Help paying for care homes

  1. Help paying for care homes

    Find out how to get help to pay for your residential care.

  2. Getting a financial assessment

    You will need a financial assessment to see if you can get help to pay your care fees. Find out how to get one and what to expect.

  3. How we look at your money

    See how we look at your finances and decide if you get help to pay your care home fees.

  4. Examples: how much people pay for care homes

    See how much people pay for their care homes and how we work out the amount of financial help they get.

  5. How you will be charged

    How you will be charged for your care fees and what you’ll pay while you wait for a financial assessment.

  6. Third party top up payments

    Find out how family and friends can pay extra fees for more expensive accommodation in a care home or nursing home.

  7. If you do not qualify for help

    If you do not qualify for help to pay, there are other ways to get help with care home fees.