Physical impairment and older people's service

Find help for older people and adults living with a physical impairment who need support.

Who we help

We support adults of all ages living with a physical impairment to improve their wellbeing, independence, and access to community resources.

What we do

We are a city-wide day service providing centre-based support as well as community support with accessible transport.

Support we offer includes:

  • strength-based support – we help people achieve the things they want to do in their everyday lives we are committed to helping people build their self-confidence, achieve their aspirations, and celebrate their success
  • accessible individual and group activities
  • signposting to other groups and organisations
  • working with carers, family and friends by offering shared support, respite, information and advice
  • one-to-one support where needed, including with personal care

How to get support

You will need a social worker to make a direct referral to us. Or you can contact us for a conversation about your needs.

Contact us


0113 378 2698


For referral to the service, please call the Leeds City Council contact centre on 0113 222 4401