Organising events

If you would like to organise an event in Leeds, we can help you plan and make sure it takes place safely.

How we can help

Our Safety Advisory Group (SAG) can help you organise events. We work in partnership with emergency services, professional bodies on health and safety issues, and offer professional guidance.

We can help:

  • with safety and welfare at events
  • with welfare planning
  • to minimise impacts on the community
  • coordinate between all relevant agencies so that events are safe and successful
  • you in organising multi-agency meetings for planning of your event

We will also attend the Future Events Group (FEG) on your behalf. The FEG is made up of Environmental Health, Public Health, West Yorkshire Police, Emergency Planning, Entertainment Licensing and the council's legal team. We will risk score your event and get back to you with any feedback and recommendations.

You should get in touch with us at least 90 days before an event.

Contact us


Phone: 0113 378 5016​​​​​​

Events on council owned spaces

There are several council managed event spaces available to hire. Contact the team for the area you would like to book for information about specific requirements, fees and availability.

Leeds City Centre

Phone: 0113 378 6646

Millenium Square and Victoria Gardens

Phone: 0113 378 6988

Parks around the city​​

Phone: 0113 378 6002

If the venue is available on the date that you have requested, you will be asked to provide any required documents. These may include:

  • details of your public liability insurance
  • a risk assessment
  • an event management plan

Events on private properties or spaces

You'll need to contact us after completing our event notification form.

We'll review the event and let you know the next steps.

Road closures

You need to gain approval if your event will need road closures or will impact the road network. You will need to fund a temporary Traffic Regulation Order and an accredited traffic management contractor. You may also need a contractor to manage traffic in and out of the event if you're having a large amount of visitors.

Email for advice and support.

Peaceful protests, demonstrations, rallies and marches

Before organising a protest, demonstration, rally or march, or related activities please contact the West Yorkshire Police and let them know.

Temporary event notice

A temporary event notice is used for the occasional sale of alcohol, entertainment and the sale of hot food and drink (between 11pm and 5am). Regardless of the size of the premises or event site, the licence is restricted to events that have no more than 499 persons at any one time, including staff and performers.

Premises licence

For events with more than 500 people, a premises licence is needed for activities such as the sale of alcohol, hot food and drink between 11pm and 5am, and licensable entertainment.

Find further information about the temporary event notice and premises licence on our alcohol and entertainment page.