Report graffiti

Find out how to report graffiti on council buildings, private houses, businesses or other public property.

What you'll need to tell us

When you report graffiti on any building, you'll be asked for:

  • a description of the graffiti (including any writing that's in it)
  • whether it's offensive
  • what type of surface it's on (brick or plaster for example)
  • an image of the graffiti (if you have one)
  • details of the person who created the graffiti (if you know)

On council property

Report graffiti on any council properties to us. We aim to remove offensive graffiti within two working days and other graffiti within one month.

If the graffiti is hard to reach, it may take us longer than a month or might not be possible to clear. 

Report graffiti on council property

On your home

If you rent your home, you should speak to your landlord about removing graffiti.

If you own your home, try to remove the graffiti yourself if you're able. If you're unable to remove it, you can report graffiti on your property.

Removing graffiti can sometimes cause damage to property. Before we remove any graffiti, you'll need to sign a form saying that you agree to take this risk.

On someone else's home

If you report graffiti on someone else's home, we will contact the property owner to see what they want to do about it. 

If a property is rented, it is classed as a business and we would charge the landlord for removing any graffiti, if they requested us to do so.

Report graffiti on someone else's property.

On a business property

We can remove graffiti from business premises but we will charge for this unless the graffiti is offensive. If you need help removing graffiti from your property, complete our form.

On other public property

Graffiti on some public property is the responsibility of the organisation that owns it. Find out how to report it below.

Phone boxes
Bus stops, signs and stations
Post boxes
Lamp posts, street signs and bollards

Contact Southern Electric Contracting on 0800 032 5349        

BT cabinets, telegraph poles and access covers

Contact BT Open Reach on 0800 023 2023.        

Virgin Media cabinets
Electricity substations

Contact Northern Power Grid on 0800 375 675.        

Railway lines, bridges or stations
Canal tow paths, locks or bridges

Contact Canal and River Trust on 03030 404040