (Monday – Friday) where patients are reviewed and upon discharge, there is also a Discharge Advice Note so GPs are informed of the patient's time on the ward which will include any further actions to take post discharge as medical responsibility transfers back to the GP.
The Home Ward (Frailty) is available citywide within Leeds.
Referral leaflet
The Home Ward (Frailty) are keen to encourage referrals to the service to avoid hospital admissions to LTHT. There is a referrer's information leaflet which is intended for health and care professionals describing how the Home Ward works, the referral criteria and how you can help someone in your care to access the service. This leaflet is not aimed at patients, carers or any other members of the public. If you would like a copy of this leaflet please email
The HW(F) accepts referrals of patients who are:
Care home referrals must have been seen by a registered professional, e.g GP, nurse paramedic, therapist etc or the care homes employed registered nurse.
Example’s of people who could be eligible to be referred to the Home Ward (Frailty)
Neighbourhood teams will endeavor to promote the HW(F) within relevant MDT meetings.
If you have any comments on the leaflet or the HW(F) in general, please contact
The Royal college of General practitioners have developed specific guidance for care homes and an accompanying short elearning that is freely available.
Please note this video does not work on some older versions of Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer, it will work on more modern internet browsers. If the video does not work, there is a transcript
The Care Home Capacity Tracker is a web based portal designed to support minimising delayed transfers of care by enabling Care Homes to instantly share their live bed state and enable hospital discharge teams and other stakeholders to rapidly find available nursing and residential beds which significantly improves the speed and efficiency of finding capacity at the time it’s needed. Follow the link to register your home on the tracker.
NHSmail is a secure email service approved by the Department of Health and Social Care for sharing patient identifiable and sensitive information. NHSmail, messaging, and sharing can be accessed by any organisation commissioned to deliver NHS healthcare or related activities.
Social Care organisation can request NHSmail accounts to facilitate the secure sharing of personally identifiable information to support care provision between primary and secondary health services and social care provision.
The Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) is an online self-assessment tool for data security which supports organisations in demonstrating:
The Department for Health and Social Care recommends that all social care providers complete the DSPT as they will hold, process or share personal data. Completing the DSPT is a contractual requirement for those who provide care through the NHS standard contract and the toolkit helps all providers to demonstrate compliance for the GDPR, the CQC and supports information sharing.
The Care Provider Alliance developed support for the entry level for social care organisations, as it is understood that for many this will be a new process. entry level is a stepping stone to achieving at the 'Standards Met' level, will be time limited (subject to review) but will allow you to begin using NHSmail.
DSPT Team email
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